Trotz relativ gunstiger klimatischer Voraussetzungen fur den Getreideanbau ist die Russische Foderation auf Getreideimporte in Hohe von jahrlich etwa 10 Mio. t. (1991-1995) angewiesen. Die Ursache fur den Importbedarf liegt zum grossen Teil in den Verlusten wahrend der Ernte, Lagerung und des Transports von Getreide. Obwohl in der russischen Landwirtschaft ein grosses Potential zur Verringerung der Verluste und damit zur Nutzung von Einkommensreserven besteht, kann dieses von den Getreideproduze...
Die Internationalisierung von Unternehmen entwickelt seit den 80er Jahren eine Dynamik, die sich in verstarktem Masse auch auf mittelstandische Firmen erstreckt. Vor diesem Hintergrund werden die Internationalisierungsbestrebungen deutscher mittelgrosser Unternehmen im Gastland Sudafrika anhand theoretischer Erwagungen sowie empirischer Befunde untersucht. Gleichzeitig wird der Standort Sudafrika speziell aus der Perspektive deutscher Mittelstandler beurteilt, und es werden mogliche Auswirkungen...
The papers in this volume, derived from Quo Vadis international workshop held in Rome, Italy, in 2013, address the two major challenges facing the global economy: globalization and European structural crisis as well as examining the impact on the Italian economy. A host of experts drawn from international institutions, economic and political research centres, and leading economists provide a multi-disciplinary perspective on the outlook of the world economy, taking into consideration factors suc...
This volume examines one of the major systemic changes in world economic history: the economic transformation in the Central European nations and the former Soviet states. Part I considers the dramatic adjustments in commodity structure and the geographic distribution of trade in these countries, while Part II surveys the sweeping transition of the Central and Eastern European countries' payments systems and the evolution of financial markets, exchange rates, and banking systems. Forms of integr...
Food, People and Society
A unique insight into the decision-making and food consumption of the European consumer. The volume is essential reading for those involved in product development, market research and consumer science in food and agro industries and academic research. It brings together experts from different disciplines in order to address the fundamental issues related to predicting food choice, consumer behavior and societal trust in quality and safety regulatory systems. The importance of the social and psyc...
Exporting Paradise? EU Development Policy towards Africa since the End of the Cold War
by Tiago Faia
The central aim of this book is to define the approach of EU development policy regarding Africa since the end of the Cold War. It focuses on the impact of EU development policy on the domain of international development and the objective of the EU to become a prominent international actor.The book relies on Martha Finnemore's Social Constructivist research. It concentrates on the dynamics maintained by the EU with the normative basis that characterises the structure and agents of international...
How Should Shale Gas Extraction Be Taxed?
by Philip Daniel and Alan Krupnick
KEY CONCEPTS IN INTERNATIONAL POLITICAL ECONOMY (The Library of International Political Economy)
Acclaimed articles which explore eight fundamental concepts in international political economy - including power/hegemony, interdependence, regimes, mercantilism, economic statecraft, development/dependency, and imperialism - are reprinted in this important two volume set. Scholarly debates on the use of these concepts, as well as discussion of their evolution, are also featured.
IMF Research Bulletin, December 2004
by International Monetary International Monetary Fund
A Global Integration Strategy for the Mediterranean Countries: Open Trade and Market Reforms
by Oli Havrylyshyn
Regionale Integration Im Sub-Saharischen Afrika; Eine Analyse Von Eac, Sadc Und Ecowas
by Plenk Stefan
IMF/Survey Issue No. 1, 1998
by Internation International Monetary Fund
Finance & Development, June 1990
by Internation International Monetary Fund
Finance & Development, September 1997
by Internation International Monetary Fund
Documents Diplomatiques Francais (Documents Diplomatiques Francais - Depuis 1954, Sous La Dire, #1)
Documents Diplomatiques Francais (Documents Diplomatiques Francais - 1932-1935, Sous La Direct, #8)
Aiming to transcend the outdated conflict between Left and Right, the Third Way was welcomed by leading figures on the world stage. Its programme of modernisation, flexibility and community regeneration indicated a way forward for the New Age. Within a firm market emphasis, equality of opportunity and social inclusion were given a prominent place. However, its lack of direction and disinclination to face hard decisions, have left its promise unfulfilled. This book puts forward a rigorous rethink...
Documents Diplomatiques Français (Documents Diplomatiques Francais - 1920-1932, Sous La Direct, #11)
Le premier semestre de 1924 est d'abord marque par la reunion a Paris, janvier a avril, du comite d'experts, charge de definir un programme d'assainissement financier de l'Allemagne et d'estimer ses capacites de paiement. Pendant cette periode, Poincare redefinit la politique de la France en tenant compte de l'arrivee au pouvoir du travailliste Mac Donald. Dans le domaine des reparations, son objectif est d'ecarter toute remise en cause de l'etat de paiement de 1921. Il maintient le principe d'u...
Documents Diplomatiques Français (Documents Diplomatiques Francais - 1944-1954, Sous La Direct, #14)
Le premier grand dossier du second semestre 1949 concerne le Pacte atlantique. On voit apparaitre des le mois d'aout certains soucis francais essentiels. Tout d'abord celui de " creer un organisme a trois charge d'elaborer la strategie mondiale ", entre Washington, Londres et Paris. Il faut egalement obtenir pour les forces francaises les armements americains necessaires. Enfin on estime que le Groupe a trois envisage (le futur Groupe permanent) devra aussi permettre de faire valoir les concepti...
Between Growth and Stability
Combining economic and political science perspectives, this timely and important book describes and analyses the circumstances and events leading to the demise and subsequent reform of the Stability and Growth Pact (SGP). Between Growth and Stability aims to find a solution to the dilemmas posed by fiscal policy coordination in the context of a single currency area, as well as contrasting the alternative heuristic frameworks and theoretical perspectives employed. It focuses particularly on the...
How Much Is a Lot? Historical Evidence on the Size of Fiscal Adjustments