Japan 2015 (Trade policy review)
Trade Policy Reviews analyse the trade policies and practices of every member of the World Trade Organization. As well as analysing by sector and by trade measure, the reports also look into the country's wider economic environment.
Trade Policy Review - Canada (Trade Policy Review - Canada)
Worldtariff Guidebook on Customs Tariff Schedules of Import Duties for Pakistan
Gesundheitsokonomik (Neue Okonomische Grundrisse) (Neue oekonomische Grundrisse)
by Wolfgang Greiner and J Matthias Schulenburg
Trade Strategy & the Asian-Pacific Region (Routledge Library Editions: Business and Economics in Asia, #33)
This volume, first published in 1970, assesses the major reappraisal of US world commercial policy that took place in the 1960s - in particular the wishes for free trade treaties that would bring about the liberalisation of international trade.
Internationalization of the Regulatory Process (1991)
Worldtariff Guidebook on Customs Tariff Schedules of Import Duties for Morocco
James Buchanans konstitutionelle OEkonomik (Konzepte der Gesellschaftstheorie, #2)
Political Economy Of Agricultural Trade-related Policies In China (Series on Contemporary China, #0)
by Wenshou Yan
This book seeks to understand the simultaneous economic and political contributors to China's changing agricultural protection levels and the central government's choice of policy instruments to tax or assist farmers. It theoretically explores the motivation behind agricultural trade-related support policies through extending the two-sector specific factors production model to three sectors, so as to make it more relevant for a one-party state such as China. Chapter three tests that theory empir...
Nationalism and the Economy
This book is the first attempt to bridge the divide between studies addressing "economic nationalism" as a deliberate ideology and movement of economic "nation-building," and the literature concerned with more diffuse expressions of economic "nationness" - from national economic symbols and memories to the "banal" world of product advertising. The editors draw attention to the importance of economic issues for the study of nations and nationalism, and the relative neglect of this relationship in...
The promotion of liberalised and deregulated markets by bilateral and multilateral aid donors, and by global institutions such as the WTO, has led to significant attention being paid to competition and regulatory reforms in developing economies. The process of reform involves the transfer and diffusion of market models derived from practice and theory in developed countries. However, in developing countries, regulation needs to do more than simply promote competitiveness and consumer interests:...
Der ökonomische Ansatz zur Erklärung menschlichen Verhaltens (Die Einheit der Gesellschaftswissenschaften, #32)
by Gary S Becker