The System Concept and Its Application to Engineering
by Erik W. Aslaksen
Systems engineering is a mandatory approach in some industries, and is gaining wider acceptance for complex projects in general. However, under the imperative of delivering these projects on time and within budget, the focus has been mainly on the management aspects, with less attention to improving the core engineering activity - design. This book addresses the application of the system concept to design in several ways: by developing a deeper understanding of the system concept, by defining...
Profiting from Innovation in China
by Oliver Gassmann, Angela Beckenbauer, and Sascha Friesike
China is dramatically catching up and is rapidly becoming a leading technological innovator on the global scale. The number of Chinese firms with global ambitions is growing fast, more and more technological innovation is coming from China, and the number of patents in China is also growing steadily. The negative side of this development is the still insufficient protection of intellectual property in China. The phenomenon of counterfeits originating from China has increased constantly over the...
Innovative Design of Manufacturing (Springer Tracts in Mechanical Engineering)
With the implementation of the strategic plan "Made in China 2025" as its guideline and "the study of formulation of executive summary of innovative design in the manufacturing industry" as the main theme, this book provides an in-depth interpretation of innovative design from three perspectives - why, what and how. Chapter One, "The Necessity of Developing Innovative Design," focuses on why innovative design should be developed, and Chapter Two, "Concept And Connotation of Innovative Design," e...
Sustainable Innovations in Textile Fibres (Textile Science and Clothing Technology)
This book highlights the innovations in textile fibres, that is the starting point of the supply chain. There are numerous innovations made in terms of making the existing fibres sustainable and also to discover new sustainable fibres. This book deals with those innovative sustainable textile fibres in detail. It also presents an overview of various current textile fibres, their issues associated with sustainability and how new, sustainable fibres overcome those issues. Finally it discusses the...
Supply Chain Strategy: The Logistics of Supply Chain Management
by Edward Frazelle
Digital Twins in Manufacturing (Springer Series in Advanced Manufacturing)
by Vytautas Ostasevicius
This book presents a guide to digital twin technologies and their applications within manufacturing. It examines key technological advances in the area of Industry 4.0, including numerical and experimental models and the Internet of Things (IoT), and explores their potential technical benefits through real-world application examples. This book presents digital models of advanced manufacturing processes dynamics that enable to control the cutting processes including experimental and simulation st...
Das Wagner-Whitin-Verfahren und dessen Anwendungsmoeglichkeiten
by Tim-Florian Schucht
Vehicle Scheduling in Port Automation
by Hassan Rashidi and Edward Tsang
Container terminals are constantly being challenged to adjust their throughput capacity to match fluctuating demand. Examining the optimization problems encountered in today’s container terminals, Vehicle Scheduling in Port Automation: Advanced Algorithms for Minimum Cost Flow Problems, Second Edition provides advanced algorithms for handling the scheduling of automated guided vehicles (AGVs) in ports.The research reported in this book represents a complete package that can help readers address...
Wp Stand Alone Operations Management: Creating Value Along the Supply Chain
by Roberta Robin Russell and Bernard W Taylor, III
Diamond Finishing Supervisor Work Log (Orange Logs/Work Log)
by Orange Logs
Mit der Veranderung der klassischen Fabrik von einer Produktionsstatte zu einem modernen Dienstleistungszentrum ergeben sich neue Herausforderungen: Wirtschaftlichkeit der modernen Wertschoepfung ist keine Eigenschaft der Produkte, sondern des Prozesses. Komplexe Prozesse benoetigen eine ganzheitliche Unterstutzung durch moderne und flexible IT-Systeme.Neben einer grundsatzlichen Einfuhrung in das Thema beschreibt das Buch die Struktur eines Manufacturing Execution Systems (MES). Dem Leser wird...
Der flexible Einsatz von Mitarbeitern/-innen in produzierenden Unternehmen adressiert ein Thema von hoher wirtschaftlicher Bedeutung und Aktualitat. Gestaltungsmoeglichkeiten werden im Hinblick auf Produktionssysteme wie auch in Bezug auf den Einsatz der Personalressourcen behandelt. Produktionsplaner und Personalleitung erhalten konkrete Handlungsempfehlungen.Dieser praxisorientierte Handlungsleitfaden spricht insbesondere kleine und mittelstandische Unternehmen an. "FlexPro - Flexible Produkti...
Ressourceneffiziente Selbstoptimierende Wascherei (Intelligente Technische Systeme - Loesungen Aus Dem Spitzencl)
Die Publikation befasst sich mit der Optimierung einer Wascherei hinsichtlich ihrer Ressourceneffizienz. Ressourcen umschliessen hierbei die menschliche Arbeitskraft, der Umsatz von Chemikalien und Wasser, sowie den Energieverbrauch. Die Grundlagen der Waschereitechnik und die eingesetzten wissenschaftlichen Methoden bilden die Grundlage fur die exemplarische Umsetzung einer ressourceneffizienten Wascherei. Diese Umsetzung erfolgt in vier Pilotprojekten, die sich mit unterschiedlichen aktuellen...
This fifth edition of the essentials of operations management has been extensively rewritten in line with technological advances and features case study material on an accompanying CD-ROM for the first time.
Lean Six Sigma For Higher Education: Research And Practice
Lean Six Sigma is one of the operational excellence methodologies that has been widely adopted in manufacturing, service and healthcare sectors. There are few articles discussing Lean Six Sigma in the Higher Education context. This book is a collection of articles carefully edited by three academics and practitioners who are based in the Higher Education sector. The book contains state-of-the-art literature review articles, empirical studies, emerging trends on Lean Six Sigma in Higher Education...
2012 International Conference on Information Technology and Management Science(icitms 2012) Proceedings
by Bing Xu