Throughout the history of the United States, only nine men have become president without having first been elected. These men were elevated to the White House by the death or failure of a sitting president, and their legacies are as mixed as their circumstances. This book evaluates the similarities and distinct differences of these men, their varying degrees of ambition and readiness, and how they each handled their suddenly enormous responsibility. Some became presidential legends, while others...
The Story of the Malakand Field Force an Episode of Frontier War
by Winston Churchill
Though Abraham Lincoln took center stage in a divided country, a political rival-turned-ally had a major influence on national affairs during Lincoln's presidency. William Henry Seward, U.S. senator and former governor, lost the Republican Party nomination for president in 1860, but aided Lincoln's election by touring the country on behalf of the Republican ticket. As some Southern states prepared to withdraw from the Union, Secretary of State Seward sought to reunite the country. This biography...
The Writings of Thomas Jefferson Volume II
by Rolf McEwen and Thomas Jefferson
Sarah Huckabee Sanders served as White House Press Secretary for President Donald J. Trump from 2017 to 2019. A trusted confidante of the President, Sanders advised him on everything from press and communications strategy to personnel and policy. She was at the President's side for two and a half years, battling with the media, working with lawmakers and CEOs, and accompanying the President on every international trip, including dozens of meetings with foreign leaders - all while unfailingly exh...
This study offers a concise yet comprehensive account of Israel's history as told through the lives of nine of its leading citizens and founders. Each succeeding chapter chronicles a critical epoch in the Israeli saga and catalogs the impact made on that epoch by one of nine leading protagonists--Theodor Herzl, Chaim Weizmann, David Ben-Gurion, Abba Eban, Moshe Dayan, Golda Meir, Menachem Begin, Yitzhak Rabin, and Ariel Sharon. The result is a narrative that traces events from the genesis of mod...
Gamal Abdel Nasser, architect of Egypt's 1952 Revolution, president of the country from 1956 to 1970, hero to millions across the Arab world since the Suez Crisis, was also a family man, a devoted husband and father who kept his private life largely private. In 1973, three years after his early passing at the age of 52, his wife Tahia wrote a memoir of her beloved husband for her family. The family then waited almost forty years, through the presidencies of Anwar Sadat and Hosni Mubarak, both u...
No American president has been more enthusiastic in appreciating the wilderness and in conserving our nation's natural treasures than Theodore Roosevelt (1858-1919). And no other president wrote more about nature and his explorations of it than T. R., in scattered books, such as African Wilderness, and in his countless letters, including those collected in The Selected Letters of Theodore Roosevelt). Roosevelt the Explorer, by historian and Roosevelt biographer H. Paul Jeffers, is the only book...
In this autobiography, Jimmy Carter details the youth and experiences that led him to seek the highest office in the land. He describes his idyllic childhood, his naval career, his strong Christian underpinnings, and the values of his mother and father.
On December 5, 1876, President Ulysses S. Grant transmitted his eighth and final message to Congress. In reviewing his tenure as president, Grant proclaimed, Mistakes have been made, though he assured Congress, his administra- tion's failures have been errors of judgment, not of intent. Until recently, scholars have portrayed Grant as among the country's worst chief executives. Though the scholarly consensus about Grant's presidency is changing, the general public knows little, if anything,...
In 2014, Joko Widodo-popularly known as Jokowi-was elected the seventh president of the Republic of Indonesia, going on to win a second five-year term in 2019. Raised amid poverty in a riverside slum and with a background in the furniture trade, Jokowi broke the mold for political leaders in the world's third-largest democracy. His meteoric rise came without the benefit of personal connections to the traditional elites who have dominated Indonesian politics for three-quarters of a century, makin...
James Garfield (Sparknotes Biography Guide) (Sparknotes Biography Guide)
by Sparknotes
Jefferson's Memorandum Books, Volume 1 (Princeton Legacy Library) (Papers of Thomas Jefferson, Second)
by Thomas Jefferson
Among the Second Series of "The Papers of Thomas Jefferson", this volume has the most detailed coverage of his day-to-day life. These disciplined records of personal expenditures, and of various other daily observations, furnish valuable information about prices and availability of commodities of the period and provide abundant evidence of Jefferson's devotion to a systematic way of living and of his insatiable curiosity.