The 2007-2012 Outlook for Surgical Instruments in the United States
by Philip M. Parker
Design Attitude is a book for those who want to scratch beneath the surface and explore the impact design and designers have in organisations. It offers an alternative view on the sources of success and competitive advantage of companies such as Apple, where design plays a leading role. It sheds light on the cultural dynamics within organisations, where professional designers have a significant presence and influence. At its heart, the book asks a question: what is the nature of designers' cont...
Handbook of Innovation and Standards
Innovation and standardization might seem polar opposites, but over many years various scholars have noted close connections between the two. This Handbook assembles a broad range of thinking on this subject, with contributions from several disciplinary perspectives by over 30 leading scholars and experienced practitioners. Collectively, they summarize and synthesize the existing body of knowledge - theory and evidence - pertaining to standards and innovation, and provide insights into how this...
Shaping Global Industrial Relations: The Impact of International Framework Agreements
TOYOTA Illustrated Encyclopedia of Lean Management
by Gabriel Iqbal
The Workers of Nations
The new international economy is today the single most important factor shaping relations between employers, unions, and governments in the world's advanced industrial societies. While companies compete in global markets with firms around the world, workers remain fixed in each country and are influenced by local the customs and mores. This book explores how globalization affects the contemporary workplace and how workplace policies can make nations more internationally competitive. Unlike other...
The book's first section, Sourcing FM Services, highlights the critical elements of the process from the first decision to outsource through to supplier appointment. Selecting the right outsourced supplier is only the beginning of a process which may last for many years. A successful outcome depends greatly on what happens in the first few weeks. Mobilising the contract, establishing the measurement and communication protocols and developing the right relationships are crucial activities that de...
Cogeneration Management Reference Guide
by F. William Payne and Fairmont Press
Bringing together expertise in all aspects of cogeneration, this book delivers up-to-the-minute guidance on new technologies, market trends, developing oppurtunities, regulatory changes, project economics, system integration and management, risk management and much more.You'll learn the latest trends in public-private partnerships, how to effectively negotiate power sales contracts, the best approaches to securing standby service, and how utilities are using cogeneration as a value-added service...
Forever Contemporary (Readings in Political Economy, #3)
Ronald Coase is one of the most important economists of the twentieth century. Amongst other great achievements, Coase taught us why firms exist and how we can better understand how to solve environmental problems. He also made a profound contribution to our understanding of the provision of so-called "public goods" and helped join the often distinct intellectual fields of law and economics. Coase coined the phrase "blackboard economics" to describe an approach to economics that involved ignorin...
This book aims to provide a thoroughly updated overview and evaluation of the industrial organization of banking. It examines the interplay among bank behavior, market structure, and regulation from the perspective of a variety of public policy issues, including bank competition and risk, market discipline, antitrust issues, and capital regulation. New to this edition are discussions of the economic foundations of international banking, macroprudential regulation, and international coordination...
Operations and Supply Chain Management 9e Wileyplus with Loose-Leaf Print Companion with Epubc and Wileyplus Lms Card Set
by Roberta S Russell
Technology and Industrial Development in Japan (Japan Business and Economics)
by Hiroyuki Odagiri and Akira Goto
Japan was the first major non-western nation to take on board the Western technological and organizational advances of the century after the fist industrial revolution. It subsequently proved fully able to exploit and contribute to the broad, sustained technological advances that began in the twentieth century, as science became harnessed to technology. Japan's economic development remains a model for many technologically less advanced countries which have not yet mastered modern technology to o...
Die Stahlindustrie Der Vereinigten Staaten Von Amerika in Ihren Heutigen Produktions- Und Absatz-Verhaltnissen
by Hermann Levy
Als ich im April des J ahres 1904 nach den Vereinigten Staaten von Amerika reiste, hatte ich mir die Aufgabe gestellt, zu unter- suchen, welche Fortschritte die amerikanische Industrie seit dem jiingsten Aufschwunge in der Fertigfabrikation und Weiter- verarbeitung ihrer Rohstoffe gemacht babe. Ist doch die Frage, inwieweit die Neue Welt ihre ungeheuren Schatze an Rohstoffen selbst zu hochwertigen Fertigfabrikaten verarbeiten wird und unter welchen Kosten dies geschehen kann, das vielleicht bede...
Entrepreneurship, Growth, and Innovation (International Studies in Entrepreneurship, #12)
Entrepreneurship, Growth and Innovation provides comprehensive insight into the economics of entrepreneurship, claiming that this recently established discipline should establish a framework of analysis that integrates the understanding of the determinants and the effects of both entrepreneurship and innovation without neglecting the functioning of the inducement mechanisms. For this purpose, the book combines theoretical prescriptions and international empirical evidence. Contributions by some...
This dynamic study of the business of football considers its income and cost drivers, its capital structure and its accounting policies through UK examples and international comparison. Also addressed are the conflicts arising out of the incorporation of football and the dichotomy between sport and business, leading to a suggested contemporary framework for accountability and business behaviour.
This volume is devoted to innovation with a special focus on its two sides, namely creation and destruction, and on its role in the evolution of capitalist economies. The first part of the book looks at innovation and its effects on economic performance, addressing issues of motives, behavioral rules under uncertainty, actor properties, and technology characteristics. The second part concentrates on potential consequences of innovative activities, in particular structural change, the "innovatio...
Theorie Der Internen Lohnstruktur (Europaeische Hochschulschriften / European University Studie, #326)
by Helmut Ross
Vor dem aktuellen Hintergrund der derzeit hohen Arbeitslosigkeit versucht der Verfasser, eines der bisher noch unzulanglich erklarten Arbeitsmarktphanomene - die Inflexibilitat der betriebsinternen Lohnstruktur - naher zu analysieren. Zur Erklarung dieser Lohnstrukturstabilitat wird eine Vielzahl vornehmlich neuerer arbeitsmarkttheoretischer Ansatze ausgewertet, systematisiert, auf Vereinbarkeit gepruft und kritisch gewurdigt. Tenor dieses Theorienvergleichs ist der Nachweis, dass die institutio...
Project Management and Engineering Research, 2014 (Lecture Notes in Management and Industrial Engineering)
This volume features papers from the 18th International Congress on Project Management and Engineering, held by the University of Zaragoza in collaboration with the Spanish Association of Project Management and Engineering (AEIPRO). It illustrates the state of the art in this emerging area. Readers will discover ways to increase the effectiveness of project engineering as well as the efficiency of project management. The papers, written by international researchers and professionals, cover civi...
Thermal Energy Harvesting for Application at Mems Scale (SpringerBriefs in Electrical and Computer Engineering)
by Steven Percy, Chris Knight, and Scott McGarry
This book discusses the history of thermal heat generators and focuses on the potential for these processes using micro-electrical mechanical systems (MEMS) technology for this application. The main focus is on the capture of waste thermal energy for example from industrial processes, transport systems or the human body to generate useable electrical power. A wide range of technologies is discussed, including external combustion heat cycles at MEMS ( Brayton, Stirling and Rankine), Thermoacousti...