Purchasing and cash disbursements are common targets for fraud in any entity's environment. Today, many practitioners, auditors, and management in industry are aware of the criticality of adequate internal controls, but may be uncertain whether existing controls in their organizations are adequate. It is important to understand common frauds and internal controls over the purchasing and cash disbursement cycle. Topics discussed include: The acquisitions cycle: ordering, receiving, and ware...
Contabilidade, Auditoria E Relatórios Ambientais
by Artur Franco Bueno
Dieser Buchtitel ist Teil des Digitalisierungsprojekts Springer Book Archives mit Publikationen, die seit den Anfangen des Verlags von 1842 erschienen sind. Der Verlag stellt mit diesem Archiv Quellen fur die historische wie auch die disziplingeschichtliche Forschung zur Verfugung, die jeweils im historischen Kontext betrachtet werden mussen. Dieser Titel erschien in der Zeit vor 1945 und wird daher in seiner zeittypischen politisch-ideologischen Ausrichtung vom Verlag nicht beworben.
This concise and compact text focuses on the key coverage of the principles of accounting and finance, making it ideal for shorter courses at an introductory level which require less depth of coverage. Its structure fits well with Accounting and Finance courses, beginning with the business context of accounting and moving on to explore financial accounting, management accounting, and finally business finance issues.
Online Course Pack: Management Accounting
by Anthony A. Atkinson, Rajiv D. Banker, Robert S. Kaplan, S Mark Young, ATKINSON, Banker, Robert Kaplan, and Young
Designed for undergraduate and MBA courses in management accounting. Each of the text authors is both a scholar and a top consultant for Fortune 500 and smaller companies. As a result, they have a unique focus: to help students better understand management accounting topics, research, and issues from the perspective of a business manager.This Value Pack includes student access to a dynamic Online Course, specially created to facilitate active learning. Perfect for instructors wanting to deliver...
Business Model Analysis
by Colin Haslam, Nicholas Tsitsianis, Tord Andersson, and Ya Ping Yin
Analyzing business models in today's financialized world requires an understanding of strategic management, finance and accounting which can be demanding. This book helps students and managers to think differently about a firm's value proposition in terms of value created and value captured for investors. Business Model Analysis begins by locating business strategy within the framework of a business model. The business model is constructed using an accounting framework to reveal how a firm's val...
Interactive Management Accounting
by Gregory Wilkinson-Riddle and Ashok Patel
This interactive learning programme is for teaching introductory financial and management accounting. Designed for undergraduate and professional students, this computer-based package is capable of both stand-alone and network use. Features include: usable with a standard PC and Windows; widely tested by students and faculties; networkable for wide student access; equipped with both learning and testing modules, and a marker module for student tracking and management; and user-friendliness - no...
Managerial Accounting Pearson New International Edition, plus MyAccountingLab without eText
by Karen W Braun and Wendy M Tietz
For introductory, undergraduate Managerial Accounting courses. Rock-solid decision-making through strong coverage and effective practiceStudents interact with businesses every day-where they work, where they shop, even where they blog. At the core of these businesses are rock-solid managerial accounting fundamentals that students don't always see. Authors Wendy Tietz, Karen Braun, and Walter Harrison show the connection between accounting concepts and the businesses students interact with in th...
This study examines the relationship between multinationality and the performance of Japanese manufacturing companies during the period 1999-2008 by using geographic segment information. Despite the enormous interest in and importance given to multinationality from the academic and business worlds, prior findings about the multinationality-performance relationship are conflicting and inconsistent. The overall results of the present study show that multinationality has a positive impact both on a...
Managerial Accounting 2e Active Learning Edition w Ith Management CD Rom Set
by Weygandt
Management Accounting Applications (CIMA New Syllabus)
Wiley CMAexcel Learning System Exam Review 2016
This book guides the reader from the building blocks of revenue management, to pricing science and merchandising, and to broader issues of setting objectives in support of a revenue strategy. The discipline is evolving, and that evolution has been accelerated by the COVID-19 pandemic. Leaders in hotel revenue management, and more broadly in sales & marketing, need to understand these changes, and lead and adapt accordingly. This will require a strong foundation in analytics - not just modelin...
Berufs- Und Karriere-Planer Steuerberater - Wirtschaftsprufer
by Susanne L Ffelholz, Alexander H Sch, Ursula Ernst-Auch, Susanne Loffelholz, and Alexander Husch
Managerial Accounting for Managers with Connect Access Card
by Eric Noreen, Peter Brewer, and Ray Garrison