This book presents an innovative methodology for identifying optimum investment strategies in the power industry. To do so, it examines results including, among others, the impact of oxy-fuel technology on CO2 emissions prices, and the specific cost of electricity production. The technical and economic analysis presented here extend the available knowledge in the field of investment optimization in energy engineering, while also enabling investors to make decisions involving its application....
2020-2024 Five Year Planner (5 Year Monthly Planner 2020-2024, #37)
by Kimberly Pretty Planner
The scientific study of complex systems has transformed a wide range of disciplines in recent years, enabling researchers in both the natural and social sciences to model and predict phenomena as diverse as earthquakes, global warming, demographic patterns, financial crises, and the failure of materials. In this book, Didier Sornette boldly applies his varied experience in these areas to propose a simple, powerful, and general theory of how, why, and when stock markets crash. Most attempts to ex...
Relationship Status Single Married Taken by an Awesome Hockey Player
by M Shafiq
This book provides the foundational knowledge essential for comprehending the functioning of financial markets and institutions and their current challenges. First, the book provides a general overview on the functioning of the EU financial system, examining financial markets and financial intermediaries’ features and activity and their contribution to economic growth. It also outlines the evolution of the EU integration process, giving an overview of the most important regulatory steps related...
Bring together machine learning (ML) and deep learning (DL) in financial trading, with an emphasis on investment management. This book explains systematic approaches to investment portfolio management, risk analysis, and performance analysis, including predictive analytics using data science procedures. The book introduces pattern recognition and future price forecasting that exerts effects on time series analysis models, such as the Autoregressive Integrated Moving Average (ARIMA) model, Season...
Crowdfunding in the Public Sector (Contributions to Finance and Accounting)
In recent years, crowdfunding has become important and it has been enthusiastically used not only by commercial organizations but also by the public sector. This alternative source of financing in times of constrained government budgets enables citizens to vote with their dollars online to bring ideas into reality. This book sheds light on the developing concept of crowdfunding in the public sector, with an overview of current academic discussions and best practices on crowdfunding in the public...
Rigorous mathematical finance relies strongly on two additional fields: optimal stopping and stochastic analysis. This book is the first one which presents not only main results in the mathematical finance but also these 'related topics' with all proofs and in a self-contained form. The book treats both discrete and continuous time mathematical finance. Some topics, such as Israeli (game) contingent claims, and several proofs have not appeared before in a self-contained book form. The book conta...
Relationship Status Single Married Taken by an Awesome Economist
by M Shafiq
Relationship Status Single Married Taken by an Awesome Cyclist
by M Shafiq
Unsettled Topics on Nondestructive Testing of Additively Manufactured Parts in the Mobility Industry
by Kevin Slattery
Relationship Status Single Married Taken by an Awesome Astronaut
by M Shafiq
Relationship Status Single Married Taken by an Awesome Baker
by M Shafiq
Unsettled Issues in Determining Appropriate Modeling Fidelity for Automated Driving Systems Simulation
by Sven Beiker