Sustainability, Climate Change and the Green Economy
by Godwell Nhamo and Vuyo Mjimba
An exploration of the cutting-edge technology that will enable us to confront the realities of climate change. For decades scientists and environmentalists have sounded the alarm about the effects of global warming. We are now past the tipping point. As floods, storms, and extreme temperatures become our daily reality, "Reduce, Reuse, Recycle" efforts aren't enough anymore. In Hacking Planet Earth, New York Times bestselling author Thomas Kostigen takes readers to the frontlines of geoengineeri...
Vereinbarkeit von Kaufverhalten und Nachhaltigkeit im Bereich der Ernährung
by Sophia Rauch
Examines the arguments for and against recycling and argues that purely economic approaches to recycling are incomplete and noneconomic values need to be considered as well.
The Cheap Guide to Sustainability and Corporate Social Responsibility
by Leo Raudys
Healthy Land, Happy Families and Profitable Businesses
by David W Pratt
IT organizations are under intense pressure to manage the power consumed by data centers and the resulting cooling demands. To address these needs, IT needs to properly blend people, process and technology to create solutions. In my first Green IT pocket guide, we reviewed governance and processes for Green IT. In this guide we will provide a sample of technical improvement opportunities at a high-level. By doing so, the intent is to foster discussions in your own organization around what should...
Marketing Strategy/Messages for Green Businesses (Green and Profitable, #2)
by Shel Horowitz
This is the story of the men, women and families who built the Erne hydroelectric scheme. The Erne development (1946-55) was second in size only to the famous Shannon scheme (1922-29), yet has for years been overlooked in terms of its scale, impact and contribution to Ireland's industrial heritage. The history of the project is fascinating: from the relationship that developed between the new Irish Free State and the Stormont government in the planning of the scheme to the enormous scale of the...
WINNER: 2020 International Solid Waste Association Publication Award Among other factors, rapid global population growth, our development model and patterns of production and consumption have increased waste generation worldwide to unsustainable rates. This rise has led to crises in many countries where waste management practices are no longer sound. Global Waste Management outlines the emerging global waste crisis considering the perspectives of developed and developing countries around the w...
Providing food, clean water and energy for a growing population is one of the greatest challenges facing public and private sector professionals. While there is widespread recognition of the complex feedback loops between energy, water and food, there has been less focus on viable solutions. This guide by Will Sarni - an internationally recognized thought leader on corporate water stewardship and water tech innovation - frames the key issues and challenges for business professionals, and then ou...
OEkonomische Analyse der regulatorischen Rahmenbedingungen am europaischen Gasmarkt
by Stefanie Elzholz
A growing number of GHG emissions trading schemes are being implemented at regional or national levels. However, even as the number of different schemes grows, few linkages exist between them. Major cap-and-trade proposals are currently at important stages in their development, especially in the United States, Japan and Australia, some of which explicitly emphasize the aim of linking with other schemes. One of the strategic goals of European climate policy is linking the EU ETS with other compar...