Prolonging the Cut of Southern Pine, Vol. 1 (Classic Reprint)
by Herman Haupt Chapman
Investing in farmers through public-private-producer partnerships (FAO Investment Centre Country Highlights)
by S. Amanah, S. Suprehatin, E. Iskandar, L. Eugenia, and M.R. Chaidirsyah
Investing in farmers through public-private-producer partnerships Rural Empowerment and Agricultural Development Scaling-up Initiative in Indonesia. Investing in farmers - or agriculture human capital - is crucial to addressing challenges in our agri-food systems. A global study carried out by the FAO Investment Centre and the International Food Policy Research Institute, with support from the CGIAR Research Programme on Policies, Institutions and Markets and the FAO Research and Extension Unit,...
Winner of the 2019 Pulitzer Prize for General Nonfiction'At heart a David and Goliath story fit for the movies ... [A] valuable, discomforting book' The New York Times Book ReviewSeven years in the making, Amity and Prosperity tells the story of the energy boom's impact on a small town at the edge of Appalachia and of one woman's transformation from a struggling single parent to an unlikely activist.Stacey Haney is a local nurse working hard to raise two kids and keep up her small farm when the...
SME Mining Reference Handbook
The go-to resource for professionals in the mining industryThe SME Mining Reference Handbook was the first concise reference published in the mining field and it quickly became the industry standard. It sits on almost every mining engineer's desk or bookshelf with worn pages, tabs to find most used equations, and personal notes. It has been the unequaled single reference and the first source of information for countless engineers.This second edition of the SME Mining Reference Handbook builds on...
Reservoir Characterization of Tight Gas Sandstones
by Ali Kadkhodaie and Rahim Kadkhodaie
Reservoir Characterization of Tight Gas Sandstones: Exploration and Development is essential reading for those working in oil and gas exploration (both in industry and academia) as it contains chapters that help them further understand all aspects of tight gas reservoirs. In this book, experts in industry and academia update readers on new methods of tight gas reservoir modeling and evaluation. As there are very limited published books in the field of tight sandstones, this book will benefit rea...
Mining and Development (Routledge Library Editions: Environmental and Natural Resource Economics)
by Ciaran O'Faircheallaigh
This book, first published in 1984, examines the economics and political issues raised by foreign investment in mineral development. It is an attempt to identify, as far as possible, what occurs in and between countries when foreign investments are made in mineral development, concentrating on two main themes: on the nature of the transactions which constitute the process of foreign investment on the physical level – money and instruments of credit, objects, information and people as they cross...
This is a cautionary tale. About greed, irresponsibility and failing to learn from the past.Australia's mining boom is still talked about with a sense of awe. This once-in-a-lifetime event capped off 25 straight years of economic growth. Thanks to mining we sidestepped the worst of the Global Financial Crisis. To the rest of the world Australia was an economic miracle. And then the boom ended.Now Australia is grappling with what that means at a time of rising economic inequality and political up...
Public Responses to Fossil Fuel Export
Public Responses to Fossil Fuel Export provides wide-ranging theoretical and methodological international contributions on the human dimensions of fossil fuel export, with a distinctive focus on exporting countries, some of which are new entrants into the marketplace. What do members of the public think about exporting fossil fuels in places where it is happening? What do they see as its main risks and benefits? What connections are being made to climate change and the impending energy trans...
A polemic about global warming and the environmental crisis which argues that ordinary people have consistently opposed the destruction of nature and so provide an untapped constituency for climate action. Crimes Against Nature uses fresh material to offer a very different take on the most important issue of our times. It takes the familiar narrative about global warming - the one in which we are all to blame - and inverts it, to show how, again and again, pollution and ecological devastation ha...
Hybrid Enhanced Oil Recovery Using Smart Waterflooding
by Kun Sang Lee and Ji Ho Lee
Hybrid Enhanced Oil Recovery Using Smart Waterflooding explains the latest technologies used in the integration of low-salinity and smart waterflooding in other EOR processes to reduce risks attributed to numerous difficulties in existing technologies, also introducing the synergetic effects. Covering both lab and field work and the challenges ahead, the book delivers a cutting-edge product for today's reservoir engineers.
Saving Oil and Gas in the Gulf
by Glada Lahn, Paul Stevens, and Felix Preston
The waste of oil and gas in the Gulf erodes economic resilience and increases security risks. This is the first report to offer practical recommendations that address the key challenges of governance, political commitment, and market incentives from the perspectives of member countries of the Gulf Cooperation Council (Bahrain, Kuwait, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, UAE).
In the spring of 1848, rumours began to spread that gold had been discovered in a remote spot in the Sacramento Valley. A year later, newspaper headlines declared 'Gold Fever!' as hundreds of thousands of men and women borrowed money, quit their jobs, and allowed themselves - for the first time ever - to imagine a future of ease and splendor. In THE RUSH, Edward Dolnick brilliantly recounts their treacherous westward journeys by wagon and on foot, and takes us to the frenzied gold fields and the...
Global dialogue on the role of food and agriculture in the post-2020 global biodiversity framework
The Global Dialogue on the Role of Food and Agriculture in the Post-2020 Global Biodiversity Framework was convened virtually by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) and the Secretariat of the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) on 6 and 7 July 2021. This is the summary report of the meeting
Reservoir Engineering focuses on the fundamental concepts related to the development of conventional and unconventional reservoirs and how these concepts are applied in the oil and gas industry to meet both economic and technical challenges. Written in easy to understand language, the book provides valuable information regarding present-day tools, techniques, and technologies and explains best practices on reservoir management and recovery approaches. Various reservoir workflow diagrams presente...
Transactions of the Society for the Promotion of Useful Arts, in the State of New-York, 1819, Vol. 4
by Society for the Promotion of Usefu Arts