IOS Development Bibliography
by Developers From Devzone and Safari Content Team
With over 5.5 million participants, the European Computer Driving Licence (ECDL) is the world's largest computer skills certification and is internationally recognised as the global benchmark in this area. Following increasing demand, the ECDL foundation have launched a version of the ECDL exam for MAC users and trainers have been waiting for this first accredited coursebook dedicated to the MAC exam. It provides objective proof that the holder has achieved a standard of competence in the most c...
Java and Mac OS X (Developer Reference, #10) (Developer References)
by T. Gene Davis
Learn the guidelines of integrating Java with native Mac OS X applications with this Devloper Reference book. Java is used to create nearly every type of application that exists and is one of the most required skills of employers seeking computer programmers. Java code and its libraries can be integrated with Mac OS X features, and this book shows you how to do just that. You'll learn to write Java programs on OS X and you'll even discover how to integrate them with the Cocoa APIs. Shows how Ja...
Macaddict Guide to Making Music with Garageband
by Jay Shaffer and Gary Rosenzweig
Do you find yourself singing in the shower, pretending your shampoo bottle is your microphone and your towel is your guitar? Do you tap out drum rhythms with your pen at work? Now you can channel your musical energy using The MacAddict Guide to Making Music with GarageBand, the Mac software program that can turn you into a virtual recording star. MacAddict's focused, no-olds-barred approach is evident in this musical tutorial. Learn about pre-recorded loops that enable you to sound like you're s...
Macos Mojave for Users, Administrators, and Developers
by Wayne Dixon
Do you own an Apple Watch and want to learn and master the latest tips and tricks, new innovations to boost efficiency, proficiency, and productivity? Apple Watch encompasses a surprising number of tools into a tiny package. From messaging to productivity to advanced fitness tracking, the Apple Watch has something magnificent for all its users. Apple Watch Series 5 is the latest Smartwatch in the Apple lineup. It offers a number of unprecedented features with the aim to make the users to be more...
iTunes 6 and iPod for Windows and Macintosh
by Judith Stern and Robert Lettieri
Classroom Slides for Apple Pro Training Series (Apple Pro Training)
by Kevin White and Gordon Davisson
Developing IOS Applications with Flex 4.5 (Adobe Developer Library)
by Rich Tretola
Developing iOS applications using Adobe Flex 4.5 for mobile will walk you through creating your Flex based iPhone/iPad application. Next, you will learn how to interact with the devices camera, gallery, accelerometer, GPS, multi touch display and native services using Adobe Flex 4.5. Finally, you will learn how to compile your application and deploy to the app store.
Der Leopard zeigt Microsoft die Krallen: Das neue Betriebssystem "Mac OS X Leopard" von Apple stellt nicht nur auf Intel-Chips um, es macht auch einen Riesensatz nach vorn. Die wohl wichtigste der vielen Neuerungen: Boot Camp, das nun in das Betriebssystem integriert ist, unterstutzt Windows Vista. Mit Time Machine kann man auch langst geloschte Dokumente, Fotos oder Songs wieder aus der Versenkung herausholen. Und dass Macs nicht nur praktisch sind, sondern auch asthetisch ansprechend, beweist...
MacBook Air (2019) User Guide for Beginners & Seniors
by Aaron Madison