Small Firms in Britain
Chapters cover reference sources in accounting; advertising and public relations; associations and nonprofit organizations; audio-visual communications media; business and management; careers; computers; consultants and consulting; contracting; corporations; and education (higher, vocational, contin
Ultimate Anytime Daily Planner (Undated Simple Flexible Planner, #1)
by New Nomads Press
Consultants & Consulting Organizations Directory (Consultants & Consulting Organizations Directory)
7 Day Hourly Planner (Planners, Notebooks & Calendars, #13)
by Gladden Books
An estimated 30,000 coaches have entered the coaching profession during the past five years. Unfortunately, the majority report they are unable to earn a living wage from their coaching services. Competition is high, and the knowledge of how to succeed in the business is often lacking. To survive today, coaches must match their enthusiasm with strong business and marketing expertise. Lynn Grodzki and Wendy Allen are veteran business coaches who understand how to strategically approach the busine...
How to Make at Least 100, 000 Dollars Every Year as a Consultant in Your Own Field
by Jeffrey Lant
Consultants & Consulting Organizations Directory (Consultants & Consulting Organizations Directory)
Consulting Mastery; How the Best Make the Biggest Difference
by Merron
This is not just another book telling consultants how to advise their clients on solving specific problems—increasing sales, finding the best IT system, reducing turnover, and so on. Consulting Mastery teaches consultants how to master the real challenge of working with organizations: effecting actual change. It examines how to help clients help themselves to achieve higher levels of performance. Drawing on interviews with fourteen master consultants and ten executives in client organizations,...
Many would-be consultants fail, not because they have no skills but because they don't know how to manage those skills or to present them effectively. Raymond Hebson's book shows the reader how to avoid the pitfalls and achieve success. The new consultant is guided expertly through every stage of marketing his or her expertise, from making the first contact and anticipating client demand to remaining competitive and the basic psychology of dealing with situations that can arise when working at t...
Succeeding as a Coach is aimed at coaches who have completed their training and are looking to take the next steps on their professional journey. It provides insights from expert practitioners in a uniquely concise format, with frequently asked questions discussed in bitesize chapters that allows any coach or trainee to quickly find the specific guidance they need to add new ideas to their coaching repertoire. The content is divided into five sections: Section 1 deals with training, setting up i...
Supply Change Management (Provisional Title) (The Management Consultancies Association)
by Tony Smith and Susan Butler
Evaluation of Regional Enterprise Grants
Framework for a National Register for Contractors (Construction Industry Board, #9)
This report develops a standard pre-qualification form for public sector work. It considers the issues relating to the creation of a single register of contractors seeking public sector work, and the appropriate requirements for entry on that register. The working group for this guide was chaired by Ted Evans from the Construction Industry Employers Council. In Constructing the Team, Sir Michael Latham argued that qualification to approved lists needs to be rationalised in the UK as the costs to...