Die Beurteilung Des Nutzens Von Doppelbesteuerungsabkommen Bei Der Ertragsbesteuerung Deutscher Direktinvestitionen in Entwicklungslaendern Unter Betriebs- Und Volkswirtschaftlichen Aspekten (Europaeische Hochschulschriften / European University Studie, #2127)
by Dirk-Oliver Kaul
Das Zusammenwirken von kollisionsbegrundenden, kollisionsauflosenden und wirtschaftslenkenden Normen im Internationalen Steuerrecht birgt offenkundig die Gefahr, dass hieraus nicht eine irgendwie geartete Ordnung, sondern Chaos entsteht: Ziel der inner- und zwischenstaatlichen Steuerrechtsetzung auch in bezug auf das privatwirtschaftliche Engagement in Entwicklungslandern muss es daher sein, ein steuerpolitisch -sinnvolles-, d.h. -zweckmassiges- Regelungssystem zu implementieren. Allerdings herr...
Mileage And Expense Log Book For Business (Small Pocket Edition, #5) (Small Pocket Floral Edition, #5)
by Sadie Nova
2013 Field Guide to Financial Planning
by Clu Michael E Kitces and Clu D M Donald F Cady
Federal Taxation
Income Tax Fundamentals, 1996 Edition
by Gerald E Whittenberg and Martha Altus-Buller
The essential time-saving guide to the latest in nonprofit tax rules, regulations, and procedures Tax rules and regulations change annually, and nonprofit organizations know that staying compliant means staying up to date. But wading through tax code is less than helpful in the field, whereas the clear, practically oriented instruction inside provides the quick reference accountants, lawyers, and executives need. In the latest edition of Tax Planning and Compliance for Tax-Exempt Organizations,...
An essential year-round tool, the Professional Edition combines the unabridged text of Your Income Tax 2000, the best-selling consumer tax guide, with invaluable special sections designed exclusively for tax professionals, tax attorneys, and CPAs, including: -- Specific citations of tax-law authority for Your Income Tax 2000 -- Up-to-the-minute examinations of tax legislation, IRS rulings and releases, and court decisions -- Details on how to deal with the IRS, handle audits, and prepare a fede...
Annual Report of the State Board of Assessors of the State of New Jersey, Issue 29, Part 1