The Africa Review (World of Information S.)
This review is one of five regional reviews updated and rewritten annually to reflect the enormous changes occurring throughout their region of interest. This edition covers every country on the African continent, as well as the island economies off the east and west coasts. Information for each country is provided in six sections: analysis for key political and economic events; key facts, including heads of state, currency, official language(s) and capital city; key indicators, including popula...
Inflation (Routledge International Studies in Money and Banking)
by David Mayes and Kevin Gardiner
In recent years central banks round the world have been successful in keeping inflation to such low numbers that it is no longer regarded as a problem.This book charts the progress of inflation from before it got away from the authorities in the 1960s till it came back under control, contrasting the theories that were advanced at the time with the policies that were applied. Traditional Keynesian and monetarist theories were discarded along the way. While focusing on the UK it also documents t...
This authored monograph presents an unconventional approach to an important topic in economic theory. The author is an expert in the field of viability theory and applies this theory to analyze how an economy should be dynamically endowed so that it is economically viable. Economic viability requires an assumption on the joint evolution of transactions, fluctuations of prices and units of numeraire goods: the sum of the “transactions values” and the “impact of price fluctuations” should be negat...
Germany (OECD Economic Surveys)
Social Effects Free Market Policy
The pursuit of economic policies by government is now more or less universal in all developed capitalist societies. This collection examines the consequences in five different countries of the rise of free market policies on social institutions and social relations. Contributors from Britain, the United States, Canada, Australia and New Zealand deal with a range of important issues and policies with a view to subjecting the utopian claims of free market theorists to careful and stringent examina...
African Poverty at the Millennium: Causes, Complexities, and Challenges
by Howard White and Tony Killick
Economists are increasingly using happiness surveys to study a host of questions, ranging from the happiness effects of health and marriage to the unhappiness effects of unemployment, divorce, and even commuting time. Carol Graham was a pioneer in the economic study of happiness, and she has been involved from the beginning in discussions about applying this approach to economic policymaking. In this straightforward and accessible book, Graham explores what we know about the determinants of hap...
Study Guide to Accompany Inter Mediate M
by Bogankiernan, Joseph J Kiernan, and Elizabeth C Bogan
The Standard of Living Among Workingmen'S Families in New York City / by Robert Coit Chapin.
by Robert Coit Chapin
How Should Shale Gas Extraction Be Taxed?
by Philip Daniel and Alan Krupnick
A Global Integration Strategy for the Mediterranean Countries: Open Trade and Market Reforms
by Oli Havrylyshyn
Annual Report
Does decentralization enhance service delivery and poverty reduction? The expert contributors to this book address this fundamental question faced by policymakers and scholars in developing and advanced countries. The book illustrates that it is equally important for international agencies as well as bilateral donors to provide advice and assistance on decentralization that effectively supports poverty reduction.The volume builds on insights from the recent, political economy developments in the...
In the twentieth century, Americans thought of the United States as a land of opportunity and equality. To what extent and for whom this was true was, of course, a matter of debate, however especially during the Cold War, many Americans clung to the patriotic conviction that America was the land of the free. At the same time, another national ideal emerged that was far less contentious, that arguably came to subsume the ideals of freedom, opportunity, and equality, and that eventually embodied a...
Geldpolitische Regeln, Makrooekonomische Stabilitat und Inflation
by Matthias Fett
Developments in Macro-Finance Yield Curve Modelling (Macroeconomic Policy Making)
by Jagjit S Chadha and Michael A Joyce
Poverty and Social Impact Analysis of Reforms: Lessons and Examples from Implementation (World Bank)
by Aline Coudouel
Household Budgets and Living Standards
National Accounts ESA