"Subverting Modernism: Cass Corridor Revisited 1966-1980" is an exhibition catalog created to accompany a show of the same title to be held at Eastern Michigan University in the spring of 2013. In decline since the 1950s, the Cass Corridor, an area near Wayne State University in Detroit, witnessed an intense efflorescence of artistic activity in the late 1960s and the 1970s. Conventional wisdom has held that these Cass Corridor artists, as they have come to be called, were essentially "urban exp...
An indispensable guide to Japan’s most fascinating museums and galleries The Art Lover’s Guide to Japanese Museums is a personal introduction to more than 100 of Japan’s most distinctive and inspiring museums. In-depth information is given about each venue, including about its creation, collection, and highlights. Organized geographically, the book begins with numerous art institutions in and around Tokyo, and proceeds to Kyoto; museums in the western and eastern parts of the nation; Shikoku an...
In a sophisticated twist that pokes gentle fun at the notion of "schools of art", Deem creates imaginary classrooms for Matisse, Degas, Rembrandt, and other great masters--with hilarious results. In all, 38 famous painters have their work recast in this irreverent revision. Full color.
European Pewter in Everyday Life, 1600-1900
by Thomas Pelzel and Kenneth Barkin
Photographers in Florence
by C H Favrod, M Maffioli, Z Ciuffoletti, Ch -H Favrod, Z Cruffolettu, E Sesti, Charles-Henri Favrod, and Emanuela Sesti
Joel Benzakin, Benjamin Buchloh, Germano Celant, John Knight . . .
by Germano Celant, Benjamin H. D. Buchloh, and John Knight
Bad Sackingen Am Hochrhein (Kleine Kunstfuhrer / Kirchen U. Kloster, #173)
by Dr Jurgen Kaiser
Henning Christiansen/Ursula Reuter (Danish Contemporary Art Foundation S.)
by Rene Block and etc.