Significant loss to business occurs through fires in the workplace. Whether large or small, fire causes personal suffering, damage to plant, equipment and buildings, and loss of business. Fire legislation has changed over the past few years, especially with the introduction of European Directives. New regulations mean that employers have to carry out fire risk assessment and then, as a result of their findings, put in place control measures to prevent loss of life. "Fire Hazards in Industry" has...
Secretarial Procedures for the Electronic Office
by Rita C Kutie and Joan L. Rhodes
A comprehensive text on basic secretarial skills for both the automated and traditional offices. The second edition updates electronic office procedures with a discussion of the microcomputer. The book teaches human relation skills, basic tasks, dictation, word processing and other skills necessary in the office setting. End-of-chapter activities have been reformatted in this edition. True-to-life mini-simulations are included at the end of each chapter.
What if you could mindread and snoop around in the minds of the world's best business leaders? How do they think and can we somehow copy and paste their thought patterns to allow us to experience similar levels of business success? Thinking doesn't just happen. You have to train for it. And these legendary business minds have different thought processes from the rest of us. There are many reasons why we don't reach optimum thought performance and we make the wrong decisions at work. We often r...
>In Winning Strategies for Power Presentations , Weissman identifies the elements of a great presentation, distilling 75 best practices from the world's best persuaders into bite-sized chapters designed to be easy-to-read -- and equally easy to apply. Following on the heels of Weissman's best-selling Presentations in Action, this book presents powerful new insights into the four key areas of delivering winning presentations: contents, graphics, delivery, and Q-and-A sessions. In this full...
Tom Hopkins earned himself over one million dollars in his first three years as a salesman. Here, in his first book, he sets down the key secrets of his success. His methods emphasize the need to escape from a fear of failure. His techniques have all been tried and tested on the firing line of sales work and are positive and practical. His book reveals how selling can become not just a job but a way of life that leads to greater success, greater satisfaction and greater happiness.
Economic Alchemy is the Key to Unlimited Wealth (The Great Reset, #1)
by Barbara M Holmes
HBR's 10 Must Reads on Creative Teams Collection (7 Books) (HBR's 10 Must Reads)
by Harvard Business Review, Clayton M. Christensen, Indra Nooyi, Marcus Buckingham, and Adam Grant
Ignite the creative spark within your team. For your company to stand out in today's competitive environment, you need to be original. You need to have fresh ideas, exciting products and offerings, and a willingness to experiment. And that starts at the team level. HBR's 10 Must Reads for Creative Teams Collection provides expert advice on how to foster curiosity, encourage better collaboration, and use design thinking to change the way you brainstorm, test, and execute new ideas. Included in t...