China's Energy Conditions and Policies
by Information Office of the State Council
A polemic about global warming and the environmental crisis which argues that ordinary people have consistently opposed the destruction of nature and so provide an untapped constituency for climate action. Crimes Against Nature uses fresh material to offer a very different take on the most important issue of our times. It takes the familiar narrative about global warming - the one in which we are all to blame - and inverts it, to show how, again and again, pollution and ecological devastation ha...
Seit einiger Zeit sieht sich das Verwaltungsrecht verstarkt mit tiefgreifenden Reformbestrebungen konfrontiert. Besondere Aufmerksamkeit gilt dabei dem Umweltrecht. Dort mussen die aktiven Gestaltungsinteressen der Burger und der Wirtschaft immer wieder aufs Neue mit den kollidierenden Verschonungs- und Schutzinteressen Einzelner und der Allgemeinheit in Einklang gebracht werden. Eine Moeglichkeit, diese Kollisionslage zu bewaltigen, besteht darin, von einem an sich gerechtfertigten Verbot besti...
Materials in World Perspectives (Materials Research and Engineering)
by D.G. Altenpohl
This is the first book in a new series - "Materials Research and Engineering" - devoted to the science and technology of materials. "Materials Research and Engineering" evolves from a previous series on "Reine und Angewand- te Metallkunde" ("Pure and Applied Metallurgy"), which was edited by Werner Koster until his eightieth birthday in 1976. Although the present series is an outgrowth of the earlier one, it should not and cannot be regarded as a continuation. There had to be a shift of scope -...
Advances in Water Quality Trading as a Flexible Compliance Tool
by Water Environment Federation
Disasters and the Quality of Life
This volume presents and analyses unique empirical data from countries hit by floods, earthquakes, bio-infections (including COVID-19), technological catastrophes, migrations and mobilities, and other social effects, in order to provide a model of ethnological research on disasters of different types. Special attention is given to their role in the communities’ quality of life. The book introduces an analytical contribution to adequate policy for the prevention of disasters, response and liquida...
CIMA Study Text
The present debate raging over global warming exemplifies the clash between two competing public theologies. On one side, environmentalists warn of certain catastrophe if we do not take steps now to reduce the release of greenhouse gases; on the other side, economists are concerned with whether the benefits of actions to prevent higher temperatures will be worth the high costs. Questions of the true and proper relationship of human beings and nature are as old as religion. Today, environmentalis...
Environmental Economics (Studies in Economics and Business)
The Oil Industry Experience
The Design of Climate Policy (CESifo Seminar)
Leading economists offer theoretical, quantitative, and policy perspectives on climate policy. Debates over post-Kyoto Protocol climate change policy often take note of two issues: the feasibility and desirability of international cooperation on climate change policies, given the failure of the United States to ratify Kyoto, and the very limited involvement of developing countries; and the optimal timing of climate policies. These essays by leading international economists in this book offer in...
Saving Oil and Gas in the Gulf
by Glada Lahn, Paul Stevens, and Felix Preston
The waste of oil and gas in the Gulf erodes economic resilience and increases security risks. This is the first report to offer practical recommendations that address the key challenges of governance, political commitment, and market incentives from the perspectives of member countries of the Gulf Cooperation Council (Bahrain, Kuwait, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, UAE).
Nachhaltige Englishtwicklung Im Englishergiesektor?
by Peter Hofer, Janina Scheelhaase, and Heimfried Wolff
Nachhaltige Entwicklung war das deutsche Zauberwort der Weltklimakonferenz in Rio de Janeiro 1992. Das vorliegende Buch konkretisiert diese Botschaft fur den in Deutschland am starksten betroffenen Bereich, die Energiewirtschaft. Es zeigt die Grenzen, wenn die politischen, oekologischen und wirtschaftlichen Folgen des bisherigen Energieeinsatzes missachtet werden. Es zeigt auch die Chancen durch Nutzung der technischen und wirtschaftlichen Potentiale. Die deutsche Energiewirtschaft wird sich in...
Negotiating the Environment (Routledge Focus on Environment and Sustainability)
by Lauren E Eastwood
Civil society participants have voiced concerns that the environmental problems that were the subject of multilateral environmental agreements negotiated during the 1992 Rio processes are not serving to ameliorate global environmental problems. These concerns raise significant questions regarding the utility of negotiating agreements through the UN. This book elucidates the complexity of how participants engage in these negotiations through the various processes that take place under the auspice...
Social and Economic Benefits of Protected Areas, The: An Assessment Guide
A-Ko-Rating (Umweltnatur- & Umweltsozialwissenschaften)
by Frank Figge
Immer hAufiger werden heute Akologische Bewertungen ganzer Unternehmen vorgenommen. Der Autor erlAutert in diesem Buch, wie solche A-ko-Ratings durchgefA1/4hrt werden und welche wesentlichen SchwAchen sie haben. Auf Basis dieser Analyse stellt er in einer klar verstAndlichen Sprache dar, wie mit Hilfe von Fuzzy Logic Bewertungsverfahren entwickelt werden kAnnen, die auch komplementAre und konflikttrAchtige Beziehungen zwischen einzelnen Kriterien berA1/4cksichtigen. Dies ist in einer Welt, die s...
Innovationen Durch Umweltmanagement
by Klaus Rennings, Kathrin Ankele, Esther Hoffmann, Jan Nill, and Andreas Ziegler
Ein wichtiges Ziel oekologischer Modernisierung ist die Verbindung umweltfreundlichen Wirtschaftens mit einer Verbesserung der Wettbewerbsfahigkeit. Zentrale Instrumente in diesem Kontext sind Standards fur Umweltmanagementsysteme, wie beispielsweise das EG-OEko-Audit (EMAS). Wahrend das Kosten-Nutzen-Verhaltnis von EMAS bereits erforscht wurde, sind die Innovations- und Wettbewerbswirkungen bislang noch nicht systematisch untersucht worden. Diese Forschungslucke wird in dieser Studie mit Tiefen...
Energy Strategies for the UK (Routledge Library Editions: Energy, #6)
by Stephen Littlechild and Kirit Vaidya
Originally published in 1982. This book describes a comprehensive and integrated model of the UK energy sector which focuses on decision-making and optimisation rather than on forecasting or simulation. It incorporates the production and investment policy of all the major fuels over a fifty-year horizon and analyses strategy under a variety of different assumptions about costs, demands, technology and future decisions. The chapters cover a wide spectrum of energy problems and policy, including s...
Environmental Impact III (WIT Transactions on Ecology and the Environment, #203)
Delegates to the 3rd International Conference on Environmental and Economic Impact on Sustainable Development contributed the peer-reviewed papers contained in this book. The papers discuss the most serious problems affecting sustainable development. They consider the impact of economic constraints on the environment, taking into account the social aspects as well as the over-use of natural resources. Uncontrolled development can also result in damage to the environment in terms of the release o...