Hiroshige 53 Stations of the Tōkaidō
by Cristina Berna and Eric Thomsen
Hedda Sterne's impressive art career began in the late 1930s when she exhibited with the Surrealists in Paris. She attained national prominence in the 1940s and 1950s, exhibiting with Abstract Expressionists such as Jackson Pollock, Willem de Kooning, Barnett Newman, and Mark Rothko, and her career continues into the present. This book documents Sterne's importance to the post-war American art scene. It highlights notable periods in her artistic career, including her "Machine and Spray Roads" pa...
Chagall Lithographe V, 1974-1979
by Charles Sorlier and Werner Blaser
Chronicle of the World (Taschen jumbo)
by Stephan Fussel and Hartmann Schedel
In 1493 the most elaborately illustrated book then printed in Europe, the Liber Chronicarum or Weltchronik appeared in print. This major work, by the Nuremberg doctor Hartmann Schedel, generally known as the Nuremberg Chronicle was printed by the foremost printer of the day in Nuremberg, Anton Koberger. It is a history of the world from the Creation to his own day and is remarkable for its illustrations, its graphic design and for its woodcuts and description of cities. The woodcut illustrations...
Garden of Eichstaett (Taschen cardboxes) (Taschen blank books)
by Klaus Walter Littger and Werner Dressendoerfer
This could well be the most famous botanical record ever committed to paper. A magnificent pictorial document of the flowers grown in the greatest German garden of its time. The Hortus Eystettensis is in a class of its own when it comes to the variety and range of flowers engraved. Under the supervision of Basilius Besler, a team of at least ten engravers worked on this massive project, translating in situ and specimen drawings faithfully to copper plates. Nearly four hundred years old, the book...
Art Books (Mega Square)
Gordon's Print Price Annual, 1996
This booklet illustrates a selection of 20 woodblock prints form the series of prints by Ando Hiroshige called "Meisho Edo Hakkei" or "One Hundred Views of Famous Places in Edo". Published between 1856-59, they were the last series designed by Hiroshige, who died in 1858. The woodblock print is the most familiar form of Japanese art known in the West. By the mid-19th century they were recognized as so revolutionary in concept when compared with European graphic traditions that they changed the c...
3D Pen Xmas Decorations & Gifts (3D Pen Makes Art, #1)
by Barbara Taylor-Harris
Das Buch behandelt einen Ausschnitt aus dem Leben der Hanna Bekker vom Rath, die eine herausragende Persoenlichkeit des kulturellen Nachkriegsdeutschlands und brillante Kunstvermittlerin war und mit ihrem Frankfurter Kunstkabinett und in ihrem legendaren blauen Haus in Hofheim am Taunus Geschichte schrieb. Die fur ihre Zeit uberaus emanzipierte Art, mit der Hanna Bekker vom Rath den Repressalien des nationalsozialistischen Kunstdiktates trotzte und sich fur die als entartet gebrandmarkte, expres...
Hiroshige 53 Stations of the Tōkaidō Gyōsho
by Cristina Berna and Eric Thomsen
Directions for using a stamp pad and paper to print bookmarks, note paper, posters, greeting cards, wrapping paper, and many other useful things.
This exciting new book showcases the work of a very diverse selection of 52 artists from 28 countries, against a spectrum of the concerns that inform the role and function of art in the increasingly technological global society. The mediums used by these artists range from new variations on traditional intaglio and relief techniques, to extreme forms of digital techniques, including time-based forms such as film and multi-media presentation. Printmaking continues to evolve as artists develop the...