Doing Business with Latvia (Doing Business with... S.) (Global Market Briefing S.)
Education is the first stage in developing a viable, dynamic, and long-lived global economy. Unfortunately, in times of economic hardship, educational programmes, teacher salaries, and extracurricular opportunities are often the first to be cut. International Education and the Next-Generation Workforce: Competition in the Global Economy presents a detailed discussion of present educational principles and policies, and their impact on the effectiveness of education in a multi-national context....
Meltzer Milton : Brother, Can You Spare A Dime? (Mentor)
by Milton Meltzer
Now in his 31st year with The Wall Street Journal, serving as its economics news editor, Malabre draws on his experience and contacts with the top ranks of government and business to give a lively account of the forces that are driving the American economy.
This book looks at globalisation in historical perspective and *examines the experience of East Asian economies during the financial crisis *provides an account of globalisation through the activities of Japanese multinational enterprises *deals with the social consequences of exposure to the financial market risks of globalisation in East Asia *details the experience of East Asian economies in managing the financial crisis *draws lessons from East Asian experience with financial market lib...
The recent death of Margaret Thatcher, in the context of the Global Financial Crisis, has led many to re-evaluate 'Thatcherism' and its role in British economic policy-making. While much rhetoric and propaganda surrounds the topic, there is little scholarly work on Thatcherism or on the profound change in British economic policy that subsequently occurred after 1979. This book addresses two key areas. Firstly, it examines the debates that took place within the Conservative Party between 1964 an...
The author provides a treatment of world economic geography as a whole. He sets out the historical context of the modern world along with the principal philosophies that have shaped our study of it, and identifies the importance of the biophysical environment as well as cultural and political settings for economic activity.
The acute problem of inequality in the world was brought centre stage by the sensational appearance of French economist Thomas Piketty's bestselling book Capital in the Twenty-first Century. In Western Empires, Christianity, and the Inequalities between the West and the Rest 1500-2010, Sampie Terreblanche studies the matter from a political economic perspective, and brings five centuries of global history to bear in his focus on global inequalities, as opposed to inequalities within countries. T...
Der vorliegende Berichtsband enthalt die Referate und die Diskussionen vom 4. Energiewirtschaftlichen Kolloquium des Betriebswirtschaftlichen Instituts der Universitat Stuttgart. Ziel des Kolloquiums war es, die Forschungs- und Entwicklungstatigkeiten der Elektrizitatsversorgungs- unternehmen (EVU) und deren Potentiale in bezug auf die Durchfuhrung von Technologietransferprozesse zu untersuchen. Unterschiedlliche An- satzpunkte fur Innovationsaktivitaten aus betriebswirtschaftlicher Sicht werden...
Rahmenbedingungen Fuer Erneuerbare Energien in Deutschland
by Danyel Reiche
Deutschlands Pionierrolle im Bereich der erneuerbaren Energien ist unter anderem daran ablesbar, dass das Land Weltmarktfuhrer in Bezug auf die absolut installierte Windkraftleistung ist und weltweit uber die zweitgroesste installierte Photovoltaik-Kapazitat verfugt. Zur Erklarung werden politisch-instrumentelle, kognitive und technisch-oekonomische Erfolgsbedingungen identifiziert sowie der umwelt- und energiepolitische Problemdruck angesprochen. Ungeachtet der Vorreiterrolle des Landes darf ni...
Path-dependent Development in the Western Balkans
Despite of structural commonalities resulting from the shared socialist heritage, regional, historical, and cultural peculiarities of every country place a crucial impact on shape and speed of post-socialist development. This applies especially to the process of privatization in transition; methods were chosen to bring in line the socialist legacies and the demands of a fast and as painless as possible transition to a market economy. The compendium aims at accessing choice and success of privati...
Deepening Neoliberalism, Austerity, and Crisis
by Julien Mercille and Enda Murphy
This is a book about power. It demonstrates how political and economic elites have used the 2008 crisis as an opportunity to deepen and extend neoliberal ideas and practices. From bank bailouts to austerity, Europe's and Ireland's response to the economic crisis has been engineered specifically to shift the burden of paying for a private sector crisis onto ordinary citizens while investors, financiers, bankers and the privileged are protected. The authors expose the class-based nature of Ireland...
Am 1. April 1997 wurde die Deregulierung des Luftverkehrsmarktes in der Europaischen Union formaljuristisch abgeschlossen. Seit diesem Zeitpunkt durfen die in der EU - sowie in Island und Norwegen - zertifizierten Fluggesellschaften jede Flugstrecke innerhalb der Union, einschliesslich samtlicher Inlandsstrecken, ohne Beschrankungen bedienen. Damit endete ein mehrstufiger Liberalisierungsprozess, der in den achtziger Jahren begonnen hatte. Diese Arbeit untersucht empirisch mittels einer breiten...
The Development of the National Economy (Early American Economic Thought)
by William J. Barber
This collection brings together a comprehensive selection of documents from the history of US and Canadian economic thought from the 17th century through to 1900.
Summary of Oil and Gas Drilling in Utah, 1989
by Thomas C Chidsey and Michael D Laine