Analyse der Controllingeffizienz bei kapitalmarktorientierten Unternehmen am Beispiel von adidas und PUMA
by Linda Wagner
Checking Account Ledger (Checkbook Ledger, #29)
by Matthew Mastermindman
Today's managers need to understand finance and accounting if their business is to be successful. But acquiring the necessary financial awareness can often be a painful and drawn-out experience. Here, at last, is a practical, no-nonsense book that guides managers and business students through the basic principles of business accounting. Assuming no prior knowledge, How to Master Finance takes you through all the financial documents -- Balance Sheet, Profit and Loss, Cash Flow -- until you are ab...
Accounting and Finance for Business
by Geoff Black and Mahmoud Al-Kilani
Were you looking for the book with access to MyAccountingLab? This product is the book alone, and does NOT come with access to MyAccountingLab. Buy Accounting and Finance for Business with MyAccountingLab access card, 1/e (ISBN 9780273774051) if you need access to the MyAccountingLab as well, and save money on this brilliant resource. Accounting and Finance for Business provides a comprehensive coverage for those who are coming to the subject of accounting and finance for the first time, at eith...
Purchasing and cash disbursements are common targets for fraud in any entity's environment. Today, many practitioners, auditors, and management in industry are aware of the criticality of adequate internal controls, but may be uncertain whether existing controls in their organizations are adequate. It is important to understand common frauds and internal controls over the purchasing and cash disbursement cycle. Topics discussed include: The acquisitions cycle: ordering, receiving, and ware...
CLEP Financial Accounting W/ CD-ROM (CLEP)
by Dr Donald Balla, Clep, and Accounting Study Guides
Navigate 2 Advantage Access for Navigating the U.S. Health Care System
by Nancy J Niles
Kosten-Controlling (Managementwissen Fur Studium Und Praxis)
by Gerhard Mensch
Electronic Spreadsheet Applications for Financial Accounting
by Gaylord N. Smith
This book should be of interest to undergraduate courses in financial accounting.
This concise and compact text focuses on the key coverage of the principles of accounting and finance, making it ideal for shorter courses at an introductory level which require less depth of coverage. Its structure fits well with Accounting and Finance courses, beginning with the business context of accounting and moving on to explore financial accounting, management accounting, and finally business finance issues.
Die 12 Erfolgsfaktoren der Balanced Scorecard in Krankenanstalten
by Michael P Schermann and Klaus Volcic
E-business opportunities and challenges for micro enterprises
by Gauri L
Interactive Management Accounting
by Gregory Wilkinson-Riddle and Ashok Patel
This interactive learning programme is for teaching introductory financial and management accounting. Designed for undergraduate and professional students, this computer-based package is capable of both stand-alone and network use. Features include: usable with a standard PC and Windows; widely tested by students and faculties; networkable for wide student access; equipped with both learning and testing modules, and a marker module for student tracking and management; and user-friendliness - no...
Loose-Leaf Financial Accounting with Buckle Annual Report
by David Spiceland J, Wayne Thomas, Herrmann Don, J. David Spiceland, and Don Herrmann
Financial Analyst's Indispensable Pocketguide is the first reference to give the more than 20,000 candidates who take AIMR-administered CFA exams annually--and the 60,000-plus CFAs and finance professionals who currently practice investment management--a single broad-based resource for specific terminology and information. Much more than just a dictionary, this dynamic book explains and expands upon the fundamental concepts that comprise a financial analyst's lexicon.Within each section, Ramesh...