Oxford Handbook of Panel Data
by Distinguished Professor of Economics Badi H Baltagi
Red Cloud Rising
by Joseph McReynolds, Matthew Southerland, and James Mulvenon
Economic and Financial Modelling with EViews (Statistics and Econometrics for Finance)
by Abdulkader Aljandali and Motasam Tatahi
This practical guide in Eviews is aimed at practitioners and students in business, economics, econometrics, and finance. It uses a step-by-step approach to equip readers with a toolkit that enables them to make the most of this widely used econometric analysis software. Statistical and econometrics concepts are explained visually with examples, problems, and solutions. Developed by economists, the Eviews statistical software package is used most commonly for time-series oriented econometric...
Das korrekte Ausfüllen eines Überweisungsträgers (Unterweisung Bürokaufmann / -kauffrau)
by Patrick Pradiger
Econometric Modeling of China (Econometrics In The Information Age: Theory And Practice Of Measurement, #3)
This is the very first book to offer seven substantial econometric models of the Chinese economy with the statistical data used, so that the reader will be able to reproduce them all and test them for any policy alternatives.The book presents up-to-date models produced both inside and outside China, so that readers can understand most of the advanced studies of the Chinese economy by Chinese experts at the present time. This is an invaluable reference for graduate students and scholars working o...
Ciencia de Datos. Diagnosis de Modelos Econometricos Predictivos
by E Valderrey
Neoliberalism 2.0: Regulating and Financing Globalizing Markets
by Luc Nijs
In today's increasingly globalized environment, many economic fundamentals need to be reconsidered in order to regain stability in the global marketplace. One such consideration is the failing dynamics of the international tax infrastructure. Neoliberalism 2.0 brings a 21st century assessment of the Pigovian taxes, considering a completely new calibration of the international tax systems, inspired by the historically developed Pigovian tax model. The book considers the impact neoliberalism had a...
Momentum Trading on the Indian Stock Market (SpringerBriefs in Economics)
by Gagari Chakrabarti and Chitrakalpa Sen
This study is an exploration of the Indian stock market, focusing on the possible presence of momentum trading. One thing, however, should be noted. While it is true that momentum trading, which tends to generate speculative bubbles, may result in a financial market crash, its nature in contrast might depend on the nature of the economy itself. The study, while exploring the presence and nature of momentum trading on the Indian stock market in recent years, seeks to relate it to significant stru...
Methoden Der Statistik (Studienbucher Wirtschaftsmathematik) (Studienb cher Wirtschaftsmathematik)
by Michael Krapp
Mathematical Optimization and Economic Analysis (Springer Optimization and Its Applications, #36)
by Mikulas Luptacik
"Mathematical Optimization and Economic Analysis" is a self-contained introduction to various optimization techniques used in economic modeling and analysis such as geometric, linear, and convex programming and data envelopment analysis. Through a systematic approach, this book demonstrates the usefulness of these mathematical tools in quantitative and qualitative economic analysis. The book presents specific examples to demonstrate each technique's advantages and applicability as well as numero...
Stochastic Models and Option Values (Contributions to Economic Analysis, #200)
This book is a result of recent developments in several fields. Mathematicians, statisticians, finance theorists, and economists found several interconnections in their research. The emphasis was on common methods, although the applications were also interrelated. The main topic is dynamic stochastic models, in which information arrives and decisions are made sequentially. This gives rise to what finance theorists call option value, what some economists label quasi-option value. Some papers exte...
Theory of the Leisure Class (Modern Library) (Cosimo Classics Economics)
by Thorstein Veblen
In The Theory of the Leisure Class, his first and best-known work, Thorstein Veblen challenges some of society's most cherished standards of behavior and, with devastating wit and satire, exposes the hollowness of many of our canons of taste, education, dress, and culture.Veblen uses the leisure class as his example because it is this class that sets the standards followed by every level of society. The sign of membership in the leisure class is exemption from industrial toil and the mark of suc...
Ragnar Frisch was one of the most important economists of the twentieth century, responsible for defining econometrics and brought the terms 'macro-' and 'micro-economics' into the vocabulary of economists. This edition presents a history of the founding of the Econometric Society based on Frisch's extensive correspondence and personal records.
Probability Models for Economic Decisions
by Curt Hinrichs, Roger Myerson, and Tom Ziolkowski
Learn to use probability in complex realistic situations with PROBABILITY MODELS FOR ECONOMIC DECISIONS. This introduction to the use of probability models for analyzing risks and economic decisions uses Microsoft Excel spreadsheets for the analytic work. As a result of the emphasis on spreadsheet modeling, you'll also develop sophisticated spreadsheet skills.
This book explores widely used seasonal adjustment methods and recent developments in real time trend-cycle estimation. It discusses in detail the properties and limitations of X12ARIMA, TRAMO-SEATS and STAMP - the main seasonal adjustment methods used by statistical agencies. Several real-world cases illustrate each method and real data examples can be followed throughout the text. The trend-cycle estimation is presented using nonparametric techniques based on moving averages, linear filters a...
Machine Learning in the Analysis and Forecasting of Financial Time Series
This book is a collection of real-world cases, illustrating how to handle challenging and volatile financial time series data for a better understanding of their past behavior and robust forecasting of their future movement. It demonstrates how the concepts and techniques of statistical, econometric, machine learning, and deep learning are applied to build robust predictive models, and the ways in which these models can be used for constructing profitable portfolios of investments. All the conce...
Der Private Haushalt ALS Gesundheitsstandort (Europaische Schriften Zu Staat Und Wirtschaft, #31)
Verbot Wettbewerbsbeschrankender Vereinbarungen Und Nichtwettbewerbliche Interessen (Wettbewerb, Vertrieb Und Marketing, #5)
by Jens Hackl