Finance & Development, June 2000
by Internation International Monetary Fund
Finance & Development, September 2002
by Internation International Monetary Fund
Finance & Development, September 1999
by Internation International Monetary Fund
Handbook of World Development
"Arafat's Palestinian State and JIPTA" details how a future Palestinian state with a sound Jordanian-Israeli-Palestinian trade agreement, complete with an acceptable structure for governance, would prepare the way for an expanded and more prosperous regional - 20 nation economic community.
The UN and the Bretton Woods Institutions
The vision of the founders of the United Nations, the World Bank and the IMF some fifty years ago contrasts sharply with the often weak and limited performance of the institutions they created. The 15 papers in this volume critically assess this record in order to set out proposals for strengthening and restructuring the institutions to meet the new challenges of the 21st century. The changes proposed emphasize human security rather than military security, poverty eradication, gender equity and...
Crisis in Zaire
'An authoritative book which may well become a standard reference . . . compelling' James Kynge, Financial TimesLeading global strategist Parag Khanna explains how Asia is reshaping the entire planet and setting a new template for our collective futureFive billion people, two-thirds of the world's mega-cities, one-third of the global economy, two-thirds of global economic growth, thirty of the Fortune 100, six of the ten largest banks, eight of the ten largest armies, five nuclear powers, massiv...
Innerhalb der EG bestehen unterschiedliche Arten von Korperschaftsteuersystemen. Diese unterschiedlichen Systeme bringen Probleme fur den innergemeinschaftlichen Kapitalverkehr mit sich. Der vorliegende Beitrag zeigt die wesentlichen Probleme auf und leitet unter Berucksichtigung der nationalen und internationalen Kriterien der Korperschaftsbesteuerung einen Losungsvorschlag ab."
A Simple Multivariate Filter for Estimating Potential Output
by Patrick Blagrave and Roberto Garcia-Saltos
Matching Properties of Deep Sub-Micron MOS Transistors examines this interesting phenomenon. Microscopic fluctuations cause stochastic parameter fluctuations that affect the accuracy of the MOSFET. For analog circuits this determines the trade-off between speed, power, accuracy and yield. Furthermore, due to the down-scaling of device dimensions, transistor mismatch has an increasing impact on digital circuits. The matching properties of MOSFETs are studied at several levels of abstraction: A si...
Under New Ownership
by Shahid Yusuf, Dwight H. Perkins, and Kaoru Nabeshima
Although the relative size of the public sector has been much reduced worldwide since the early 1980s, it remains the dominant borrower from the banking system and responsible for the majority of the non-performing assets of banks. Drawing upon new firm-level survey data, this volume assesses how changes in the ownership structure of SOEs affect management, governance, innovation, and performance, comparing these SOEs to other types of firms in China. It also considers China's reform efforts a...
Globalisation and Interdependence in the International World Economy
by R. J. Barry Jones
This volume illustrates the way in which the considerations of international (or global) interdependence continually demonstrate the extent to which the contemporary international system is a politico-economic one. The study focuses upon interdependence and globalization, both as concepts and as central features of international relations: it demonstrates the variety of usages of the terms "interdependence" and "globalization" and the contrary implications attached to differing conceptions, as w...
Regulating Europe (Routledge Research in European Public Policy)
First published in 2004. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis, an informa company.
Transition and Beyond (Studies in Economic Transition)
This book covers a wide variety of aspects of transition in Central and Southeast Europe and the CIS, including the socialist legacy, privatization and growth, skills, and banking reforms. It also covers the evolution of the global economy beyond transition, looking at complexity, risk management, the optimal transition path, and globalization.
This work presents an in-depth tour of Vietnam's social, political and economic landscape.
Electronic Fiscal Devices (Efds) an Empirical Study of Their Impact on Taxpayer Compliance and Administrative Efficiency
Zur Praeferenzkonformen Ordnung Europas (Europaeische Hochschulschriften / European University Studie, #2236)
by Dirk Hannowsky and Andreas Renner
Die Arbeit wurde im Januar 1997 mit dem 'Walter-Eucken-Preis 1996' der Friedrich-Schiller-Universitat Jena ausgezeichnet. Liberale Okonomen sehen Wettbewerb als Verfahren zur Aufdeckung und Umsetzung von Praferenzen an. Hannowsky und Renner ubertragen diese Sichtweise auf die Frage der europaischen Integration. Ihre Argumentation stutzt sich auf die Arbeiten Walter Euckens, Friedrich August von Hayeks und James Buchanans, die sie in einen neuen Zusammenhang stellen: Der Wettbewerb zwischen den W...
"It is impossible to grasp the meaning of the idea of sound money if one does not realize that it was devised as an instrument for the protection of civil liberties against despotic inroads on the part of governments." - from The Theory of Money and Credit Originally published in 1912, Ludwig von Mises's The Theory of Money and Credit remains today one of economic theory's most influential and controversial treatises. Von Mises's examination into monetary theory changed forever the world of eco...