This is a complete revision of Michael Santifaller's best selling book, which provides practical guidance in the planning, installation and operation of UNIX based LANs. * Updated Information on TCP/IP * A substantially re-worked NFS section to include indepth explanations of the RPC paradigm, rapidly becoming the preferred mechanism for writing distributed applications beyond NFS. * A revised programming chapter that now includes program examples for socket and TLI programming that will help UN...
Being connected to the Internet means that technical professionals designing and running the network must keep tabs on the technical rules (standards) and updates. However, the only source for standards is a huge flat, online list of what's called RFCs (Requests for Comments) of every technical rule and improvement ever proposed. This list includes thousands of documents, many of which are in process, irrelevant, out-of-date, or obsolete. Most frustrating for network professionals is that there...
The field of Home Area Networks (HAN), a dedicated residential subset of LAN technologies for home-based use, is fast becoming the next frontier for the communications industry. This book describes the various technologies involved in the implementation of a HAN: high-speed Internet connections, indoor implementations, services, software, and management packages. It also reviews multimedia applications (which are increasingly the most important and complex aspects of most HANs) with a detailed...
Get to grips with a new technology, understand what it is and what it can do for you, and then get to work with the most important features and tasks. Written as a practical guide, Wireshark Starter will show you all you need to know to effectively capture and analyze network traffic. This book is specially designed for new learners who are willing to dive deeper into network analysis using Wireshark. It requires a basic understanding of network protocols and their implementation and is equally...
Penetration Tester's Open Source Toolkit
by Chris Hurley and Jeremy Faircloth
Penetration testing a network requires a delicate balance of art and science. A penetration tester must be creative enough to think outside of the box to determine the best attack vector into his own network, and also be expert in using the literally hundreds of tools required to execute the plan. This book provides both the art and the science. The authors of the book are expert penetration testers who have developed many of the leading pen testing tools; such as the Metasploit framework. The...
Provides IT professionals and help desk staff with the information needed to understand and use Dell switches. The table of contents has been developed and vetted Dell product managers, trainers, and staff.
Troubleshooting Campus Networks
by Priscilla Oppenheimer and Joseph Bardwell
All network designers and administrators want their campus LANs to run efficiently. This book provides tips and techniques for using protocol analyzers and other tools to recognize problems for both Cisco and multiprotocol traffic patterns. Focuses on troubleshooting problems that arise from the Cisco routers inter-operating with many other network protocols Covers both legacy and cutting-edge technologies Authors are respected in the field for their teaching and training development skills i...
Handbook on Networked Multipoint Multimedia Conferencing and Multistream Immersive Telepresence using SIP
by Radhika Ranjan Roy
Handbook on Networked Multipoint Multimedia Conferencing and Multistream Immsersive Telepresence using SIP: Scalable Distributed Applications and Media Control over Internet is the first book to put together all IETF request for comments (RFCs), and the internet drafts standards related to the multipoint conferencing and immersive telepresence. This book includes mandatory and optional texts of all standards in a chronological and systematic way almost with one-to-one integrity from the beginni...
This comprehensive handbook delivers the answers to all your gigabit Ethernet questions - direct from the leading industry experts on this high-speed technology. And it's edited by Stephen Saunders, the award-winning executive editor of Data Communications, the world's premier networking technology publication. Let this handbook show you how to harness the power of gigabit Ethernet - and avoid the pitfalls. Net managers, network architects, and consultants can all benefit from this straightforwa...
Leverage the full potential of IoT with the combination of Raspberry Pi 3 and Python and architect a complete IoT system that is the best fit for your organizationKey FeaturesBuild complex Python-based applications with IoTExplore different concepts, technologies, and tradeoffs in the IoT architectural stackDelve deep into each element of the IoT design—from sensors to the cloudBook DescriptionThe Internet of Things (IoT) is the fastest growing technology market. Industries are embracing IoT tec...
Switch/Router Architectures (IEEE Series on Digital & Mobile Communication)
by Dr. James Aweya
A practicing engineer's inclusive review of communication systems based on shared-bus and shared-memory switch/router architectures This book delves into the inner workings of router and switch design in a comprehensive manner that is accessible to a broad audience. It begins by describing the role of switch/routers in a network, then moves on to the functional composition of a switch/router. A comparison of centralized versus distributed design of the architecture is also presented. The author...
Wake-Up Receiver Based Ultra-Low-Power Wban (Analog Circuits and Signal Processing)
This book presents the cross-layer design and optimization of wake-up receivers for wireless body area networks (WBAN), with an emphasis on low-power circuit design. This includes the analysis of medium access control (MAC) protocols, mixer-first receiver design, and implications of receiver impairments on wideband frequency-shift-keying (FSK) receivers. Readers will learn how the overall power consumption is reduced by exploiting the characteristics of body area networks. Theoretical models pre...
What every electrical engineering student and technical professional needs to know about data exchange across networks While most electrical engineering students learn how the individual components that make up data communication technologies work, they rarely learn how the parts work together in complete data communication networks. In part, this is due to the fact that until now there have been no texts on data communication networking written for undergraduate electrical engineering students....
Design and Simulation of Spectrum Management Methods for Wireless Local Area Networks
It's an increasingly wired world, but many people are finding that the best way to get connected is to do away with wires entirely. From cable replacement to universal Internet connectivity, wireless technology is changing the way we connect to our machines and to each other. As with any new technology, buying your gear is only the first step. Understanding how to make the best use of it is another story. "Wireless Hacks" offers 100 industrial-strength tips about wireless networking, contributed...
Local Area Networks to WANS (Telecommunications Library)
by Nathan J Muller and Robert P. Davidson
Delivers the hard information the reader needs to assess network options for the 1990s. It describes how networks are configured, what your options are in the multivendor environment, and how you can get the most efficient and effective network solutions with limited communications budgets.
CCNA Wireless Official Exam Certification Guide (CCNA IUWNE 640-721) (Official Cert Guide)
by Brandon Carroll
CCNA Wireless Official Exam Certification Guide Master IUWNE 640-721 exam topics with the official study guide Assess your knowledge with chapter-opening quizzes Review key concepts with Exam Preparation Tasks Practice with realistic exam questions on the CD-ROM CCNA Wireless Official Exam Certification Guide is a best of breed Cisco (R) exam study guide that focuses specifically on the objectives for the CCNA (R) Wireless IUWNE exam. Senior instructor Brandon Carroll s...
This bestseller, updated and expanded to cover the new features and capabilities of version "X", describes the specifics of building and maintaining NetWare LANs, including selection criteria, cabling, installation, and on-going management; covers the basics of LAN hardware, software, and communications protocols; provides step-by-step instructions for installing NetWare version "X"; and more.
Street Computing
This book develops tools and techniques that will help urban residents gain access to urban computing. Metaphorically speaking, it is taking computing to the street by giving the general public - rather than just researchers and professionals - the power to leverage available city infrastructure and create solutions tailored to their individual needs. It brings together five articles that are based on presentations given at the Street Computing Workshop held on 24 November 2009 in Melbourne in c...
High-Speed Wireless ATM and LANs (Artech House Mobile Communications Library)
by Benny Bing
A discussion of the technological issues associated with wireless local area networks (WLANs) as a means of providing cable-free data access, easy upgrading and flexible reconfiguration compared to the extensive multimedia and intensive application support provided by terrestrial and satellite asynchronous transfer mode (ATM) networks. It explores the benefits and the issues related to developing wireless ATM and provides an overview of both WLAN and WATM technologies, as well as their global st...