Power for Development (World Bank Operations Evaluations Study)
by Fernando Manibog
Power for Development evaluates the performance of the World Bank Group (WBG) during the 1990s in promoting private sector development in the electric power sector. This joint review aims to inform the implementation of the WBG's 2001 Energy Business Renewal Strategy and the 2003 Infrastructure Plan. It is based on an evaluation of the WBG's assistance for private sector development of the electric power sector in 80 countries.
Alternative Economies and Spaces: New Perspectives for a Sustainable Economy
This book examines the history of empire and its influence on capitalism. Taking inspiration from Vladimir Lenin's essay Imperialism, the Highest Stage of Capitalism, the thoughtful chapters explore how workers and resources in Africa, Latin America, and Asia were exploited by capitalist colonizers. Particular attention is given to the empires of Great Britain, Russia, Japan, the Netherlands, and the United States. This book aims to trace the historical development of capitalism and its relianc...
Creating Sustainable Cities (Schumacher Briefings)
by Herbert Girardet
How can we put the pulsing heart of conviviality back into our cities? How can we make sure of creating cities of diversity for the new millennium: places of cultural vigour and physical beauty that are also sustainable in economic and environmental terms? This Schumacher Briefing shows the way forward.
National System Planning for Protected Areas (Best Practice Protected Area Guidelines S., #1)
by Adrian G. Davey
Sustainability, Climate Change and the Green Economy
by Godwell Nhamo and Vuyo Mjimba
Sharing water, sharing benefits
While there are no "blueprints" for how to prevent and resolve water resource conflicts which would be applicable in every instance, patterns do tend to emerge from which the best of global experience can be distilled. This workbook is centered around the development of negotiations within a hypothetical basin. It facilitates the building of skills to transform conflict at the interpersonal, intersectoral, and international levels, and offers principles for institutional capacity building within...
Promoting Sustainable Economies in the Balkans
This report explains that economic reconstruction alone will not be sufficient to bring long-term peace and stability to the Balkan region, although raising living standards could foster sustainable economic growth and reduce political tensions.
The collection of papers brings out the complexities in PPP in terms of types, conceptualization, structure, institutions, and financing. It covers a broad sweep ranging from infrastructure to services and utilities; and from global to Indian states. The methodology is primarily empirical but the thrust is on conceptualization of PPP in its various forms and frameworks. PPP is still a practitioner's field but is growing in size and significance; and as a solution to failures of public system and...
Making Peace Work (Studies in Development Economics and Policy)
This book provides an insight into some of the main issues that arise in post-conflict economic and social reconstruction, and offers examples of what works, and what does not. It will be of interest to all working on economic and social reconstruction in post-conflict countries, as well as those working on peace and development.
Sustainable Development (Environmental Anthropology and Ethnobiology, #19)
With growing evidence of unsustainable use of the world's resources, such as hydrocarbon reserves, and related environmental pollution, as in alarming climate change predictions, sustainable development is arguably the prominent issue of the 21st century. This volume gives a wide ranging introduction focusing on the arid Gulf region, where the challenges of sustainable development are starkly evident. The Gulf relies on non-renewable oil and gas exports to supply the world's insatiable CO2 em...
The ongoing negotiations at the World Trade Organisation (WTO) are a chance for developing countries to tackle the imbalances in existing WTO rules which have denied them a fair share of the benefits of international trade. This book looks at how developing countries can advance their interests and create a negotiating environment in the WTO that is fairer for poor and rich countries alike. The options presented will help developing countries to select appropriate strategies and to evaluate outc...
The Companion to Development Studies, 2nd Edition
by Dr Vandana Desai and Robert B. Potter