Das Verhaltnis von Plan und Markt gehort zu den theoretischen und praktischen Problemen der politischen Okonomie des Sozialismus, die von dauerhafter Aktualitat sind. Die Debatte, die in den Jahren 1956 bis 1968 in Polen gefuhrt wurde, bewegte sich einerseits zwischen dem Bestreben, theoretische Probleme zu klaren und andererseits die Grenzen fur Modellformen des Wirtschaftssystems in Polen zu bestimmen. Die ungelosten Probleme und die strittigen Fragen sind, trotz der kurzen Periode, in der die...
Foreign Direct Investment, Democracy and Development (Routledge Advances in International Political Economy)
by Indra de Soysa
The effects of globalization on economy and society are highly contested subjects in academic and political arenas. This study brings an empirical perspective to the crucially important arguments that encapsulate the major debates in this area. Using quantitative data, this book addresses the shape and degree of internationalisation by focussing on
Issues in Development Economics
Angesichts der geanderten Wachstumsbedingungen in vielen Industriestaaten und ausgepragter Strukturkrisen in alt-industrialisierten Regionen zeigten Wissenschaft, Wirtschaft und Politik seit Mitte der 70er Jahre ein steigendes Interesse an Schlusseltechnologie-Industrien. Man hoffte, dass humankapital-intensive, technologisch sophistizierte Schlusseltechnologie-Industrien in der Lage seien, Arbeitsplatzverluste in traditionellen Industriesektoren auszugleichen, neue Entwicklungsimpulse fur die G...
Insidescoop to Walt Disney World Magic Kingdom
by Bruce Moran, Paula Brown, and Patrick Corley
In the Maoist years the North China Plain was re-engineered to use every drop of water for irrigation and hydroelectricity. As David Pietz shows, China's urban growth, industrial expansion, and agricultural intensification rested on compromised water resources, with effects that cast a long shadow over China's future course as a global power.
The Role of Government in the History of Economic Thought
by Steven G. Medema and Peter J. Boettke
The Role of Government in the History of Economic Thought examines a controversial area of economic analysis: the appropriate role of government within the economic system. If the first two-thirds of the twentieth century were dominated by the active involvement of economists in government policymaking, blurring the lines between the spheres of economics and politics, then the last several decades have witnessed something of a reversion to the classical economics of Adam Smith and John Stuart Mi...
Government Spending and Income Distribution in Latin America
Caught between declining revenues and increasing demands for social spending, the countries of Latin America have faced serious fiscal imbalances in the 1980s and 1990s. While macroeconomic and efficiency considerations have guided most attempts to control these deficits, this book looks at how public resources are distributed. It identifies the distributional impact of several key vehicles for resource transfers, including tax systems, public health care, education, pension funds, price control...
Market Dynamics and Productivity in Developing Countries
To what degree are trade liberalization, productivity, and economic growth correlated? Can economic policies designed to encourage competition and curtail industry protection result in large-scale improvements, such as increased innovation and reduced unemployment? After 20 years of economic reform in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA), economic performance is still lagging behind many regions of the world. Even in those countries that are the most advanced in implementing reforms, includin...
Japan, China, and the Growth of the Asian International Economy, 1850-1949
by Kaoru Sugihara
Obwohl die Bedeutung von Standards fur die Funktionsfahigkeit einer Wirtschaft unbestritten ist, fand der Prozess der Standardisierung bisher wenig Beachtung. Die vorliegende Arbeit ruckt verschiedene Mechanismen zur Produktion von Standards in den Vordergrund. Dabei werden unterschiedliche rechtliche und organisatorische Rahmenbedingungen vorgestellt und diskutiert. Diese Rahmenbedingungen haben ihrerseits Auswirkungen auf das Verhalten von Unternehmen, die kooperieren oder konkurrieren konnen....
In this book, Kalyan Sanyal reviews the traditional notion of capitalism and propounds an original theory of capitalist development in the post-colonial context. In order to substantiate his theory, concepts such as primitive accumulation, governmentality and post-colonial capitalist formation are discussed in detail. Analyzing critical questions from a third world perspective such as: Will the integration into the global capitalist network bring to the third world new economic opportunities? W...
Contesting Markets
The ideology of free market economics has become commonplace in Europe and America, yet the concept of the market and its implications for non-Western societies has been underinvestigated. This book challenges traditional views of market discourse and the idea that it dominates all social processes. Strongly cross-cultural and comparative, it first examines the historical and sociological background to market discourses, then analyzes how these discourses are deployed in peasant and other market...
External Shocks and Stabilization Programs
Morocco (Global Realities) (Globalizing Regions)
by Shana Cohen and Larabi Jaidi
Cohen and Jaidi trace the development of contemporary Morocco in the Islamic world of North Africa, which is currently at the forefront of the clash between Western-style development and the politicized Islam that now pervades the Arab world. By applying globalization theory to detailed accounts of everyday life in an Arab society, the book is uniquely suited to students. Morocco in particular is a good place to look at this extremely important confrontation. It is among the most liberalized Is...
Handelspolitik Versus Entwicklungspolitik (Europaeische Hochschulschriften / European University Studie, #1694)
by Professor Gert Schmidt
1968 wurde ein "Generalized System of Preferences" eingerichtet, welches Industrienationen im Handel mit Entwicklungslandern die Moglichkeit einraumte, letzteren einseitig allgemeine, nicht-reziproke und nicht-diskriminierende Zollpraferenzen zu offerieren. Aufbauend auf eine Darstellung der unterschiedlichen nationalen Praferenzmodelle untersucht die Arbeit die Konzeption eines Allgemeinen Zollpraferenzsystems und weiterer Instrumente der handelspolitischen Entwicklungszusammenarbeit auf ihre h...
Regional policy is a powerful part of a government's toolkit for promoting economic prosperity. It comes in many forms and can be used to target growth in weak regions or support stronger ones. This textbook provides a comprehensive and systematic coverage of regional policy, dealing with core theory and looking at contemporary challenges in practice. Structured in three parts, the book opens with an exploration of regional policy's aims and rationale. The second part is devoted to issues of im...
Beyond Agriculture
by Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City and Reserve Bank of Kansas City Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City