Arts, Government and Community Revitalization (Routledge Revivals)
by Javier Stanziola
First published in 1999, this book goes beyond the standard economic tools used to evaluate the effectiveness of arts in redevelopment processes. It assumes that the sectors involved in the process of arts-led community revitalization (artists, non-profit organizations, government and for-profit firms) act upon the economic structure and initiate a resurgence path. This assumption allows us to study the political and economic interaction among these sectors, understand their incentives and defin...
A textbook that examines how societies reach decisions about the use and allocation of economic resourcesWhile economic research emphasizes the importance of governmental institutions for growth and progress, conventional public policy textbooks tend to focus on macroeconomic policies and on tax-and-spend decisions. Markets, State, and People stresses the basics of welfare economics and the interplay between individual and collective choices. It fills a gap by showing how economic theory relates...
While the west has experienced multiple post-war economic, social and political revolutions, India by contrast has had two distinct moments of transformation in the past century: Independence in 1947 and the economic liberalisation that began in 1991. Midnight’s Grandchildren are the offspring of India’s second social and economic revolution. India’s millennial generation, coming of age post-1991, have grown up in a world of opportunity and relative abundance. Many institutions – family, marria...
Leonhard Miksch (1901 - 1950) ist eine vielschichtige Persönlichkeit innerhalb der Gründungsgeneration der Freiburger Schule. Als Schüler Walter Euckens avancierte er zum engen wirtschaftspolitischen Berater Ludwig Erhards und war maßgeblich an der Entstehung der Sozialen Marktwirtschaft beteiligt. Dieser Band liefert einen Einblick in sein Leben und Werk sowie eine Diskussion seiner wichtigsten Beiträge zur Freiburger Forschungstradition. Sie wurden anlässlich seines 60. Todestages im September...
Evolutorische Wirtschaftspolitik (Untersuchungen zur Ordnungstheorie und Ordnungspolitik, #33)
by Lambert Koch
Ordnungspolitik in der Demokratie (Die Einheit der Gesellschaftswissenschaften, #116)
by Ingo Pies
Dezentrale Finanzpolitik wird in theoretischen Untersuchungen häufig als Bedrohung für statische Effizienz wahrgenommen. Dieser Auffassung steht die, bisher theoretisch nur oberflächlich untersuchte, Hoffnung gegenüber, daß Dezentralisierung mit finanzpolitischen Lern- und Innovationsprozessen die Voraussetzung für dynamische Effizienz erst schafft.Jan Schnellenbach entwickelt ein mikrofundiertes Modell, mit dem untersucht werden kann, unter welchen Annahmen in der Finanzpolitik mit Lern- und In...
Die Begründung von Regeln (Die Einheit der Gesellschaftswissenschaften, #83)
by Geoffrey Brennan and James M. Buchanan
Umfassende Ökonomie (Die Einheit der Gesellschaftswissenschaften, #68)
by Mancur Olson
Umfassende Okonomie (Die Einheit der Gesellschaftswissenschaften, #68)
by Mancur Olson
New Edition What would the world be like if its ruling elite was insane? The most powerful class of institution on earth, the corporation, is by any reasonable measure hopelessly and unavoidably demented. The corporation lies, steals and kills without remorse and without hesitation when it serves the interests of its shareholders to do so. It obeys the law only when the costs of crime exceed the profits. Corporate social responsibility is impossible except insofar as it is insincere. At once a d...
Okonomischer Liberalismus ALS Politische Theorie: Befund, Kritik, Rekonstruktion
by Gerhard Wegner
Multinational Corporations and Foreign Direct Investment UNsimplified
by Stephen D. Cohen
Large companies doing business on a global basis increasingly dominate the production and marketing of the world's goods and services. This book analyses multinational corporations.
Agricultural Change and Rural Poverty
Two Papers on the Degrees of Mortality of Mankind
by Professor Edmund Halley
Life and Work of Dr. J. Th. Van Der Kemp
Dr. J.Th Van der Kemp was a gifted and controversial figure in the history of Dutch missionary activity. He was the founder of the Netherlands Missionary Society, and pioneered the work of the London Missionary Society amongst the Xhosa and Khoikhoi in South Africa. Attention has been directed mainly to his work in Bethelsdorp, his fight on behalf of the distressed Khoikhoi entrusted to his care, his clash with the Boers, and his conflicts with the local and Cape authorities.
Best Practices for Education Professionals, Volume Two
This informative new volume provides a hand-picked selection of useful techniques, ideas, competencies, and skills for working with children in school settings. The book comprises both research (qualitative, quantitative, and mixed-design) and conceptual pieces about the most effective, current professional practices for professionals who work with P-12 children in schools. The practices described here will be useful for a wide assortment of professionals within education, including practicing t...
Immigration, Unemployment and Domestic Welfare (Beitrage zur Finanzwissenschaft, #22)
by Alexander Kemnitz
Alexander Kemnitz provides a unified framework for the analysis of the effects of immigration on wages, employment and welfare of the population of the target country in the presence of unemployment. Taking into account important features of European labor markets, he shows that unemployment results from the interplay of trade union wage setting and welfare state provisions. The author identifies technological and political conditions, in particular with respect to the wage setting process and t...
Case-by-case Privatization in the Russian Federation (World Bank Discussion Paper, No.385.)
by World Bank
Since the advent of reform in 1992, the Russian authorities have made substantial strides toward creating a market economy through privatization. Recently, Russian authorities have established an institutional framework for a 'case-by-case' approach that ensures transparency and competition through the use of independent financial and other advisers. This paper contains the principal presentations made at a World Bank workshop on the lessons of international experience in case-by-case privatizat...
Innovation Policy and the Economy, 2018 (National Bureau of Economic Research Innovation Policy and t, #19)
This volume highlights the interaction between public policy and innovation. The first chapter documents the dramatic globalization of R&D and how this development has affected the efforts of U.S. multinationals to operate on the global technology frontier. The next chapter synthesizes research on the impact of trade shocks on innovation and explains how these shocks’ effects depend on the firms, industries, and countries affected. The third chapter examines the Advanced Research Projects Agenc...