Rhiannon Paine was working as a technical writer for Hewlett-Packard in Silicon Valley; she agreed reluctantly to transfer to their Tokyo branch. She had no idea what she was in for, and neither did her Japanese colleagues. While they coped with her social gaffes, like arriving late to work and blowing her nose in public, Paine struggles with Japanese food -- deviant sea-creatures on rice -- and with the Japanese language, which kept tripping her up with new verb tenses (the conditional, the col...
Nicole Lapin leads readers through all of the jargon of buying a house and explain whether buying is right for them and what they really need to know when they’re going through the process.
Beste Schul-Sekretarin der Welt Notizbuch
by Notizbucher Mit Statement
Stop Dreaming. Start Doing. "Success Is Easy is a practical, powerful and inspiring book for anyone who is ready to shift to a new level of fulfi llment and mastery in business. Debbie Allen has written an important and insightful guide containing many treasures of advice and wisdom to help you create the success you deserve."DR. BARBARA DE ANGELIS * NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLING AUTHOR AND TRANSFORMATIONAL TEACHER"If you are ready for more success and achievement in your life, Success Is Easy is a...
Happiness and Success Journal for Women Entrepreneurs (Women Entrepreneur Journals, #1)
by Fiona MacKay Young
Women in agriculture are sprouting up in record numbers, but they face a host of distinct challenges and opportunities. Blending What Color is Your Parachute-style career advice with sustainable agriculture practices viewed through a gender lens, Soil Sisters provides a wealth of invaluable information for fledging female farming entrepreneurs. The first manual of its kind, this authoritative and comprehensive blueprint presents practical considerations from a woman's perspective, covering ever...