For the past 20 years, Victoria Meyers, a Founding Partner of hanrahanMeyers architects, has crafted an architectural and urban design practice that includes sound as an intimate aspect of the designed environment. Meyers analyses the shape of sound; architecture and sound; form; materiality; windows; the urban soundscape, its politics, aesthetics and social character; reflection; virtuality; sound art; and silence. This sequel to Designing with Light offers new theoretical insights into sound a...
Moulding Assembling Designing
by Toni Cumella i Vendrell, Rafael Diez Barrenada, and Manuel Gonzalez
Many homes across America have designs based on plans taken from pattern books or mail-order catalogs. In Houses from Books, Daniel D. Reiff traces the history of published plans and offers the first comprehensive survey of their influence on the structure and the style of American houses from 1738 to 1950. Houses from Books shows that architectural publications, from Palladio's I Quattro Libri to Aladdin's Readi-Cut Homes, played a decisive role in every aspect of American domestic building. R...
The Professional Practice of Architectural Working Drawings
by Osamu A. Wakita and Richard M. Linde
The study and practice of architecture demands a working command of architectural drawing as a means of graphic communication. This book documents the step-by-step evolution of a complete set of working drawings, for the student or professional, just the way it's done in architectural offices across the country. Progression of the chapters mimics the way an architect creates working drawings, starting with site and foundation plans and progressing through elevations, building sections and other...
Villages and Towns #7 - Germany
by Yukio Futagawa, Masataka Yoshizaka
Collective Processes
What does a collective process in architecture entail and how does it influence the planning of our built environment? Although the hierarchically organized office with its claim to individual authorship is still the dominant form of architecture firm, more and more horizontally organized collectives with alternative approaches to architectural planning are emerging. In this insightful survey of renowned European collectives, Natalie Donat-Cattin offers an overview of their working methods, orga...
A.Mag 05 - Tham & Videgard/ Johannes Norlander / in Praise of Shadows/ Petra Gipp
Basics Fire Safety (Basics (englisch)) (Basics)
Fire safety is an important part of building design. It consists of measures to prevent fires from starting, to facilitate the rescue of individuals in a burning building, and to help firefighters contain a blaze. Both statutory provisions and building codes lay down strict fire safety regulations for commercial and residential construction. The main task for architects when it comes to fire safety is to apply the principles and methods of fire prevention at the outset of the design process...
Bauphysik (Baukonstruktionen, #1) (Moderne Baukonstruktion, 1,2)
by Christian Poehn and Anton Pech
Der erste Erweiterungsband zur Bauphysik (Band 1 der Reihe Baukonstruktionen) befasst sich mit der Umsetzung der EU-Richtlinie zur Gesamtenergieeffizienz von Gebäuden (EPBD) sowie mit der österreichischen OIB-Richtlinie 6 zur Harmonisierung bautechnischer Vorschriften in Österreich, die seit 2007 existiert und nun ab 2017 zur verbindlichen Vorschrift wird. Es werden die exakten Rechenverfahren erläutert und Näherungsmethoden für Neu- und Sanierungsplanung und Erfassung des Bestandes vorgestellt....
Throughout the world, Passive House is now recognised as the best method to create comfortable, healthy, low energy buildings and it is a key component of the 21st century's green economic revolution. Written by one of the UK's leading passive house architects, this book contains essays that reveal the technical and creative secrets of Passive House design, as well as containing case studies of some of the world's best examples of beautiful, technically excellent buildings that still feel great...
Basics Detail Drawing (Basics)
The aesthetic and constructive quality of a building is also significantly determined by the careful design and implementation of details. Detailed drawings are developed on the basis of the working drawings; they form an important part of the specification and contain precise information for the tradesmen, indicating how materials are to be used and how they are to be joined. Drawings are produced in various degrees of detail. Depending on the function of the drawings, they are produced in s...
Professional Practice for Architects and Project Managers
by David Chappell
Explains construction professional practice in an appealing, succinct, and relatively informal way This book details the management of construction projects from beginning to end, concentrating on the principles underlying what construction professionals like architects do. It covers the entire process-from the initial meetings with clients through the design, recruitment of a contractor, contract management, construction, and handover-all without referencing legal cases, contract clause numbers...
Als magebliche Elemente der Gebaudehulle sowie zur Lastabtragung, Aussteifung und zur Raumabgrenzung im Inneren sind Wandkonstruktionen ein wesentlicher Teil aller Hochbaukonstruktionen. Dieser Band gibt eine Einfuhrung zu den wesentlichen Entwurfsparametern bei der Bemessung und bauphysikalischen Auslegung von Wandelementen. Ausgehend von gemauerten Wanden werden die aktuellen Bemessungsansatze behandelt; weitere Abschnitte sind quasihomogenen und homogenen Wanden sowie Holzfachwerkswanden gewi...
Critique of Architecture offers a renewed and radical theorization of the relations between capital and architecture. It explicates the theoretical gymnastics through which architecture legitimates its services to neoliberalism, examines the discipline's production of platforms for happily compliant consumers, and challenges its entrepreneurial self-image. Critique of Architecture also addresses the discourse of autonomy, questioning its capacity to engage effectively with the terms and conditio...
The last half of the twentieth century saw the emergence, evolution and consolidation of a distinct interior design practice and profession. This book is invaluable for students and practitioners, providing a detailed specialist, contemporary historical analysis of their profession and is beautifully illustrated, with over 200 photos and images from the 1950s through to the present day.An argument that a distinctive interior design practice emerged in the second half of the twentieth centuryAn i...
Passive House Design (DETAIL Green Books)
"Passive House Design" provides architects with the confidence required to deal with the Passive House Standard. It shows where there is significant scope for design and explains design strategies that lead to better passive houses. A selection of international buildings illustrate how design, construction and building technology combine in passive houses. Chapters on building physics, building services engineering and energy balancing round out the planning guidelines.
Basics Detailzeichnen (Basics)
The aesthetic and constructive quality of a building is also significantly determined by the careful design and implementation of details. Detailed drawings are developed on the basis of the working drawings; they form an important part of the specification and contain precise information for the tradesmen, indicating how materials are to be used and how they are to be joined. Drawings are produced in various degrees of detail. Depending on the function of the drawings, they are produced in s...
Guidelines for Thermography in Architecture and Civil Engineering
by Torsten Richter and Nabil A. Fouad
What does it take to obtain significant measurement results in thermographic examinations? These guidelines convey in condensed form the authors' many years of experience in detecting thermal engineering defects and structural damage such as thermal bridges, air leaks or moisture penetration damage with a non-destructive and easily applicable method of measurement and investigation. As well as providing an introduction to the physical fundamentals of thermography, the book offers an up-to-dat...