Supply Chain Management Erfolgreich Umsetzen
by Daniel Corsten and Christoph Gabriel
Supply Chain Management (SCM) bedeutet konsequente Prozessorientierung zur effizienten Gestaltung der Material- und Informationsflusse im und zwischen Unternehmen. Aufgrund der Industrie- und Branchenstruktur ergeben sich unterschiedliche Anforderungen bezuglich Produkt, Markt, Technologie und Kunden - und damit an das Supply Chain Design. Die Realisierung ist jedoch mit vielfaltigen Barrieren verbunden: Neben der Gestaltung unternehmensubergreifender Prozesse, der Optimierung des Produktdesigns...
Causes of Supply Chain Disruptions; An Empirical Analysis in Cold Chains for Food and Pharmaceuticals
Verena Brenner provides a systematic approach for the investigation, measurement, and management of supply chain disruptions. A terminological, theoretical and practical basis for the analysis of supply chain disruptions is developed to create a consistent and transferable research framework. To better understand why certain supply chains are more susceptible to disruptions than others, this framework is then tested empirically in cold chain logistics. Based on a survey with approximately 60 sup...
Handbook of Behavioral Operations Management: Social and Psychological Dynamics in Production and Service Settings
Immobilien-Benchmarking dient vor allem dazu, die Rendite zu optimieren und Kosten zu senken. Der Band führt in das Immobilienmanagement unter Anwendung des Immobilien-Benchmarkings ein. Dabei wird Immobilienmanagement als integraler Bestandteil des Immobilienlebenszyklus verstanden. Die Autoren stellen bewährte und zielführende Vorgehensweisen bei Benchmarking-Projekten dar und schöpfen dabei aus ihren umfangreichen Praxiserfahrungen. Beispiele sowohl aus dem öffentlichen Bereich wie auch aus d...
Industry 4.0: Managing The Digital Transformation (Springer Series in Advanced Manufacturing)
by Alp Ustundag and Emre Cevikcan
This book provides a comprehensive guide to Industry 4.0 applications, not only introducing implementation aspects but also proposing a conceptual framework with respect to the design principles. In addition, it discusses the effects of Industry 4.0, which are reflected in new business models and workforce transformation. The book then examines the key technological advances that form the pillars of Industry 4.0 and explores their potential technical and economic benefits using examples of real-...
Industrial Project Management (Management for Professionals)
by Stefano Tonchia
For a continuously growing company that has to be ready and aware of market trends to implement its products and adapt them to the needs of increasingly demanding customers, it is no longer enough to have and pursue excellent technical and technological departments, quality products, to have at its disposal an effective and efficient sales network with qualified aggressive personnel and to invest in research. Today, fulfilling contract goals while keeping the customer satisfied and staying withi...
Loose Leaf for Operations and Supply Chain Management: The Core
by F Robert Jacobs and Richard B Chase
This book develops foresight techniques to turn future societal challenges into opportunities. The authors present foresight approaches for innovation policy and management. Future developments in fields such as education, energy, new materials, nanotechnologies are highlighted for different countries. Readers will discover tools and instruments to capture the potentials of the grand societal challenges as defined by the United Nations. This book is a valuable resource for researchers and schola...
Transforming Through Processes (SpringerBriefs in Business Process Management)
by Joachim Van Den Bergh, Sara Thijs, and Stijn Viaene
This book presents a series of twelve short interviews with inspiring practitioners and academics sharing insights in the world of process and transformation. The interviews tackle issues and questions about the future of Business Process Management (BPM), the impact of emerging technologies and customer centricity. It focusses the pitfalls in BPM implementations as well as cultural aspects and many more specific views. With the insights and experiences of leading experts the book provides a bas...
Blockchain for Construction (Blockchain Technologies)
This book highlights the design, use and structure of blockchain systems and decentralized ledger technologies (B/DLT) for use in the construction industry. Construction remains a fragmented change-resistant industry with chronic problems of underproductivity and a very low digitization factor compared to other fields. In parallel, the convergence, embedding and coordination of digital technologies in the physical world provides a unique opportunity for the construction industry to leap ahead an...
Gen Combo Looseleaf Supply Chain Logistics Mangement; Connect Access Card
by Donald Bowersox, David Closs, and M. Bixby Cooper
This is a practical guide to solutions for forecasting demand for services and products in international markets - and much more than just a listing of dry theoretical methods. Leading experts present studies on improving methods for forecasting numbers of incoming patent filings at the European Patent Office. These are reviewed by practitioners of the existing methods, revealing that it may not always be wise to trust established regression approaches.
E-Logistics and E-Supply Chain Management
Business models rely on the development and use of technologies in logistics and supply chain management in order to continually improve business processes. E-Logistics and E-Supply Chain Management: Applications for Evolving Business explores the creation of integrated supply chains, the developments of virtual business, and the processes of re-engineering for business development. This reference source is useful for researchers, students, and practitioners to provide an academic and pragmatic...
Gen Combo LL Operations Management in the the Supply Chain; Practice Op Mgmt AC
by Roger G Schroeder, M. Johnny Rungtusanatham, and Susan Meyer Goldstein
Operations Management in the Supply Chain: Decisions and Cases is an ideal book for the instructor seeking a short text with cases. This book employs a cross-functional perspective that emphasizes strategy and critical thinking, appealing to non-majors and practical for use in an MBA level or undergraduate course in operations management. The size and focus of the book also make the text attractive for the cross-functional curriculum where students are required to purchase more than one text. Th...
Influence of Psychological Factors on Product Development (Space Technology Library, #14)
by E.S. Kamata
This book focuses on the interrelationship of social, technical, and organizational aspects of and related to the product development process. It originated from activities in practice in industry and research laboratories. In order to ensure relative autonomy from the short-term economic interests of a given industrial branch or specific company, the research for this work was first conducted in pursuit of a PhD thesis intended to provide practice-oriented results. With the ansatz practice - th...