Inicie su propia corporacion (Rich dad's advisors)
by Garrett Sutton
Vivimos en un mundo bastante litigioso. Usted debe mantenerse en guardia en el transcurso de su vida. Al generar riqueza, uno debe saber como protegerla. Para los que no la protejan los esperan los depredadores y sus abogados y usaran cualquier truco para quitarle los bienes que no tengan protegidos. Inicie su propia corporacion le ensena a los lectores sobre las companias unipersonales (sole proprietorship), sociedades colectivas (general partnership), corporaciones tipo C (C corporation), soc...
This practical guide to starting a new business skips the MBA and goes right to the nuts and bolts of building a successful, self-sustaining brand. In Grind, Michael J. McFall, co-CEO of BIGGBY COFFEE, helps readers identify the common-sense strategies they need to focus on to turn their start-up ideas into positive-cash flow businesses. Dispensing with the notion that potential business owners require a formal education, he outlines several fundamental areas of importance for them, keying in o...
Affiliate Marketing 2019 (Make Money Online from Home, #1) (Make Money Online from Home in 2019, #3)
by Steven Sparrow