The bioeconomy and non-timber forest products (Earthscan Studies in Natural Resource Management)
This book provides the first in-depth investigation of how non-timber forest products are an integral part of local, national, and global bioeconomies. While the plants and fungi that produce non-timber forest products are essential to the sustainability of forest ecosystems, peoples' food and livelihood security and sovereignty, and thus the bioeconomy, are often absent from bioeconomic strategies. Presenting a selection of empirical cases from around the world that engage with the bioeconomy...
The fixity or mobility of borders are key themes within the border studies literature and have useful critical application to urban and environmental planning through theory, pedagogy and practice. This offers potential for transformative change through the processes of re-bordering and re-orienting established boundary demarcations in ways that support and promote sustainability in a climate of change. Planning Across Borders in a Climate of Change draws on a range of diverse case studies fro...
Belarus (Environmental performance reviews, #44)
This series assists countries to improve their environmental policies by making concrete recommendations for better policy design and implementation. It helps integrate environmental policies into sector-specific policies such as those in agriculture, energy, transport and health. The present publication contains the third Environmental Performance Review of Belarus. It takes stock of progress made by Belarus in the management of its environment since the country was reviewed for the second time...
Whose Forest? (Rural Development Forestry Network Paper, v. 18c)
by James Fairhead and Melissa Leach
In the wake of the global financial crisis, water services have come under renewed neoliberal assault across Europe. At the same time, the struggle against water privatization has continued to pick up pace; from the re-municipalization of water in Grenoble in 2000, to the United Nations declaration of water as a human right in 2010. In Fighting for Water, Andreas Bieler draws on years of extensive fieldwork to dissect the underlying dynamics of the struggle for public water in Europe. From the...
Bill Streever has worked in almost every camp involved with the environment. He is a scientist who has worked in both public and private sectors. He brings that wide experience and the perspective of many others like him to Green Seduction: Money, Business, and the Environment. Thirty-five years ago, polluted rivers burned, cities and farms dumped raw sewage into aquifers, highway and dam construction proceeded with little thought to environmental impact, and carcinogens and acids billowed from...
Climate Change and Technological Options
by Konrad Soyez and Hartmut Gra L
An up-to-date text on climate change focussing on technical solutions for the most important and climate relevant economic sectors is presented. It is intended for key decision makers, and administrators within industry, agricultural and energy sectors, as well as masters students and post graduates. The first of three sections covers the scientific basis of climate change and the instruments to prevent or reduce negative climate effects. It includes a survey covering current practices at differ...
22e from the Field (Rural Development Forestry Network Paper, v. 22e)
by C.D. Langoya, etc., Catherine Long, Isla Grundy, Gus le Breton, Raquel Mejia, and Rene Benitez
Global Stability: Perspectives from China (China International Analysis and Evaluation Reports)
by Yan Xuetong
Neoliberals often point to improvements in public health and nutrition as examples of globalisation's success, but this book argues that the corporate food and medicine industries are destroying environments and ruining living conditions across the world. Scientist Stan Cox expertly draws out the strong link between Western big business and environmental destruction. This is a shocking account of the huge damage that drug manufacturers and large food corporations are inflicting on the health...
Understanding Global Issues - Briefings
Neben grundsatzlichen Aussagen zur Technikfolgenabschatzung und Systemanalyse stellen die Autoren Ergebnisse aus der Forschung uber Konzeptionen zur Nachhaltigkeit vor. Weitere Beitrage befassen sich mit der Risikobewertung und -kommunikation, der Technikfolgenabschatzung in verschiedenen Technikfeldern und widmen sich den Themen Mobilitat und Stoffstroeme. Die Autoren setzen die jeweiligen Aktivitaten in den unterschiedlichen Forschungsfeldern in einen Kontext zur deutschen Forschung zur System...
Natur, Kultur Und Komplexitat (Umweltnatur- & Umweltsozialwissenschaften)
by Beate M W Ratter
Planung ist ein komplexer Vorgang, in dem holistische und reduktionistische Betrach- tungsweisen, Analysen und Synthesen wechselseitig aufeinander bezogen sind. Weil der Aufwand fur die Erstellung adaquater Umweltbeschreibungen -vor aUem in der prazisesten Form von Modellsystemen -jedoch mit zunehmender Detailgenauigkeit exponentiell wachst, die Relevanz jeweils genauerer Daten aber nicht entsprechend zunimmt, richtet sich der planerische Anspruch an oekologische Grundlagen immer darauf, entsche...
The Costs and Benefits of Environmental Regulation
by Imad A Moosa and Vikash Ramiah
Here finally is a book that educates us deeply about the economic costs and gains of cleaning up the environment and of finally coming to terms with the costs of human induced climate at the micro- and macro-economic level. Replete with case studies from China, Australia and the USA, demonstrating deep erudition and extensive use of empirical data, it remains accessible to the general reader, as well as the economist. It should be mandated as required reading for all public policy analysts and p...
Environmental Policy, Sustainability and Welfare - An Economic Analysis
by Thomas Aronsson, Kenneth Backlund, and Karl-Gustaf Loefgren
This comprehensive and accessible textbook addresses important relationships between economics and environmental policy, especially highlighting the role of taxation. It also connects environmental policy to social accounting by describing how measures of welfare and sustainable development depend on whether policies successfully internalize market failures. The authors discuss how the modern literature on environmental taxation and tradable permits has evolved. Environmental taxation is examin...
‘[T]his wonderful project and book, executed with great charm and creativity, is an important message.’ Anya Hindmarch In this personal investigation into ethical and traceable leather, fashion designer Alice Robinson begins a ground-breaking journey into the origin story of leather and its connection to food and farming. As a fashion student, Alice started to question the material she worked with. Leather is universally acknowledged as a luxury material, from which desirable bags, shoes and c...
China-eu: Green Cooperation
This book offers a selection of views from Chinese and European experts and scholars on the most pressing environmental challenges - air quality, global warming, climate change, energy security, urbanisation - faced by Europe and China in 2014. The contributors also discuss possibilities of technical cooperation between the two sides on remedies for the domestic scene as well as contributions to international negotiations. These problems top the agenda of the new leadership in China and also fea...
This book provides a systematic review of nature-based solutions and their potential to address current environmental challenges. In the 21st century, society is faced by rapid urbanisation and population growth, degradation and loss of natural capital and associated ecosystem services, an increase in natural disaster risks, and climate change. With growing recognition of the need to work with ecosystems to resolve these issues there is now a move towards nature-based solutions, which involve...