The Sinai Peninsula links Asia and Africa and for millennia has been crossed by imperial armies from both the east and the west. Thus, its Bedouin inhabitants are by necessity involved in world affairs and maintain a complex, almost urban, economy. They make their home in arid mountains that provide limited pastures and lack arable soils and must derive much of their income from migrant labor and trade. Still, every household maintains, at considerable expense, a small orchard and a minute flock...
Developments in methodologies, agglomeration, and a range of applied issues have characterized recent advances in regional and urban studies. Volume 5 concentrates on these developments while treating traditional subjects such as housing, the costs and benefits of cities, and policy issues beyond regional inequalities. Contributors make a habit of combining theory and empirics in each chapter, guiding research amid a trend in applied economics towards structural and quasi-experimental approaches...
This book focuses on how to promote cross-border economic cooperation in the context of China national strategy including BRI. This book summarizes the existing regional economic development theories and sorts out the relevant theories of cross-border economic cooperation. Then, it analyzes the industrial development of China's southwestern border and neighboring countries, the main reasons of rural household poverty in the border ethnic areas by means of empirical methods, and proposes corresp...
Das vorliegende Handbuch bietet einen umfassenden systematischen UEberblick uber das Themenfeld Lokale OEkonomie in Bezug auf Konzepte, Quartierskontexte und Interventionen. In pragnanten Kurzkapiteln diskutieren Wissenschaftler aus unterschiedlichen Disziplinen (Humangeographie, Soziologie, Wirtschaftswissenschaften etc.) sowie Akteure aus der Stadtentwicklungspraxis grundlegende Konzepte der lokalen OEkonomie und verwandte Ansatze, Dynamiken und Prozesse in unterschiedlichen Quartieren sowie G...
Rural Development in China (Rural Development in China: The Rise of Innovative Institutions and Markets, Vol. 1)
by Yilong Lu
Angesichts der geanderten Wachstumsbedingungen in vielen Industriestaaten und ausgepragter Strukturkrisen in alt-industrialisierten Regionen zeigten Wissenschaft, Wirtschaft und Politik seit Mitte der 70er Jahre ein steigendes Interesse an Schlusseltechnologie-Industrien. Man hoffte, dass humankapital-intensive, technologisch sophistizierte Schlusseltechnologie-Industrien in der Lage seien, Arbeitsplatzverluste in traditionellen Industriesektoren auszugleichen, neue Entwicklungsimpulse fur die G...
Managing Fragile Regions
This book gathers the work of leading scholars from several disciplines on fragile regions, especially those regions seeking to preserve, strengthen or create processes to restore or reestablish security and effective social and economic management. It tackles the multifarious issues that shape and affect fragile regions, drawing upon a wide range of intellectual and methodological approaches, including such fields as area studies, natural resource science, biology, environmental and resource e...
Entrepreneurship Networks in Italy (SpringerBriefs in Business)
by Antonia R Gurrieri, Marilene Lorizio, and Annamaria Stramaglia
In light of the recent dynamics of the recession sparked by the global economic crisis, a roadmap for the growth and recovery of national economies is urgently needed. As such, this book focuses on the potential offered not only by the manufacturing sector but also by the agricultural and tertiary sectors. In fact, during the crisis these sectors demonstrated remarkable resilience in the Italian economy and there have even been positive trends in specific segments. This book points out how an ex...
Sustainable Architecture and Building Environment (Lecture Notes in Civil Engineering, #161)
This book presents articles from the International Conference on Sustainable Design, Engineering, Management, and Sciences (ICSDEMS 2020), held in Bali, Indonesia. It highlights recent advances in civil engineering and sustainability, bringing together researchers and professionals to address the latest, most relevant issues in these areas.
Network Reliability in Practice (Transportation Research, Economics and Policy)
This book contains selected peer-reviewed papers that were presented at the Fourth International Symposium on Transportation Network Reliability (INSTR) Conference held at the University of Minnesota July 22-23, 2010. International scholars, from a variety of disciplines--engineering, economics, geography, planning and transportation—offer varying perspectives on modeling and analysis of the reliability of transportation networks in order to illustrate both vulnerability to day-to-day and unpre...
Regional policy is a powerful part of a government's toolkit for promoting economic prosperity. It comes in many forms and can be used to target growth in weak regions or support stronger ones. This textbook provides a comprehensive and systematic coverage of regional policy, dealing with core theory and looking at contemporary challenges in practice. Structured in three parts, the book opens with an exploration of regional policy's aims and rationale. The second part is devoted to issues of im...
European Communities Oil and Gas Technological Development Projects
Introduction IX Community Energy Research and Development Strategy Programme Characteristics ImpLementation and Supervision Structure Status of Implementation Diffusion of Knowledge and Results Information for Future Proponents Breakdown of Support by Sector Breakdown of Projects by Sector Geophysics and Prospecting DrilLing 57 Production Systems 79 Secondary and Enhanced Recovery 183 Environmental Influence on Offshore 245 Auxiliary Ships and Submersibles 253 Pipelines 271 Transport 289 Natural...
Modern transportation systems have far-reaching, and serious consequences: deaths and injuries from accidents, pollution of air, water and groundwater, noise congestion, and the greenhouse effect. As world transport systems expand and become increasingly motorised, the transportation community is searching for systems that are both efficient and sustainable. Here, leading international researchers explore the issues and concepts and define the state of knowledge concerning the full costs and ben...
This work focuses on urban governance in the developing world, its aim being to bring a holistic perspective to the debate on urban governance in Asia and around the globe. It has been divided into three sections: The first section is on rural interventions as they influence urbanization and its problems/solutions. The second focuses on urban governance, infrastructure programs, service delivery reforms and their evaluation. The third and final section focuses on urbanization and the environment...
Complexity, Cognition and the City (Understanding Complex Systems)
by Juval Portugali
Complexity, Cognition and the City aims at a deeper understanding of urbanism, while invoking, on an equal footing, the contributions both the hard and soft sciences have made, and are still making, when grappling with the many issues and facets of regional planning and dynamics. In this work, the author goes beyond merely seeing the city as a self-organized, emerging pattern of some collective interaction between many stylized urban "agents" - he makes the crucial step of attributing cognition...
The Democratic Republic of Congo Urbanization Review develops a diagnostic of the current situation of urbanization in DRC, and identifies the key bottlenecks holding back the potential benefits of urbanization.
Holding-Together Regionalism: Twenty Years of Post-Soviet Integration (Euro-Asian Studies)
by Alexander Libman and E. Vinokurov
An in-depth analysis of one of the most important and complex issues of the post-Soviet era, namely the (re-)integration of this highly interconnected region. The book considers the evolution of 'holding-together' groups since the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991, looking at intergovernmental interaction and informal economic and social ties.