Decide Commit Succeed - Business Expense Tracker Notebook
by Rewards Publishing
Thin Capitalization Rules and Multinational Firm Capital Structure
by Jennifer Blouin and Harry Huizinga
Consumer Reports Books (Consumer Report Guide to Income Taxes, 1997, #1)
by Warren H Esanu
Practice Sets Wft: Corporations
by Public Education Committee William Hoffman, William A Raabe, and James E Smith
Inicie su propia corporacion (Rich dad's advisors)
by Garrett Sutton
Vivimos en un mundo bastante litigioso. Usted debe mantenerse en guardia en el transcurso de su vida. Al generar riqueza, uno debe saber como protegerla. Para los que no la protejan los esperan los depredadores y sus abogados y usaran cualquier truco para quitarle los bienes que no tengan protegidos. Inicie su propia corporacion le ensena a los lectores sobre las companias unipersonales (sole proprietorship), sociedades colectivas (general partnership), corporaciones tipo C (C corporation), soc...
Berufs- Und Karriere-Planer Steuerberater - Wirtschaftsprufer
by Susanne L Ffelholz, Alexander H Sch, Ursula Ernst-Auch, Susanne Loffelholz, and Alexander Husch
Rueckstellungen ALS Problem Der Wirtschaftlichen Betrachtungsweise (Betriebswirtschaftliche Studien, #30)
by Angelika Thies
Insbesondere die Bilanzierung von Ruckstellungen zeigt, dass das Bilanzrecht von einer wirtschaftlichen Betrachtungsweise gepragt ist; eine nur an burgerlich- oder offentlich-rechtlichen Kriterien orientierte Betrachtung kann dem Bilanzierungszweck nicht gerecht werden. Allerdings ist strittig, was die wirtschaftliche Betrachtungsweise impliziert. Ziel der Arbeit ist es, bilanzrechtssystematisch die Bedeutung der wirtschaftlichen Betrachtungsweise fur die Bildung von Ruckstellungen fur ungewisse...
In Central America, dynamic economic actors have inserted themselves into global markets. Elites atop these sectors attempt to advance a state-building project that will allow them to expand their activities and access political power, but they differ in their internal cohesion and their dominance with respect to other groups, especially previously constituted elites and popular sectors. Differences in resulting state-building patterns are expressed in the capacity to mobilize revenues from the...
Learnsmart Standalone Access Card for Survey of Accounting
by Thomas P Edmonds, Christopher Edmonds, Philip R Olds, Frances M McNair, and Bor-Yi Tsay
Taxation for Decision Makers, 8th Edition Epub Reg Card
by Shirley Dennis-Escoffier and Karen A. Fortin
CONCEPTS IN FEDERAL TAXATION is designed for a more conceptual, less detailed approach to federal taxation of individuals and corporations in an introductory taxation course. This conceptual approach presents taxation as a small number of unifying concepts, stressing the overriding principles that apply to all specific tax rules and regulations. Concepts in Federal Taxation offers an excellent balance between tax concepts and the Internal Revenue Code and regulations, preparing users for a futur...
Boss Lady - Home Based Business Expense Tracker Notebook
by Rewards Publishing
A History of Taxation and Taxes in England from the Earliest Times to the Year 1885
by Stephen Dowell