Lean in the Public Sector (Routledge Critical Studies in Public Management)
by Zoe J. Radnor
Public Sector organizations have experienced a rise in the use of business process improvement methodologies including Lean, Six Sigma, and their counterparts. The evidence of their implementation includes Health, Central Government, Local Government, Police and Fire Service organizations within the UK, Europe, Australia, and the US. The drivers for introducing business process improvement methodologies include government agendas, struggle with performance indicators, introduction of new leaders...
Contemporary society is complex; governed and administered by a range of contradictory policies, practices and techniques. Nowhere are these contradictions more keenly felt than in cultural policy. This book uses insights from a range of disciplines to aid the reader in understanding contemporary cultural policy. Drawing on a range of case studies, including analysis of the reality of work in the creative industries, urban regeneration and current government cultural policy in the UK, the book...
Stakeholder Performance Reporting Von Nonprofit-Organisationen
by Sandra Stoetzer
Sandra Stoetzer entwickelt ein normatives Modell fur eine stakeholderorientierte Leistungsberichterstattung von Nonprofit-Organisationen. Sie gibt konkrete Handlungs- und Gestaltungsempfehlungen fur die praktische Ausgestaltung des Performance Reporting und behandelt eine Vielzahl innovativer Einzelaspekte.
How to Start, Run & Grow a Successful Nonprofit Organization
by Aaron Sanders
The Ask: How to Ask for Support for Your Nonprofit Cause, Creative Project, or Business Venture
by Laura Fredricks
Strategic Planning for Not-For-Profit Organizations
by R Henry Migliore
Strategic Planning for Not-For-Profit Organizations covers all the steps involved in developing a strategic plan for a not-for-profit organization. Strategic planning has become a critical issue for not-for-profit organizations as they strive for direction and orderly adjustment to a changing environment. In this book, the authors describe a strategic planning process that will help readers bring direction and unity to their organizations and help create a sense of enthusiasm and anticipation as...
2003-2004 Miller Not-for-Profit Organisations
Demands for sustainability policies have set new challenges for business both on the individual firm level and on the level of organized business interests. This edited volume brings together economic, social, environmental, and cultural dimensions of sustainability that comprise different challenges for business processes and activities. The aim is to develop an overarching framework to the study of sustainability and business and to advance an interdisciplinary analytical perspective. The book...