Testfreundliche Synthese Hochintegrierter Schaltungen (Fzi-Berichte Informatik)
by Bernhard Eschermann
Hochkomplexe elektronische Schaltungen werden in immer mehr Bereichen der Technik eingesetzt, in denen es auf eine hohe Zuverl{ssigkeit ankommt, wie z.B. der Medizin und der Verkehrstechnik. Eine effiziente ]berpr}fung dieser Schaltungen, m|glichst in Form eines "Selbsttests", ist deshalb von entscheidender Bedeutung. Das Buch beschreibt zun{chst Verfahren f}r den automatisierten Entwurf und den Test hochintegrierter Schaltungen und f}hrt dann beide Themengebiete zu einer einheitlichen Entwurf...
Fpga-Accelerated Simulation of Computer Systems (Synthesis Lectures on Computer Architecture)
by Hari Angepat, Derek Chiou, Eric S Chung, and James C Hoe
To date, the most common form of simulators of computer systems are software-based running on standard computers. One promising approach to improve simulation performance is to apply hardware, specifically reconfigurable hardware in the form of field programmable gate arrays (FPGAs). This manuscript describes various approaches of using FPGAs to accelerate software-implemented simulation of computer systems and selected simulators that incorporate those techniques. More precisely, we describe a...
Tree-based Heterogeneous FPGA Architectures
by Umer Farooq, Zied Marrakchi, and Habib Mehrez
This book presents a new FPGA architecture known as tree-based FPGA architecture, due to its hierarchical nature. This type of architecture has been relatively unexplored despite their better performance and predictable routing behavior, as compared to mesh-based FPGA architectures. In this book, we explore and optimize the tree-based architecture and we evaluate it by comparing it to equivalent mesh-based FPGA architectures.
The Microarchitecture of Pipelined and Superscalar Computers
by Amos R Omondi
This book is intended to serve as a textbook for a second course in the im plementation (Le. microarchitecture) of computer architectures. The subject matter covered is the collection of techniques that are used to achieve the highest performance in single-processor machines; these techniques center the exploitation of low-level parallelism (temporal and spatial) in the processing of machine instructions. The target audience consists students in the final year of an undergraduate program or in...
Parallel Computing Technologies (Theoretical Computer Science and General Issues, #10421) (Lecture Notes in Computer Science, #6873)
This book constitutes the proceedings of the Third International Conference on Parallel Computing Technologies, PaCT '95, held in St. Petersburg, Russia in September 1995. The volume presents 45 revised full papers selected from a total of 98 submissions, including six invited presentations. The proceedings is organized in parts on theory, software, hardware and architecture, and applications to large-scale problems. Parallel processing technologies are shown to be the touchstone of parallel the...
Computer Architecture
ISCA DEGREES93, the flagship conference of the computer architecture community, was held in San Diego, Calif., May 1993. This proceedings volume includes sessions covering architectural characteristics of scientific applications, TLBs and memory management, input/output, multiprocessor caches, multithread"
Designing 2D and 3D Network-On-Chip Architectures
by Konstantinos Tatas, Kostas Siozios, and Dimitrios Soudris
This book covers key concepts in the design of 2D and 3D Network-on-Chip interconnect. It highlights design challenges and discusses fundamentals of NoC technology, including architectures, algorithms and tools. Coverage focuses on topology exploration for both 2D and 3D NoCs, routing algorithms, NoC router design, NoC-based system integration, verification and testing, and NoC reliability. Case studies are used to illuminate new design methodologies.
Silicon Photonics & High Performance Computing (Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, #718)
This book comprises selected contributions to the Computer Society of India’s annual convention. Divided into 10 topical volumes, the proceedings present papers on state-of-the-art research, surveys and succinct reviews, covering diverse topics ranging from communications networks to big data analytics, and from system architecture to cyber security. This volume focuses on silicon photonics & high performance computing, offering valuable insights for researchers and students alike.
The proliferation of processors, environments, and constraints on systems has cast compiler technology into a wider variety of settings, changing the compiler and compiler writer's role. No longer is execution speed the sole criterion for judging compiled code. Today, code might be judged on how small it is, how much power it consumes, how well it compresses, or how many page faults it generates. In this evolving environment, the task of building a successful compiler relies upon the compiler wr...
Handbook on Networked Multipoint Multimedia Conferencing and Multistream Immersive Telepresence using SIP
by Radhika Ranjan Roy
Handbook on Networked Multipoint Multimedia Conferencing and Multistream Immsersive Telepresence using SIP: Scalable Distributed Applications and Media Control over Internet is the first book to put together all IETF request for comments (RFCs), and the internet drafts standards related to the multipoint conferencing and immersive telepresence. This book includes mandatory and optional texts of all standards in a chronological and systematic way almost with one-to-one integrity from the beginni...
Computational Intelligence Applications in Smart Grids: Enabling Methodologies for Proactive and Self-Organizing Power Systems
by F Zobaa Ahmed
This book considers the emerging technologies and methodologies of the application of computational intelligence to smart grids.From a conceptual point of view, the smart grid is the convergence of information and operational technologies applied to the electric grid, allowing sustainable options to customers and improved levels of security. Smart grid technologies include advanced sensing systems, two-way high-speed communications, monitoring and enterprise analysis software, and related servic...
It gives me immense pleasure to introduce this timely handbook to the research/- velopment communities in the ?eld of signal processing systems (SPS). This is the ?rst of its kind and represents state-of-the-arts coverage of research in this ?eld. The driving force behind information technologies (IT) hinges critically upon the major advances in both component integration and system integration. The major breakthrough for the former is undoubtedly the invention of IC in the 50's by Jack S. Kilby...
Motion Control for Intelligent Automation (IFAC preprint volume)
Motion Control is a rapidly evolving topic, with a wide range of applications, especially in robotics. Speed and position control of a mechanical system has always been one of the main problems in automatic control, as the demand increases for advanced levels of accuracy and dynamics. The study of motion control aims to combine theoretical approaches with the realization of mechanical systems characterized by 1-dgh levels of performance. The IFAC workshop focused on the evolution of: mechanical...
Official Intel 386sl Portable Computer Book
by Ashok Babbar and Roger, Steciak
The market for PC laptops, notebooks and palm-sized computers has grown rapidly. Aimed at the business user, this handbook gives advice on choosing, setting up, using, troubleshooting and optimizing portable computers built around the 386SL microprocessor. It gives an overview of hardware requirements and a survey of operating systems, publishing, spreadsheet, wordprocessing, database, communications and other software packages for use on portables.
A Combined Data and Power Management Infrastructure (Springer Aerospace Technology)
This book describes the development and design of a unique combined data and power management infrastructure The use in small satellites gives some particular requirements to the systems like potential hardware failure robustness and handling of different types of external analog and digital interfaces. These requirements lead to a functional merge between On Board Computer and the satellite's Power Control and Distribution Unit, which results in a very innovative design and even a patent affili...
Foundations of Hardware IP Protection
This book provides a comprehensive and up-to-date guide to the design of security-hardened, hardware intellectual property (IP). Readers will learn how IP can be threatened, as well as protected, by using means such as hardware obfuscation/camouflaging, watermarking, fingerprinting (PUF), functional locking, remote activation, hidden transmission of data, hardware Trojan detection, protection against hardware Trojan, use of secure element, ultra-lightweight cryptography, and digital rights manag...
Guide to RISC Processors: For Programmers and Engineers
by Sivarama P. Dandamudi and P Dandamudi Sivarama
An enhanced eBook published in full colour. Now including extensive interactive content enabling exploration by inserting any values that would occur in a real situation whereby the graphics are redrawn to reflect those changes. Interactive Technology when used in the classroom can motivate passive students by encouraging their active participation where STEM subjects are ideally suited to Mobile Interactive Technology. Students are more likely to be comfortable with technology they understand i...
Handbook of Hardware/Software Codesign
This handbook presents fundamental knowledge on the hardware/software (HW/SW) codesign methodology. Contributing expert authors look at key techniques in the design flow as well as selected codesign tools and design environments, building on basic knowledge to consider the latest techniques. The book enables readers to gain real benefits from the HW/SW codesign methodology through explanations and case studies which demonstrate its usefulness.Readers are invited to follow the progress of design...
Computers: from Logic to Architecture
by R. D. Dowsing and Frank Woodhams
This text provides an introduction to computer hardware, software and firmware for those wishing to follow more specialist courses in later years. Assuming almost no previous knowledge of either hardware or software it proceeds from basic concepts of logic design to computer structure, memory systems, and input-output considerations. A description of a small computer system then explains the basic principles of data storage, instruction sets, and addressing modes, as a preamble to systems softwa...
3D Nanoelectronic Computer Architecture and Implementation (Series in Materials Science and Engineering)
It is becoming increasingly clear that the two-dimensional layout of devices on computer chips hinders the development of high-performance computer systems. Three-dimensional structures will be needed to provide the performance required to implement computationally intensive tasks. 3-D Nanoelectronic Computer Architecture and Implementation reviews the state of the art in nanoelectronic device design and fabrication and discusses the architectural aspects of 3-D designs, including the possible u...
A comprehensive overview of the current evolution of research in algorithms, architectures and compilation for parallel systems is provided by this publication.The contributions focus specifically on domains where embedded systems are required, either oriented to application-specific or to programmable realisations. These are crucial in domains such as audio, telecom, instrumentation, speech, robotics, medical and automotive processing, image and video processing, TV, multimedia, radar and sonar...
Pipelined ADC Design and Enhancement Techniques (Analog Circuits and Signal Processing)
by Imran Ahmed
Pipelined ADCs have seen phenomenal improvements in performance over the last few years. As such, when designing a pipelined ADC a clear understanding of the design tradeoffs, and state of the art techniques is required to implement today's high performance low power ADCs.
Functional Verification of Programmable Embedded Architectures (Kliniktaschenbucher)
by Prabhat Mishra and Nikil D. Dutt
It is widely acknowledged that the cost of validation and testing comprises a s- nificant percentage of the overall development costs for electronic systems today, and is expected to escalate sharply in the future. Many studies have shown that up to 70% of the design development time and resources are spent on functional verification. Functional errors manifest themselves very early in the design flow, and unless they are detected up front, they can result in severe consequence- both financially...