Basic Statistics for Business and Economics
by Leonard Kazmier and Norval Pohl
This study provides an introduction to the effective use of mathematical and statistical techniques in business operations. It works from first principles and builds towards a complete understanding of quantative methods as required on first level undergraduate, graduate and professional courses. role of information technology in quantative techniques and includes an additional chapter on computational aids. An optional diskette is now available, as is a Lecturer's Guide which can be obtained fr...
Statistik Fur Wirtschafts- Und Sozialwissenschaften: Deskriptive Statistik (Lehr- Und Handbucher Der Statistik)
by Peter Pflaumer, Barbara Heine, and Joachim Hartung
Information Management (CIMA Syllabus) (CIMA Study & Revision Packs, Stage 4)
Mathematik Fur Wirtschaftswissenschaftler Kompakt (Studienbucher Wirtschaftsmathematik)
by Franz Pfuff
MyMISLab - Instant Access - for Information Systems Today: Managing in a Digital World, Global Edition (AUS)
by Joseph Valacich and Christoph Schneider
This is a practical guide to solutions for forecasting demand for services and products in international markets - and much more than just a listing of dry theoretical methods. Leading experts present studies on improving methods for forecasting numbers of incoming patent filings at the European Patent Office. These are reviewed by practitioners of the existing methods, revealing that it may not always be wise to trust established regression approaches.
Revised and updated, this text provides a comprehensive survey of the field of data communications in business. Organized in three sections - basic concepts, management, and design - this new edition includes thorough coverage of such topics as microcomputers, local area networks, and computerized network design. Hardware, network configurations, and protocols and software are covered and the text discusses controls for management, recovery, and manual and computerized network design. Appendices...
Analyse von Tabellen und kategorialen Daten
by Hans-Jurgen Andress, Jacques A. Hagenaars, and Steffen Kuhnel
Dieses Buch behandelt Modelle zur Analyse kategorialer Daten. Kategoriale Daten sind Variablen, die eine begrenzte Anzahl von Auspragungen (Kategorien) haben. Bei vielen der in Umfrageforschung und amtlicher Statistik erhobenen Merkmale handelt es sich um kategoriale Daten. Beispiele waren etwa das Geschlecht einer Befragungsperson, ihre Parteipraferenz, die Anzahl der Mitbewohner im Haushalt dieser Person, ihre Schichtzugehoerigkeit und ahnliches mehr. In diesem Lehrbuch geht es um eine anwendu...
Bocij & Chaffey: OneKey Blackboard_Business Information Systems 3e
by Paul Bocij and Dave Chaffey
Icsa Paper 2 - Foundation: Quantitative Techniques
The ICSA is the professional body concerned with the promotion of effective administration. The broad-based nature of the qualification means it is suitable for work in a wide range of fields in industry, commerce, local government and the civil service. BPP publish study texts and practice and revision kits for all 17 papers and benefit from official recommendation of the ICSA. The 2000 study texts have been updated - each focusing on the exam with recent exam trends reflected.
Icsa Paper 2 - Foundation: Quantitative Techniques
The ICSA is the professional body concerned with the promotion of effective administration. The broad-based nature of the qualification means it is suitable for work in a wide range of fields in industry, commerce, local government and the civil service. BPP publish study texts and practice and revision kits for all 17 papers and benefit from official recommendation of the ICSA.
Course360 Business Math on Clms Printed Access Card (Course360 for Business)
by Cengage Learning
COURSE360 FOR BUSINESS MATH is a full online course, designed by a team of Instructional Designers and Subject Matter Experts specifically for online or hybrid learning environments. Our team of experts finds the best digital content in our library to teach all relevant topics, and we then write assessments to test them. Syllabus, content and assessments are all tied together through an outcomes-based framework that focuses on your students' ultimate success in the course.
Brownian Motion (de Gruyter Graduate) (De Gruyter Textbook)
by Rene Schilling and Lothar Partzsch
Brownian motion is one of the most important stochastic processes in continuous time and with continuous state space. Within the realm of stochastic processes, Brownian motion is at the intersection of Gaussian processes, martingales, Markov processes, diffusions and random fractals, and it has influenced the study of these topics. Its central position within mathematics is matched by numerous applications in science, engineering and mathematical finance. Often textbooks on probability theory...