Building a decent retirement nest-egg is hard work.… Ensuring it’s there when you need it can be just as challenging. Every RRSP owner watched in horror as the stock market fell steeply during 2008. With company pension plans tapped out and employers filing for bankruptcy, the security of an adequate and guaranteed pension has become a thing of the past for most Canadians. It is not enough to build retirement savings during your working years—it has become just as important to guard them from ec...
The growth of derivative markets during the past decade has been nothing short of astounding and so, of late, has been the misunderstanding of their use. This book is the definitive resource on derivatives. It is the first to explain all four major classes of derivative instruments - options, futures, interest rate swaps, and mortgage securities - in terms of their market structure, applications, and pricing, with a focus on the valuation methods used most commonly by professional market partici...
In this paperback edition of the best-selling Winning in the Futures Markets, Revised Edition, author George Angell provides readers with an insider's guided tour of these exciting markets. For the novice trader, he provides the basic training, explaining the meaning of a futures contract, how margin works, the ins and outs of dealing with brokers, how to place orders and much more. For the seasoned trader, according to Angell, access to accurate, reliable information on the futures markets is t...
Hot on the heels of electronic stock trading, electronic futures trading promises to he the next big wave. The Art of Electronic Futures Trading is the first comprehensive examination of the unique psychological aspects needed to successfully trade electronic futures -- complete with real world feedback and pointers from actual traders!A multi-step personality test illustrates the four categories of trading style, pointing traders to the right style for their personalities. It then helps them bu...
This revised and expanded edition introduces students and managers to the theory and practice of pricing and hedging futures, forwards, options and swaps. The presentation is clear and logical, signposting difficult formulae to allow non-mathematicians to benefit from the book. Expanded coverage is given to the use and risks of derivatives in treasury as well as portfolio management. Topical new material is included on commodity derivatives, exotic options and the risks associated with derivativ...
Keys to Investing in Options and Futures (Barron's Business Keys)
by Nick Appstplou and Nicholas G Apostolou
Updated to include the latest information on these high risk investments, this new guide shows you the difference between options and futures investments, and how they compare with the direct purchase and sale of stocks and commodities. So if you're not aware of the ways to minimize losses when options and futures investments turn sour, or you would like to study some true-to-life examples of investment strategies as a way of better understanding options and futures, then this is the guide you'l...
Since the 2008 financial crisis, researchers and policy makers have been looking to empirical data to distil both what happened and how a similar event can be avoided in the future. In Measuring Liquidity and Lost Time Data, Vuorenmaa analyses liquidity to better understand the crux of the financial crisis. By relating liquidity to jump activity, market microstructure noise variance, and average pairwise correlation, Vuorenmaa uncovers the dynamics and ramifications behind anonymous trades made...