iTQ Level 2 E-mail Using Outlook 2003
Outlook 2010: Advanced, First Look Edition, Instructor's Manual
If you are a Lotus professional looking to update your CLP 4 status or starting down the road to the CLP 5 certification, the Fast Track title offers you all the information you need to pass the 3 exams that make up the Application Development certification. As you know, with the release of R5, Lotus updated their certification strategy to include task-specific testing levels, while maintaining the division between System Administration and Application Development within their testing arena. The...
Lotus Notes is a client/server platform for developing and deploying groupware applications. It allows people to access, share and organize information more easily via a computer network. Since the introduction of Notes in 1989, customers have been using this software to improve business processes such as customer service, sales and account management, and product development. This text is intended for small and medium-size businesses who want to gain proficiency in a core area of Lotus Notes -...
Wi-Fi Telephony (Communications Engineering)
by Praphul Chandra and David R Lide
Wi-Fi telephony is the latest, most cost effective, and clearest way of carrying voice data wirelessly. The great news is that it can be integrated seamlessly into the same infrastructures as currently used for computer and telephone data.The digital quality is far above current cellular technologies. This book will be among the first to discuss Session Initiation Protocol (SIP), Quality of Service (QoS), and interoperability in connection with Wi-Fi telephony. Security challenges are also pres...
101 Quick Tips: Create a Great Customer Experience brings together two of the most respected and accomplished customer service exponents in New Zealand. This is top tips for communication, acquiring and maintaining customers and promoting excellence within your organisation.
This work focuses upon Microsoft exchange server, the electronic messaging product for Windows NT. It is aimed at those interested in deploying Microsoft's electronic server, commonly encountered in large-scale corporate messaging environments. Exchange server builds on the success of Microsoft's Mail (over 7 million clients connected to over 40,000 post offices). Exchange has integration into the Windows NT operating system and features seat system administration, high-powered transactional inf...
Microsoft Exchange Server Best Practices
by Joel Stidley and Siegfried Jagott
Apply best practices for administering Exchange Server 2013-and optimize your operational efficiency and results. This guide captures the field-tested solutions, real-world lessons, and candid advice of practitioners across the range of business and technical scenarios-and across the IT life cycle. Gain expert insights on what works, where to make tradeoffs, and how to implement the best decisions for your organization. Apply scenario-based guidance for planning and deployment Prepare the serv...
Effectively master all the time-saving tools (e-mail, personal calendaring, group scheduling, task management, rule-based message management, and workflow routing) provided by GroupWise through one convenient manual that covers the basic quickly and efficiently. Enhances learning process through the use of functional two-colour visuals, and examples/exercises from real-life business settings.
Microsoft Outlook 2010 Quick Tips Guide (Microsoft Quick Tips Guides, #12)
Professional Outlook 2000 Programming
by Chris Burnham, Dwayne Gifford, and Ken Slovak
MCSE Exchange 2000 Administration Exam Preparation
by Phillip G Schein and Evan Benjamin
MCSE Exchange 2000 Design Exam Prep (Exam prep)
by Michael Shannon
Microsoft Outlook 97 For Windows For Dummies Quick Reference
by Bill Dyszel
To get a real productivity boost from Outlook, you need Microsoft Outlook 97 For Windows For Dummies Quick Reference. With this handy, concise guide, you won't waste time looking up how to use the many powerful features built into Microsoft's multifaceted scheduler, contact manager, and communications program. The perfect on-the-road companion to the in-depth Microsoft Outlook 97 For Windows For Dummies provides practical tips so that you can take advantage of the Outlook program's capabilities...
The Complete M. C. I. Mail Handbook (The Bantam on-line services library)
by Stephen Maries
Exploring Microsoft Office 14 Getting Started with Groove
by Mary Anne Poatsy, Robert T. Grauer, Barbara S. Stover, and TBD
No further information has been provided for this title.
Successfully implementing and managing Exchange Server 5.5 is no easy task - and neither is passing Microsoft's MCSE Exam on Exchange Server! With this book, you can do both. Marcus Goncalves, who has personally led enterprise-wide Exchange migrations, tells you all you need to know to plan, implement, configure and maintain Exchange Server 5.5. The book parallels Microsoft's MCSE course. But it's much more than a mere "cram guide": it's a total learning solution, with sample tests, a companion...