VLSI Algorithms and Architectures (Lecture Notes in Computer Science, #227)
Argumentation in Multi-Agent Systems (Lecture Notes in Computer Science, #6614) (Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence, #5384)
The theory of argumentation is a rich, interdisciplinary area of research lying across philosophy, communication studies, linguistics, and psychology (at least). Its techniques and results have found a wide range of applications in both t- oretical and practical branches of arti?cial intelligence and computer science. Several theories of argumentation with various semantics have been proposed in the literature. Multi-agent systems theory has picked up argument-inspired approaches and speci?cally...
Intheworldweliveinconcurrencyisthenorm.Forexample,thehumanbody isamassivelyconcurrentsystem,comprisingahugenumberofcells,allsim- taneously evolving and independently engaging in their individual biological processing.Inaddition,inthebiologicalworld,trulysequentialsystemsrarely arise. However, they are more common when manmade artefacts are cons- ered. In particular, computer systems are often developed from a sequential perspective. Why is this? The simple reason is that it is easier for us to t...
Developments in Language Theory (Lecture Notes in Computer Science, #2295)
DLT 2001 was the ?fth Conference on Developments in Language Theory. It was a broadly based conference covering all aspects of Language Theory: grammars and - ceptorsforstrings,graphs,arrays,etc.;ef?cientalgorithmsforlanguages;combinatorial andalgebraicpropertiesoflanguages;decisionproblems;relationstocomplexitytheory; logic; picture description and analysis; DNA computing; cryptography; concurrency. DLT 2001 was held at Technische Universitat .. Wien from July 16 to July 21, 2001. The Organizin...
Blockchain, Big Data and Machine Learning
Present book covers new paradigms in Blockchain, Big Data and Machine Learning concepts including applications and case studies. It explains dead fusion in realizing the privacy and security of blockchain based data analytic environment. Recent research of security based on big data, blockchain and machine learning has been explained through actual work by practitioners and researchers, including their technical evaluation and comparison with existing technologies. The theoretical background and...
th Thisvolumecontainsaselectionofthebestcontributionsdeliveredatthe6 - ternational Meeting on Computational Intelligence Methods for Bioinformatics andBiostatistics(CIBB2009)heldatOratorioSanFilippoNeriinGenoa(Italy) during October 15-17, 2009. TheCIBBmeetingseriesisorganizedbytheSpecialInterestGrouponBio- formatics of the International Neural Network Society (INNS) to provide a - rum open to researchers from di?erent disciplines to present and discuss pr- lems concerning computational technique...
Graph Transformation (Theoretical Computer Science and General Issues, #8571)
This book constitutes the proceedings of the 7th InternationalConference on Graph Transformations, ICGT 2014, held in York, UK, in July 2014.The 17 papers and 1 invited paper presented were carefully reviewed and selected from numerous submissions. The papers are organized in topical sections on verification, meta-modelling and model transformations, rewriting and applications in biology, graph languages and graph transformation, and applications.
Adaptive and Natural Computing Algorithms (Lecture Notes in Computer Science, #6593)
The ICANNGA series of Conferences has been organised since 1993 and has a long history of promoting the principles and understanding of computational intelligence paradigms within the scientific community and is a reference for established workers in this area. Starting in Innsbruck, in Austria (1993), then to Ales in Prance (1995), Norwich in England (1997), Portoroz in Slovenia (1999), Prague in the Czech Republic (2001) and finally Roanne, in France (2003), the ICANNGA series has established...
IoT and AI Technologies for Sustainable Living
This book brings together all the latest methodologies, tools and techniques related to the Internet of Things and Artificial Intelligence in a single volume to build insight into their use in the sustainable living. The applications include areas such as agriculture, smart farming, healthcare, bioinformatics, self-diagnosis system, body sensor network, multimedia mining, multimedia in forensics and security. It provides a comprehensive discussion of modeling and implementation in water resourc...
Healthcare Solutions Using Machine Learning and Informatics
Healthcare Solutions Using Machine Learning and Informatics covers novel and innovative solutions for healthcare that apply machine learning and biomedical informatics technology. The healthcare sector is one of the most critical in society. This book presents a series of artificial intelligence, machine learning, and intelligent IoT-based solutions for medical image analysis, medical big-data processing, and disease predictions. Machine learning and artificial intelligence use cases in healthca...
Scalable Shared-Memory Multiprocessing
by Daniel E Lenoski and Wolf-Dietrich Weber
Dr. Lenoski and Dr. Weber have experience with leading-edge research and practical issues involved in implementing large-scale parallel systems. They were key contributors to the architecture and design of the DASH multiprocessor. Currently, they are involved with commercializing scalable shared-memory technology.
Design and Analysis of Randomized Algorithms (Texts in Theoretical Computer Science. an Eatcs)
by J Hromkovic
Systematically teaches key paradigmic algorithm design methods Provides a deep insight into randomization
A central theme in the study of dynamic systems is the modelling and control of uncertain systems. While 'uncertainty' has long been a strong motivating factor behind many techniques developed in the modelling, control, statistics and mathematics communities, the past decade, in particular, has witnessed remarkable progress in this area with the emergence of a number of powerful newmethodsforbothmodellingandcontrollinguncertaindynamicsystems. The speci?c objective of this book is to describe and...
This treatment of the classical decision problem of mathematical logic and its role in modern computer science provides an analysis of the natural order of decidable and undecidable cases. Of particular interest is the complete classification of the solvable and unsolvable standard cases of the classical decision problem, the complexity analysis of the solvable cases, the extremely comprehensive treatment of the reduction method, and the model-theoretic analysis of solvable cases. Many simple pr...
Fuzzy Logic and Applications (Lecture Notes in Computer Science, #8256) (Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence, #5571)
This volume constitutes the thoroughly refereed post-workshop proceedings of the 6th International Workshop on Fuzzy Logic and Applications held in September 2005. The 50 revised full papers and 32 short papers presented together with three invited papers were carefully reviewed and selected from 86 submissions. The papers are organized in topical sections on neuro-fuzzy systems, fuzzy logic and possibility theory, pattern recognition, evolutionary algorithms, control, bioinformatics, image proc...
These transactions publish research in computer-based methods of computational collective intelligence (CCI) and their applications in a wide range of fields such as the semantic Web, social networks and multiagent systems. TCCI strives to cover new methodological, theoretical, and practical aspects of CCI understood as the form of intelligence that emerges from the collaboration and competition of many individuals (artificial and/or natural). The application of multiple computational intelligen...
Sets, Logic and Maths for Computing (Undergraduate Topics in Computer Science)
by David Makinson
This book equips the student with essential intellectual tools that are needed from the very beginning of university studies in computing. These consist of abilities and skills - to pass from a concrete problem to an abstract representation, reason with the abstract structure coherently and usefully, and return with booty to the specific situation. The most basic and useful concepts needed come from the worlds of sets (with also their employment as relations and functions), structures (notably t...
A Concise Introduction to Languages and Machines (Undergraduate Topics in Computer Science)
by Alan P Parkes
A Concise Introduction to Languages, Machines and Logic provides an accessible introduction to three key topics within computer science: formal languages, abstract machines and formal logic. Written in an easy-to-read, informal style, this textbook assumes only a basic knowledge of programming on the part of the reader. The approach is deliberately non-mathematical, and features: - Clear explanations of formal notation and jargon, - Extensive use of examples to illustrate algorithms and proofs,...
This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Theory and Applications of Satisfiability Testing, SAT 2011, held in Ann Arbor, MI, USA in June 2011. The 25 revised full papers presented together with abstracts of 2 invited talks and 10 poster papers were carefully reviewed and selected from 57 submissions. The papers are organized in topical sections on complexity analysis, binary decision diagrams, theoretical analysis, extraction of minimal unsatisfiabl...
This book provides theoretical and practical knowledge on AI and swarm intelligence. It provides a methodology for EA (evolutionary algorithm)-based approach for complex adaptive systems with the integration of several meta-heuristics, e.g., ACO (Ant Colony Optimization), ABC (Artificial Bee Colony), and PSO (Particle Swarm Optimization), etc. These developments contribute towards better problem-solving methodologies in AI. The book also covers emerging uses of swarm intelligence in applications...