Multiple Criteria Decision Making with Fuzzy Sets (Multiple Criteria Decision Making)
Using numerical examples to illustrate their concepts and results, this book examines recently developed fuzzy multi-criteria methods, such as Intuitionistic Fuzzy TOPSIS, Intuitionistic Fuzzy TOPSIS & DEA-AHP, Intuitionistic VIKOR, Pythagorean WASPAS, Pythagorean ENTROPI, Hesitant CBD, Hesitant MABAC, Triangular EDAS, Triangular PROMETHEE, q-Rung Orthopair COPRAS, and Fuzzy Type – 2 ELECTRE. Each chapter covers practical applications in addition to fresh developments and results. Given its str...
Army Stock Positioning
by Adam C Resnick, Jeremy M Eckhause, and James Syme
20 Jahre Fraunhofer-Institut fur Arbeitswirtschaft und Organisation IAO: Zu diesem Jubilaum werden in diesem Buch die fur das Informationszeitalter wichtigen Themen des Technologiemanagement ausfuhrlich und praxisnah dargestellt und mit aktuellen Beispielen aus der Projektarbeit verdeutlicht. Durch seine anwendungsorientierten Forschungen auf dem Gebiet des Technologiemanagement hat sich das Fraunhofer IAO seit seiner Grundung im Jahre 1981 nationales und internationales Ansehen erworben. Wirtsc...
Advanced Planning in Supply Chains (Management for Professionals)
by Hartmut Stadtler, Bernhard Fleischmann, Martin Grunow, Herbert Meyr, and Christopher Srie
Advanced Planning Systems (APS) are a key enabler of the supply chain management. However, APS are highly complex and difficult to comprehend. This book provides students with valuable insights into the capabilities of state-of-the-art APS and bridges the gap between theory (model building and solution algorithms), software implementation, and adaptation to a specific business case. Our business case - named Frutado - provides a unifying framework for illustrating the different planning tasks th...
World Comparisons of Purchasing Power and Real Product for 1980
The Oliver Wight Class A Checklist for Business Excellence (The Oliver Wight Companies, #15)
Process planning determines how a product is to be manufactured and is therefore a key element in the manufacturing process. It plays a major part in determining the cost of components and affects all factory activities, company competitiveness, production planning, production efficiency and product quality. It is a crucial link between design and manufacturing. There are several levels of process planning activities. Early in product engineering and development, process planning is responsible...
Studies in Quantitative Decision Making (Asset Analytics)
This edited volume is an in-depth collation of the usage of different quantitative decision making techniques in practical areas such as lean & green supply chain, reverse logistics, perishable logistics, closed loop supply chain, sustainable project management, retail management, block chain applications, optimal supplier selection problem, demand/supply modelling, forecasting under uncertainties, scheduling & sequencing, resource constraint logistics, dynamic network supply chain, risk evaluat...
Mechatronics Volume 2
by Jeffrey Johnson, Phil Picton, and Philip Picton
Produktionsplanung Und -steuerung 1
Fur Unternehmen sind Produktionsplanung und -steuerung (PPS) angesichts sich wandelnder Markte und grosser Preisschwankungen von erheblicher Bedeutung. Dabei erfolgt die Auftragsabwicklung heute in Netzwerken, die weit uber die Unternehmensgrenzen hinausreichen. In dem 2-bandigen Handbuch werden theoretisch fundierte Gestaltungsmethoden fur unternehmensinterne und -ubergreifende PPS vorgestellt. In Band 1 erlautern die Autoren Komponenten, Inhalte und Anwendungen des Aachener PPS-Modells, das si...
A manufacturer or supplier of electronic equipment or components needs to know the precise requirements for component certification and quality conformance to meet the demands of the customer. This book ensures that the professional is aware of all the UK, European and International necessities, knows the current status of these regulations and standards, and where to obtain them.
Advances in Distribution Logistics (Lecture Notes in Economics and Mathematical Systems, #460)
Distribution logistics have been strongly affected by recent economic trends: globalization of markets, deregulation of the European freight traffic, a growing part of just-in-time deliveries and both increased competition and strategic cooperation between all parties involved. The book covers in a systematic way the strategic, tactical and operational planning of distribution systems and processes. It gives an overview of the relevant quantitative models and techniques as well as of application...
The 1997 Kyoto Conference defined CO2 emISSIOn targets for the developed regions of the world. The EU target of decreasing the emissions 8% below the 1990 level, by 2010, will require a very substantial effort covering basically all activities if such a target is to be reached. Energy-efficient motor systems can provide one of the most important opportunities to achieve electricity savings in a cost effective way, avoiding at the same time the emission of tens of millions of tons of carbon. The...
Production Theory and Its Applications (Lecture Notes in Economics and Mathematical Systems, #139)
Since 1973, the European Institute for Advanced Studies in Management in Brussels has organized regular workshops in the area of management science. The aim of these workshops is to organize a European network of research in the area in order to improve the jOint research on an international basis. Some of these workshops were directed towards the development of certain specialities. The meeting in November 1974 was arranged around the theme "Production Theory and its Applications". It was divid...
Multi Pack: Operations Management 4/e & Business Dictionary
by Prof. Nigel Slack
This Multi Pack consists of "Operations Management, fouth edition" by Slack (0273679066) and a the New Penguin Dictionary of Business (0140513779). Slack's revised and fully updated edition of "Operations Management" continues to provide a clear, well-structured and comprehensive treatment of the subject, balancing a logical approach with the insights that come from operations practice around the world.
Mylab Operations Management with Pearson Etext -- Access Card -- For Principles of Operations Mangement
by Jay Heizer, Barry Render, and Chuck Munson
Digitale Transformation (Informationsmanagement Und Digitale Transformation)
Dieses Open Access-Buch gibt eine Einführung in die Grundlagen der digitalen Transformation. Es werden aktuelle technologische Trends sowie Auswirkungen auf den Wettbewerb und die Geschäftsmodellentwicklung erläutert. Außerdem werden anhand empirischer Umfragen sowie Fallstudien aus der Praxis die Chancen und Risiken digitaler Transformationsprojekte aufgezeigt. Die Ergebnisse helfen Unternehmen dabei, Technologiepotentiale abzuschätzen und frühzeitig zukunftsweisende Technologiekompetenz...