Oracle 8 Certified Professional DBA Certification Exam Guide (Oracle Press)
by Jason Couchman
This comprehensive study guide contains lesson materials, chapter reviews, two-minute drills, 10-15 multiple choice questions per chapter, modeled after the OCP exam and answers with explanations for all of the five required tests'
An IT professional provides a concise guide to the fundamentals of Microsoft Access. This book offers ten-minute lessons which cover the application's most comonly referenced topics.
Fundamentals of Database Systems with Oracle 10g Programming
by Ramez Elmasri and Shamkant Navathe
This volume serves as a practical tutorial for programmers and developers who want to write new dBASE for Windows applications or convert older dBASE files to the object-oriented Windows environment. Hursch and Hursch address every aspect of database programming using dBASE for Windows, stressing the software's generous interoperability and cross-platform performance. Beginning with an overview of object-oriented methodology in software development, the authors describe each new enhancement and...
This book constitutes the thoroughly refereed postproceedings of the Second International Workshop on Semantic Web and Databases, SWDB 2004, held in Toronto, Canada in August 2004 as a satellite workshop of VLDB 2004. The 14 revised full papers presented together with 2 papers by the invited keynote speakers were carefully selected during two rounds of reviewing and improvement from 47 submissions. Among the topics addressed are data semantics, semantic Web services, service-oriented computing,...
Calculation of Local Equilibrium Correction Factors for the 2016 Skid resistance surveys (Published Project Reports, #826)
by S Brittain
Applications, 2nd Edition focuses on moving object management, from the location management perspective to determining how constantly changing locations affect the traditional database and data mining technology. The book specifically describes the topics of moving objects modeling and location tracking, indexing and querying, clustering, location uncertainty, traffic-aware navigation and privacy issues, as well as the application to intelligent transportation systems. Through the book, the read...
An introduction to Version 5.0 of the Clipper database programming environment, which includes information and advice on a range of new capabilities and features. The text offers readers a variety of techniques that can be applied to the toughest programming problems.
Learn Microsoft Access 2.0 for Windows in a Day (Popular Applications S.)
by Russell A. Stultz
Database Administrator Log (Log Book, Journal - 125 pgs, 8.5 X 11 inches) (Centurion Logbooks/Record Books)
by Centurion Logbooks
Engineering Databases (Symbolic Computation) (Computer Graphics - Systems and Applications)
Automation is nothing new to industry. It has a long tradition on the factory floor, where its constant objective has been to increase the productivity of manufacturing processes. Only with the advent of computers could the focus of automation widen to include administrative and information-handling tasks. More recently, automation has been extended to the more intellectual tasks of production planning and control, material and resource planning, engineering design, and quality control. New chal...