Fresh and Healthy Salads and Appetizers (Gourmet Recipes for Beginners)
by Gustav Mancini
Those cupcaking geniuses, Karen Tack and Alan Richardson, are back, this time with bigger canvases and bolder creations. Everything that can be done with a cupcake can be done better with a cake - with a twelfth of the effort and loads more wow power, using everyday pans, bowls, and even measuring cups. Turn a round cake into Swiss cheese and Brie, and it's April Fool's! Simply press candy into frosting for an argyle pattern or use one of the easy new decorating techniques to produce wood grain...
Food & Wine Magazine's 2002 Cookbook (Food & Wine Annual Cookbook)
by Food & Wine Magazine
Gumbo კულინარიული წიგნი
by ტაბატაძე