Johannes Vermeer Cuaderno (Cuadernos Para Escribir, #11)
by Parode Lode
Safe Oil Painting Without Solvents and Hazardous Materials- Rembrandt's Miracle
by Louis R Velasquez
Building on the author's popular first book, "Painting Beautiful Skin Tones with Color & Light", this title moves readers forward in the exploration of painting beautiful skin tones. Step-by-step it expands on the original demonstrations in the first book to include: Native American, Mediterranean, Asian, Caucasian brunette and Caucasian redhead, as well as updated African American and Latino subjects. Readers will enjoy two demonstrations for each of the seven diverse subjects - one from life a...
The Painteri?1/2s Corner is a series of profusely illustrated art instruction manuals. They can be used as informal self-teaching courses by ambitious amateur artists or as textbooks and reference sources in art and design classes. Each book presents exercises intended to improve and refine studentsi?1/2 proficiency in different art subjects and media. Each title recommends artistsi?1/2 tools and supplies as well as providing instruction in techniques. Instruction in this book includes mixing pi...
On Value, Color, Composition... and Creativity (Magunta Dayakar Art Class, #14)
by Magunta Dayakar
Rights Reverted - Figure Painting Step by Step
by George Passantino and Wendon Blake
Practice of Oil Painting and Drawing (Dover Art Instruction)
by Solomon J Solomon