Loose Leaf for Money, Banking and Financial Markets
by Stephen G Cecchetti and Kermit L. Schoenholtz
Unraveling the Monetary Policy Transmission Mechanism in Sri Lanka
by Manuk Ghazanchyan
British Monetary Policy, 1924-31 (Modern Revivals in Economic & Social History S.)
by Donald Moggridge
This book provides a detailed analysis of British monetary policy in the aftermath of World War I and leading up to the onset of the Great Depression. The survey commences with the successful operation of the pre-1914 gold standard and goes on to examine the policies Britain adopted for monetary reconstruction up to 1924. The decision to return to gold in 1925 is considered in detail, and Professor Moggridge argues that the "official policy" did little, if anything, to correct the basic overvalu...
English Farming, Past and Present
by Baron Rowland Edmund Prothero Ernle
Who Needs to Open the Capital Account?
by Olivier Jeanne, Arvind Subramanian, and John Williamson
This book aims to be a comprehensive guide to the European Monetary System. It describes the principles, functions, enhancements and weaknesses of the EMS, and discusses the report, originally known as the Delors Plan, which has been extended by the committee of govenors of the central banks of the member states of the European Community. The book goes on to analyze the function of the ecu and its financial and commercial use. It explains how the European compensation system works, how the priva...
A Basic Income Alternative to the Slow-Motion Train Wreck of Global Finance
by Derryl Hermanutz
Monetary Policy Frameworks in a Global Context (CENTRAL BANK GOVERNOR'S SYMPOSIUM)
This broad-ranging collection assesses the links between targets and central bank independence, accountability and the transparency of monetary policy. Renowned experts contribute to this original and comprehensive text which will be of great value to professional economists and students of economics and banking alike. Monetary Policy Frameworks in a Global Context was named Book of the Year, 2000 by Central Banking journal
EMU and Public Debt Management (CEPR Policy Paper, #3)
by Alessandro Missale, Carlo Favero, and Gustavo Piga
This paper discusses changes in public debt management under economic and monetary union (EMU) and its implications for monetary policy. With the advent of EMU, government securities have been redenominated in euros. The speculative demand and the demand for portfolio diversification related to exchange rate variation have disappeared. Common euro denomination has made liquidity and default-risk the distinguishing dimensions of government securities issued by EMU member states.
Breaking Up the Euro: The End of a Common Currency
by Professor Dimitris N Chorafas