This book constitutes of the major results of the EU COST (European Cooperation in the field of Scientific and Technical Research) Action 277: NSP, Nonlinear Speech Processing, running from April 2001 to June 2005. Coverage includes such areas as speech analysis for speech synthesis, speech recognition, speech-non speech discrimination and voice quality assessment, speech enhancement, and emotional state detection.
Deep learning networks are getting smaller. Much smaller. The Google Assistant team can detect words with a model just 14 kilobytes in size--small enough to run on a microcontroller. With this practical book you'll enter the field of TinyML, where deep learning and embedded systems combine to make astounding things possible with tiny devices.Pete Warden and Daniel Situnayake explain how you can train models small enough to fit into any environment. Ideal for software and hardware developers who...
Pattern Recognition with Support Vector Machines (Lecture Notes in Computer Science, #2388)
With their introduction in 1995, Support Vector Machines (SVMs) marked the beginningofanewerainthelearningfromexamplesparadigm.Rootedinthe Statistical Learning Theory developed by Vladimir Vapnik at AT&T, SVMs quickly gained attention from the pattern recognition community due to a n- beroftheoreticalandcomputationalmerits.Theseinclude,forexample,the simple geometrical interpretation of the margin, uniqueness of the solution, s- tistical robustness of the loss function, modularity of the kernel...
This book constitutes the thoroughly refereed post-proceedings of the First International Workshop on Complex Motion, IWCM 2004, held in Schloss Reisensburg, Gunzburg, Germany, in October 2004. The 17 full papers presented are fully revised to incorporate reviewers' comments and discussions at the workshop.
Evolutionary Synthesis of Pattern Recognition Systems (Monographs in Computer Science) (Lecture Notes in Mathematics)
by Bir Bhanu, Krzysztof Krawiec, and Yingqiang Lin
Integrates computer vision, pattern recognition, and AI. Presents original research that will benefit researchers and professionals in computer vision, pattern recognition, target recognition, machine learning, evolutionary learning, image processing, knowledge discovery and data mining, cybernetics, robotics, automation and psychology
New Methods and Paradigms for Modeling Dynamic Processes Based on Cellular Automata
by Stepan Mykolayovych Bilan
The accelerating development of computer technology and communications can replace many of the functions of human intellectual activity, as well as help them in making decisions in various situations of their lives. To implement intelligent functions for various purposes, numerous models, paradigms, architectures, and hardware and software are being developed. Because the world is constantly evolving, there is a need to constantly study various dynamic processes to determine possible negative si...
IbPRIA 2005 (Iberian Conference on Pattern Recognition and Image Analysis) was the second of a series of conferences jointly organized every two years by the Portuguese and Spanish Associations for Pattern Recognition (APRP, AERFAI), with the support of the International Association for Pattern Recognition (IAPR). This year, IbPRIA was hosted by the Institute for Systems and Robotics and the Geo-systems Center of the Instituto Superior Tecn ico and it was held in Estoril, Por- gal. It provided...
Implicit Objects in Computer Graphics
by Jonas Gomes, Luiz Velho, and Luiz H De Figueiredo
Implicit definition and description of geometric objects and surfaces plays a critical role in the appearance and manipulation of computer graphics. In addition, the mathematical definition of shapes, using an implicit form, has pivotal applications for geometric modeling, visualization and animation. Until recently, the parametric form has been by far the most popular geometric representation used in computer graphics and computer-aided design. Whereas parametric objects and the techniques asso...
This book constitutes the refereed post-conference proceedings of the 8th IFIP WG 5.14 International Conference on Computer and Computing Technologies in Agriculture, CCTA 2014, held in Beijing, China, in September 2014. The 81 revised papers included in this volume were carefully selected from 216 submissions. They cover a wide range of interesting theories and applications of information technology in agriculture, including intelligent sensing, monitoring and automatic control technology; key...
Mathematics - Key Technology for the Future
In 1993, the Federal Ministry of Research and Education of the Federal - public of Germany (BMBF) started the ?rst of now ?ve periods of funding mathematics for industry and services. To date, its e?orts have supported approximately 280 projects investigating complex problems in industry and services.Whereasstandardproblemscanbe solvedusing standardmathem- ical methods and software o? the shelf, complex problems arising from e.g. industrial research and developments require advanced and innovati...
Here are the refereed proceedings of the First International Conference on Knowledge Science, Engineering and Management, KSEM 2006, held in Guilin, China in August 2006 in conjunction with PRICAI 2006. The book presents 51 revised full papers and 57 revised short papers together with 4 invited talks, reporting a wealth of new ideas and current research results in the broad areas of knowledge science, knowledge engineering, and knowledge management.
This short book presents a framework for assessing the reliability and availability of visual quality control systems, placing particular emphasis on wavelet-based analysis. It presents experimental results pertaining to the sensitivity of visual quality control to noise, as an example of dependencies. The influencing parameters are analyzed and included in the reliability model. These parameters are divided between the software and the hardware group, with one condition representing a combinati...
We met again in front of the statue of Gottfried Wilhelm von Leibniz in the city of Leipzig. Leibniz, a famous son of Leipzig, planned automatic logical inference using symbolic computation, aimed to collate all human knowledge. Today, artificial intelligence deals with large amounts of data and knowledge and finds new information using machine learning and data mining. Machine learning and data mining are irreplaceable subjects and tools for the theory of pattern recognition and in applications...
This book introduces readers to the fundamentals of deep neural network architectures, with a special emphasis on memristor circuits and systems. At first, the book offers an overview of neuro-memristive systems, including memristor devices, models, and theory, as well as an introduction to deep learning neural networks such as multi-layer networks, convolution neural networks, hierarchical temporal memory, and long short term memories, and deep neuro-fuzzy networks. It then focuses on the desig...
Guide to Intelligent Data Analysis (Texts in Computer Science)
by Michael R Berthold, Christian Borgelt, and Frank H Ppner
Each passing year bears witness to the development of ever more powerful computers, increasingly fast and cheap storage media, and even higher bandwidth data connections. This makes it easy to believe that we can now - at least in principle - solve any problem we are faced with so long as we only have enough data. Yet this is not the case. Although large databases allow us to retrieve many different single pieces of information and to compute simple aggregations, general patterns and regularit...
Reasoning with Uncertainty in Robotics (Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence, #1093)
This book presents the refereed proceedings of the International Workshop on Reasoning with Uncertainty in Robotics, RUR'95, held in Amsterdam, The Netherlands, in December 1995. The book contains 13 revised full papers carefully selected for presentation during the workshop together with six invited papers. Also included are two comprehensive tutorial texts and an introduction by the volume editors. Thus the book is both a competent state-of-the-art report on current research and development an...
These are the proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Intelligent Technologies for Interactive Entertainment (INTETAIN 09). The ?rst edition of this conference, organised in Madonna di Campiglio, saw the gathering of a diverse audience with broad and varied interests. With presentations on topics ranging from underlying technology to intelligent interaction and entertainment applications, several inspiring invited lectures, a demonstration session and a hands-on design garage, that ?r...
This book constitutes the proceedings of the First International Conference on User Modeling, Adaptation, and Personalization, held in Trento, Italy, on June 22-26, 2009. This annual conference was merged from the biennial conference series User Modeling, UM, and the conference on Adaptive Hypermedia and Adaptive Web-Based Systems, AH. The 53 papers presented together with 3 invited talks were carefully reviewed and selected from 125 submissions. The tutorials and workshops were organized in top...
Adaptive and Intelligent Systems (Lecture Notes in Computer Science, #8779) (Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence, #6943)
This book constitutes the proceedings of the International Conference on Adaptive and Intelligent Systems, ICAIS 2011, held in Klagenfurt, Austria, in September 2011. The 36 full papers included in these proceedings together with the abstracts of 4 invited talks, were carefully reviewed and selected from 72 submissions. The contributions are organized under the following topical sections: incremental learning; adaptive system architecture; intelligent system engineering; data mining and patter...
Rough Sets (Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence, #3642) (Lecture Notes in Computer Science, #3641)
by Dominik ?L?zak
This volume contains the papers selected for presentation at the 10th Int- national Conference on Rough Sets, Fuzzy Sets, Data Mining, and Granular Computing, RSFDGrC 2005, organized at the University of Regina, August 31st-September 3rd, 2005. This conference followed in the footsteps of inter- tional events devoted to the subject of rough sets, held so far in Canada, China, Japan,Poland,Sweden, and the USA. RSFDGrC achievedthe status of biennial international conference, starting from 2003 in...