Through the pen of journalist Muthena Paul Alkazraji, David Jeal reveals (but no longer revels in!) the inner workings of the mind of a thug - but also one whom Jesus had chosen to meet and befriend.
God's Generals for Kids, Volume 7 (God's Generals for Kids, #7)
by Roberts Liardon and Olly Goldenberg
Madagascar Et Ses Habitants, Journal d'Un Sejour de Quatre ANS Dans l'Ile, (Ed.1873) (Histoire)
by James Sibree, Jr.
Memoir of Rev. Samuel Kilpin
by Samuel Kilpin and American Tract Society
War exposes the divide between who we think we are and how we behave in extreme situations. Sheri Snively, who served as a Quaker chaplain with the U.S. Navy, has crafted a vivid, unsettling, and ultimately hopeful personal account of the effects of the Iraq war on soldiers and civilians in Heaven in the Midst of Hell. As she served with the Marines working amid the boredom, ten-sion, and seemingly meaningless carnage at a trauma hospital between Ramadi and Fallujah, Commander Snively experience...
Words of love, light and extreme wisdom for the sole purpose of teaching hope, love and peace, emanating from God's words. The questions I have asked Archangel Michael to answer in the book are simple questions that I would like to know the answers to myself. These answers make the Angelic Realm and the World of Spirit seem so near, so accessible to us ordinary people just wondering what our home is really like after we leave this world of earth and complete our journey home.
In this intimate portrayal of the relationship between surfing and the soul, Bear Woznick shares his deep knowledge of the sport on every page along with his spiritual vision. Readers will be captivated by all the inside surfing information, from learning how a surfboard is made to accompanying the author as he describes catching a monster wave and riding for his life. Bear's portrayal of the beauty and power of the ocean is an inspiring one that truly showcases the profound meaning surfing has...
a Prophetic Voice-David Smith Cairns (1862-1946)
by Marlene Elizabeth Finlayson