Diagnostic Biomedical Signal and Image Processing Applications
Analysis of medical signals and images plays an important role in the early diagnosis and treatment of diseases. Thanks to the development of technology, widespread use of medical imaging devices has become beneficial to human health. However, despite advances in technology, the number of patients and the workload of healthcare professionals is ever increasing. Deep learning methods and approaches have the potential to help relieve the workload of doctors and facilitate early diagnosis. This can...
Written by two leaders in the field of neural based algorithms, Neural Based Orthogonal Data Fitting proposes several neural networks, all endowed with a complete theory which not only explains their behavior, but also compares them with the existing neural and traditional algorithms. The algorithms are studied from different points of view, including: as a differential geometry problem, as a dynamic problem, as a stochastic problem, and as a numerical problem. All algorithms have also been anal...
Create 2D maps and 3D scenes, analyze GIS data, and share your results with the GIS community using the latest ArcGIS Pro 2 featuresKey FeaturesGet up to speed with the new ribbon-based user interface, projects, models, and common workflows in ArcGIS Pro 2Learn how to visualize, maintain, and analyze GIS dataAutomate analysis and processes with ModelBuilder and Python scriptsBook DescriptionArmed with powerful tools to visualize, maintain, and analyze data, ArcGIS Pro 2 is Esri's newest desktop...
Despeckle Filtering for Ultrasound Imaging and Video (Synthesis Lectures on Algorithms and Software in Engineering)
by Christos P Loizou and Constantinos S Pattichis
Visual Representations and Interpretations
Optical Information Processing (Topics in Applied Physics, #48)
The perennial bestseller is updated and revised throughout for the latest release of Photoshop Elements 8 Richly illustrated in full color, this friendly, easy-to-understand guide provides all the essentials on the latest version of the affordable and popular image-editing program, Photoshop Elements. Get the scoop on using the latest digital imaging tools and techniques to correct color, brightness, and contrast; create postcards, slideshows, and movie files; apply artistic effects to your pho...
Photoshop? Cs5 for Nature Photographers (Serious Skills)
by Ellen Anon and Josh Anon
The only Photoshop-based book dedicated to photographing and producing images of nature Award-winning nature photographers Ellen and Josh Anon reveal their secrets to creating stunning nature images using their field-tested methods and the very latest Photoshop techniques. The book is packed with practical workflows and smart, timesaving ways to use Photoshop's broad array of tools to optimize images-from improving tonal values to adding effects to creating surreal montages with composites. The...
Multisensordatenverarbeitung in der Robotik (Informatik-Fachberichte / Subreihe Kunstliche Intelligenz, #268)
by Jorg Raczkowsky
In diesem Buch wird die Multisensordatenverarbeitung bei Roboteranwendungen umfassend behandelt. Zunachst werden die wesentlichen Grundlagen der Informationsverarbeitung von Sensordaten dargestellt. In einem speziellen Kapitel werden die Besonderheiten der Montage mit Industrierobotern und die Anforderungen an ein Multisensorensystem betrachtet. Darauf aufbauend wird ein hierarchisches Konzept zur Uberwachung und Diagnose von Roboteraktionen erarbeitet. Die Ebenen des Systems werden in bezug auf...
AI Knowledge Transfer from the University to Society
AI Knowledge Transfer from the University to Society: Applications in High-Impact Sectors brings together examples from the "Innovative Ecosystem with Artificial Intelligence for Andalusia 2025" project at the University of Seville, a series of sub-projects composed of research groups and different institutions or companies that explore the use of Artificial Intelligence in a variety of high-impact sectors to lead innovation and assist in decision-making. Key Features Includes chapters on heal...
Hands-On Artificial Intelligence with Java for Beginners
by Nisheeth Joshi
Build, train, and deploy intelligent applications using Java librariesKey FeaturesLeverage the power of Java libraries to build smart applicationsBuild and train deep learning models for implementing artificial intelligenceLearn various algorithms to automate complex tasksBook DescriptionArtificial intelligence (AI) is increasingly in demand as well as relevant in the modern world, where everything is driven by technology and data. AI can be used for automating systems or processes to carry out...
Elements de Modelisation Pour l'Analyse d'Images (Mathematiques Et Applications, #33)
by Bernard Chalmond
Cet ouvrage decrit une methodologie et un savoir-faire pour la construction effective de modeles en analyse d'images. Les taches d'imagerie y sont le plus souvent formalisees comme des problemes inverses solutionnes dans un cadre Bayesien. Ce livre est organise en 3 parties. Les 2 premieres decrivent les bases necessaires aux modeles developpes dans la troisieme partie sous la forme d' energie. Ces bases sont les splines et les champs aleatoires. La plupart des modeles sont issus de projets indu...
Your Visual Guide to Maya One look and you'll see this Maya book is different from all the others. It presents core Maya features visually, using pages that are packed with beautiful graphics and loaded with detailed explanations on every crucial feature of Maya's interface. Engaging step-by-step tutorials provide hands-on reinforcement for what you've learned.Maya at a Glance is the perfect introduction and reference to the Academy Award(r) winning Maya 3D animation and effects software.
AI for Healthcare Robotics (AI for Everything)
by Eduard Fosch-Villaronga and Hadassah Drukarch
Provides for the first time a comprehensive, state-of-the-art overview of the different types of healthcare robots and the advances that AI brings them.Provides, in an easy and accessible way, essential basic information about the autonomy levels of surgery robots, which is novel. As such, could be very valuable to a broad community that ranges from legal scholars, ethicists, developers, policymakers, students, or non-specialists curious about the topic.
Turn 3D models into film-worthy digital animations by mastering mental ray rendering once and for all. This must-have guide is the only book on the market to focus exclusively on mental ray in Maya, 3ds Max, and XSI, and it's packed with techniques and insights you can't get anywhere else. Best of all, the book's advanced rendering concepts apply to other rendering software as well, including V-Ray, Brazil, Maxwell and RenderMan. Discover advanced lighting, camera, and workflow techniques that u...
We greeted the attendees of CIVR 2004 with the following address: "T' aimid an- ' bhroduil ' failte ' a chur romhaibh chuig Ollscoil Chathair Bhaile Atha Cliath agus ' chuig an triu ' Comhdh' ail Idirn' aisiun ' ta ar Aisghabh' ail Iomh' anna agus F' ?se' an. ' T'asuil ' againn go mbeidh am iontach agaibh anseo in Eirinn agus go mbeidh bhur gcuairt taitneamhnach agus sas ' uil. ' T' aimid an-bhroduil ' go hairithe ' failte ' a chur roimh na daoine on ' oiread sin t' ?ortha difriula ' agus na dao...
Adobe Photoshop Creative Cloud Revealed Update (with CourseMate Printed Access Card)
by Elizabeth Reding
Your Adobe Creative Cloud package includes two components: 1) Online access to Adobe Creative Cloud updates on your CourseMate product, and 2) the CS6 edition of your Adobe book. CourseMate enriches your learning with thorough, chapter-by-chapter summaries of the new Adobe Creative Cloud release. Author-created video introductions cover each chapter's learning objectives, emphasizing their importance for the contemporary design professional. Flashcards, quizzes, and games are also included. Your...
Mapping in MATLAB. Geoespatial Data, Map Projections, Web Maps, and Mapping Applications
by A. Smith
The Adobe Photoshop CC Professional Tutorial Book 77 Macintosh/Windows
by John W Goldstein
Advances in Multimedia Modeling (Information Systems and Applications, incl. Internet/Web, and HCI, #4903)
This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 14th International Multimedia Modeling Conference, MMM 2007, held in Kyoto, Japan, in January 2007. The 23 revised full papers and 24 revised poster papers were carefully reviewed and selected from more than 130 submissions. The papers are organized in topical sections that include material on media understanding, creative media, visual content representation, and video codecs, as well as media retrieval, audio and music.
"I ve worked my entire adult life in digital imaging, from managing high-volume production departments to running my own photography and printing businesses. And for many years, I ve been teaching photographers how to be self-sufficient when it comes to working with their digital images. Having used all major image editing software released over the past twenty years, I now choose to use Lightroom because it allows me to work quickly, helps me deal with large numbers of images and lets me get ba...