Okonomische Grundlagen Des Haftungsrechts (Physica-Lehrbuch)
by Alfred Endres
Umwelthaftung, Produkthaftung, Arzthaftung, Haftung bei VerkehrsunfAllen waren die Schlagworte einer lebhaften wissenschaftlichen und politischen Diskussion der letzten Jahre. In diesem Buch wird das Haftungsrecht aus Akonomischer Sicht analysiert. Dabei geht es insbesondere um die Frage, inwieweit verschiedene Ausgestaltungen des Haftungsrechts geeignet sind, die potentiell an einem Unfall beteiligten Verletzer und Opfer zu sorgfAltigem Handeln anzureizen. GefAhrdungshaftung und Verschuldenshaf...
Join the Clean Protein revolution and lose weight, feel stronger, and live longer. Food and wellness experts Kathy Freston and Bruce Friedrich have spent years researching the future of protein. They've talked to the food pioneers and the nutrition scientists, and now they've distilled what they've learned into a strength-building plan poised to reshape your body and change your world. Complete with delicious recipes and a detailed guide to food planning, Clean Protein explains everything yo...
The crises in our economic system, our energy supply, and our climate are converging. Solving these crises requires a fundamental change in our frame of reference--a decisive shift not so much in technology as in technique. In The Leap, award-winning journalist Chris Turner presents a field guide to making the jump from our current system of energy supply and consumption to a sustainable model that succeeds across the socioeconomic spectrum. It is an integrated approach, one that he calls a "gre...
Die modellgestützte Bestimmung der ökologischen Wirkungen von Emissionen ermöglicht die Ermittlung naturwissenschaftlich begründeter Belastungsgrenzen von Ökosystemen, Organismen und Materialien. Im Rahmen der Aktivitäten der Wirtschaftskommission der Vereinten Nationen für Europa (UN-ECE) ist das Critical Levels- und Critical Loads-Konzept für ökologische Belastungsgrenzen gegenüber verschiedenen Luftschadstoffen entwickelt worden. In diesem Zusammenhang werden unter Critical-Levels Luftschadst...
The Software Model CALMOB6- Transportation Emission and Fuel Consumption Inventories
by Roshan Busawon
Official Development Assistance in the Field of Environmental Protection
by Anna Sziladi-Matkovics
Fast fashion and disposable clothing have become our new norms. We buy ten-dollar shoes from Target that disintegrate within a month and make weekly pilgrimages to Forever 21 and H&M. Elizabeth Cline argues that this rapid cycle of consumption isn't just erasing our sense of style and causing massive harm to the environment and human rights - it's also bad for our souls. Cline documents her own transformation from fast-fashion addict to conscientious shopper. She takes a long look at her overstu...
You may know what your environmental compliance obligations are, but do you know how EPA sees them? Created by the EPA, this industry-specific handbook includes a comprehensive environmental profile, industrial process information, pollution prevention techniques, pollutant release data, and regulatory requirements unique to the rubber and plastic industry. Use the information presented in this book to build a foundation for developing holistic solutions to environmental problems, research the r...
Youngs explains a whole new way of going green in the home.
An innovative analysis that shows how the shift to solar energy-in particular, the use of photovoltaic cells-is both economically advantageous and inevitable, and will rival the information and communication technologies revolution in its transformative effects.In Solar Revolution, fund manager and former corporate buyout specialist Travis Bradford argues-on the basis of standard business and economic forecasting models-that over the next two decades solar energy will increasingly become the bes...
The Limits of the Human Species in the Face of Sustainable Development
by Alberto Roghi
This book is the product of the author’s research into the possible causal links between the COVID-19 epidemic and the ongoing environmental catastrophe. The research has confirmed not only the existence of the link, but also the strict dependence of the survival of the human species on the radical modification of the current development model. The book presents a critical reflection on the limits of our species in the face of climate change, and introduces anthropological, religious, and philos...
The need for solutions to environmental problems is urgent. Expanded environmental research and knowledge, along with interest in environmental issues, has focused attention on the social, political, and practical aspects of environmental problems. Environmental Political Philosophy searches for common environmental goals, values, and policies in society. An essential undercurrent in political theory about the environment is that such issues are not questions of efficiency or technology. They c...
Planning Sustainable Cities and Regions (Routledge Equity, Justice and the Sustainable City)
by Karen Chapple
As global warming advances, regions around the world are engaging in revolutionary sustainability planning - but with social equity as an afterthought. California is at the cutting edge of this movement, not only because its regulations actively reduce greenhouse gas emissions, but also because its pioneering environmental regulation, market innovation, and Left Coast politics show how to blend the "three Es" of sustainability--environment, economy, and equity. Planning Sustainable Cities and Re...
The litany of alarming observations about water use and misuse is now familiar—over a billion people without access to safe drinking water; almost every major river dammed and diverted; increasing conflicts over the delivery of water in urban areas; continuing threats to water quality from agricultural inputs and industrial wastes; and the increasing variability of climate, including threats of severe droughts and flooding across locales and regions. These issues present tremendous challenges fo...
The Open Access version of this book, available at https://www.taylorfrancis.com/books/9781351527927, has been made available under a Creative Commons Attribution-Non Commercial-No Derivatives 4.0 license The start of the new millennium will be remembered for deadly climate-related disasters - the great floods in Thailand in 2011, Super Storm Sandy in the United States in 2012, and Typhoon Haiyan in the Philippines in 2013, to name a few. In 2014, 17.5 million people were displaced by climate-r...
Absolute Essentials of Environmental Economics (Absolute Essentials of Business and Economics)
by Barry C Field
This shortform textbook provides a concise overview of the fundamentals of environmental economics. It focuses on how economic forces affect the natural environment and how economic policies and behaviors may be altered to improve environmental quality. Spanning ten chapters, the book introduces readers to the key ideas in environmental economics. Topics include environmental externalities, technological change, cost-benefit analysis, pollution charges, emissions and offset trading, climate cha...
Urban land is a precious resource and originally published in 1961, Transportation and Urban Land aims to create an approach to analysing and projecting its uses with a particular focus on the household sector. By considering matters such as employment centres, organisation and technology of transportation and marginal valuation of residential space, Wingo develops a model to estimate how much land is required for residential land uses. This title will be of interest to students of Environmental...
The Revaluation of Women's Work (Environmental and Resource Economics Set)
by Sheila Lewenhak
This book provides a survey and analysis of the different ways in which women's work is valued throughout the world. It challenges the narrow definition of work as paid work, as that excludes so many of women's activities. It looks at ways in which women's worth has been consistently undervalued in industrial as well as non-industrial countries, in socialist as well as free-enterprise economies. These practices distort the national product of countries heavily dependent on women's labour, but, a...
Environmental Quality in a Growing Economy (RFF Environmental and Resource Economics Set)
by Henry Jarrett
Twelve scholars examine some leading problems in environmental quality, analyze present situations and future prospects, and suggest what might be done about them. Originally published in 1966
The Climatic Scene
Originally published in 1985, this volume of essays was compiled in honour of Gordon Manley, a major and distinctive twentieth-century figure in climatology. The range and scope of the topics covered reflect the eclectic interests of Manley, whose orientation was always towards the importance of climate and its impact on mankind. The state of the art of climatic change is considered at different scales by the contributors: from instrumental records on a local scale from Durham and Manchester to...
This book clearly and authoritatively addresses significant issues of water policy in the western United States at a time when the growing scarcity of western water and the role of the Bureau of Reclamation in the allocation of that resource are becoming increasingly urgent issues. In this scholarly study, Wahl combines his insider's knowledge of the Interior Department's dam-building, regulatory, and water-pricing decisions with an objective analysis of the efficiency dilemma. The study begins...