This book will provide real IT examples, templates and resources for an IT professional to grow his or her ability in order to positively influence the people that define the IT leader's role. An IT leader must be a relationship manager, building solid patterns of communication with and between the CIO, the business customers and the technical staff. The authors explain the core competencies: Awareness, Performance, Improvement and Transformation. These competencies were developed through market...
Intended as a text or supplement for Information Systems, Management Information Systems, or Advanced Management Information Systems in departments of business. This book uses cases to explain Management Information Systems concepts within an industry perspective. The cases are direct, real and written in the late '90's. Each chapter contains specific sections to thoroughly present and explain the relevant information systems and business concepts. Built upon extensive information technology se...
Managing "knowledge" is a new and vital skill for corporations. In the information economy, the organization that knows the most about itself and its business is best positioned for success. But, how do you begin to implement a knowledge management strategy? How can you get started making better use of your organization's data, information, and knowledge? Managing Knowledge is the first practical guide to applying the theories and reaping the benefits of knowledge management. You will learn tool...
Securing Business Information addresses one of today's most critical IT challenges: keeping enterprise data secure in a widely distributed, Internet-centric environment. Drawing upon advanced research and consulting at META Group, it introduces a comprehensive, six-part process for implementing the highest practical level of information security throughout the enterprise. The authors cover every step involved in maximizing information security. Begin by preparing the enterprise for a major secur...
Enriching the Value Chain: Infrastructure Strategies Beyond the Enterprise explains how adaptive infrastructure techniques can create a more focused, organized approach to delivering and supporting high-agility applications for e-Business and beyond. Along the way, the book recommends best practices for dealing with architecture and technology issues within the infrastructure in a way that can lead to success.
This book sets out to address the causes of IT project failure and provides the reader with an opportunity so often denied within their own workplace – to learn the lessons from project failure. It uses private and public sector case studies to show how projects can fail easily if only a small number of critical success factors are not met. Key Features Understand the impact of failed projects and why they failed in the first place. Provides you with a comprehensive set of guidelines an...
B2B Application Integration (Addison-Wesley Information Technology)
by David S. Linthicum
In B2B Application Integration, noted enterprise application integration expert David Linthicum presents a timely, sophisticated introduction to middleware: the glue that holds today's rapidly changing e-Business IT infrastructures together. This book covers all aspects of e-Business integration, from concepts to technology, helping any IT professional understand how to leverage middleware to achieve business goals. Linthicum introduces each key technology enabling B2B application integration, i...
A guide to the best practices for managing large IT projects. Starts with basic principles and develops guidelines for dealing with the increasing complexity of hardware and software. Includes coverage of why projects go wrong and the critical people and process issues that must be addressed by IT managers. Other topics covered include crises management, rapid application development, quality management, risk management, and the emerging role of the Internet.
Digital Customer Experience Management der Plattform Steam (Essentials)
by Benjamin Spottke
Im Zuge der Digitalisierung werden Gestaltung und Management der Digital Customer Experience zunehmend wertvoller. Technologieführer diverser Branchen sind besonders dafür bekannt, digitale Interaktionen zwischen Nutzern, Drittanbietern und weiteren Akteuren erfolgreich zu organisieren. In diesem essential wird die Videospieleplattform Steam mit der Fallstudienmethode untersucht. Basierend auf der Analyse von Steam werden Handlungsempfehlungen abgeleitet, die auch für Unternehmen in traditionell...
Zunehmende Vernetzung von Unternehmen durch gemeinsame Nutzung von Produktionskapazitäten leistet einen maßgeblichen Beitrag zur Reduktion von Kosten und Kapitalbindung sowie Steigerung der Flexibilität, Resilienz, Kundenzufriedenheit und des Umsatzes. Die „Sharing Economy“ findet nach und nach auch im Business-to-Business-Umfeld Anwendung. Klassische Beziehungen zwischen Unternehmen lassen sich dabei idealerweise mittels digitaler Plattformen abbilden und Produktionskapazitäten auf elektronis...
Künstliche Intelligenz als Substitut menschlicher Arbeit (Bestmasters)
by Vanessa Carolin Schmieder
Vanessa Carolin Schmieder beschäftigt sich mit der Einbindung künstlicher Intelligenz in repetitive Arbeiten in die Verwaltungsprozesse mittelständischer Unternehmen und untersucht zugleich den Menschen als zentrale Schnittstelle zwischen maschineller intelligenter Datenverarbeitung und seinen nicht einfach reproduzierbaren individuellen Fähigkeiten. Die Autorin stellt sich der Frage: „Wo verbleibt der Mensch, sofern Strukturänderungen dort stattfinden, wo bereits Standards existieren oder gesch...
Dieses Buch stellt mit dem Cooperation-Experience-Ansatz miteinander verknüpfte Methoden und (Software-)Werkzeuge vor, die für das Kooperationsmanagement in der Konzeptionsphase wertvolle Hilfsmittel bieten. Der Ansatz umfasst ein Workshop-Konzept zur Etablierung gemeinschaftlicher Handlungsgrundlagen, eine Modellierungsmethode zur visuellen Planung der Kooperation, Softwareprototypen für die Modellierung und zum frühzeitigen „Erfahren der Kooperationen“ sowie ein Referenzmodell, das speziell fü...
Engineering of Software
Software engineering research can trace its roots to a few highly influential individuals. Among that select group is Leon J. Osterweil, who has been a major force in driving software engineering from its infancy to its modern reality. For more than three decades, Prof. Osterweil's work has fundamentally defined or significantly impacted major directions in software analysis, development tools and environments, and software process--all critical parts of software engineering as it is practiced t...
This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 28th IFIP TC 11 International Information Security and Privacy Conference, SEC 2013, held in Auckland, New Zealand, in July 2013. The 31 revised full papers presented were carefully reviewed and selected from 83 submissions. The papers are organized in topical sections on malware, authentication and authorization, network security/cryptography, software security, policy compliance and obligations, privacy protection, risk analysis and securit...
Dynamics of Long-Life Assets
This book is published under a CC BY-NC 4.0 license. The editors present essential methods and tools to support a holistic approach to the challenge of system upgrades and innovation in the context of high-value products and services. The approach presented here is based on three main pillars: an adaptation mechanism based on a broad understanding of system dependencies; efficient use of system knowledge through involvement of actors throughout the process; and technological solutions to enable...
Formal Modelling in Electronic Commerce (International Handbooks on Information Systems)
Advances in automation for electronic commerce require improved understanding and formalization of the objects, processes, and policies of commerce itself. These include business objects such as bills of lading and contracts; processes such as workflows and trade procedures; and policies covering such problems as contract or procedure validation and strategic behaviour. This book is about theory, formalization, and proof-of-concept implementation of these and related matters. In addition to pres...
Die Beiträge des Sammelbandes zeigen die große Vielfalt der Erscheinungsformen strategischer Fragestellungen in der Wirtschaft auf. Schwerpunktthemen sind zum einen die Instrumente und die Vorgehensweisen der strategischen Planung, zum anderen die strategischen Informationssysteme und die mit ihrer Nutzung verbundenen Fragestellungen. Im ersten Komplex geht es um die integrierte Technologie- und Marktplanung, die Analyse von Wettbewerbsstrukturen, die Szenario-Technik, den Totalen Wertschöpfungs...
Dynamic Capabilities und Wettbewerbsfähigkeit durch Cloud Computing
by Marc Roman Franke
Marc Roman Franke untersucht den Wertbeitrag von Public Cloud Computing zur Steigerung von Innovationsfähigkeit, Agilität und Wissen in Unternehmen. Im Zentrum der Arbeit stehen dessen Nachweis sowie die Frage, welche technologischen, organisatorischen und externen Faktoren die Adoption beeinflussen. Vorstände und Entscheider aus Fach- und IT Organisation werden befragt, dazu Länder- und Industrieunterschiede analysiert. Die Ergebnisse sind von hoher Relevanz für Wissenschaft und Praxis. Vor all...
This book presents selected papers on Business Management and Technology, focusing on recent research in Business, Optimization, Technology, and Global Issues. Organized in four broad tracks, papers examine Management Challenges in Today’s Industry, especially concerning changes in customer demands; Optimization Challenges in Today’s Business, looking at efficiency and effectiveness in providing goods and services at affordable prices; Innovation in Hospitality and Tourism; and Technological Cha...
Alexander Haas schafft mit der Entwicklung der Intelligence Systeme als mögliche Weiterentwicklung der Business Intelligence und deren konkreter Anwendung im Logistik- und Supply Chain Management einen Ansatz, den Herausforderungen der Digitalisierung entgegen zu treten. Dazu wird ein zentrales Lebenszyklusmodell entworfen, welches modular aus Referenz- und Vorgehensmodellen zur Beschreibung und Lösung relevanter digitaler Probleme in den Anwendungsdomänen des Logistik- und Supply Chain Manageme...
As all business becomes e-Business, managers and IT professionals must implement IT architectures that are effective, flexible, resilient enough to handle relentless change, growth, and acceleration -- or risk becoming uncompetitive virtually overnight. Written for both managers and technical professionals, E-Business and IS Solutions: An Architectural Approach to Business Problems and Opportunities offers complete, high-level guidance for defining and implementing IT architectures that enable e...
The implementation or upgrading of an SAP R/3 system is a complex and highly sophisticated process, in the course of which a number of challenges will inevitably be faced. Drawing on their extensive experience as SAP consultants, Marcus Geiss and Roland Soltysiak present a new dynamic implementation method which has been tested and proven to avoid the common pitfalls associated with the standard SAP procedural model. Over 16,000 SAP R/3 projects have been completed worldwide to date and the comp...
Business rules are transforming the design of enterprise database systems, enabling companies to achieve dramatic benefits in speed, flexibility, productivity, and platform-independence. In What Not How, C. J. Date -- one of the world's leading database experts -- offers the first concise, non-technical introduction to business rules. Date explains how business rules allow applications to be developed declaratively -- by simply stating what needs to be done, rather than exactly how to do it. He...
Pathway to Interview Success for Project Managers/Agile Project Managers
by Emily Berencroft-Davies