Graeme Mann & Patricia Capua Mann
The Lausanne architects Mann & Capua Mann have been active since 1991. Their structures are compelling thanks to the variety of their views, the diversity of their light effects, and the expressive simplicity of their spatial effects.
Today, it is hard to imagine the everyday work in an architectural practice without computers. Bits and bytes play an important role in the design and presentation of architecture. The book, which is published in the context of an exhibition of the same name of the Architekturmuseum der TUM at the Pinakothek der Moderne in Munich (October 14, 2020 to January 10, 2021), for the first time considers - in depth - the development of the digital in architecture. In four chapters, it recounts this...
Everyone deserves a decent and affordable home, a truth (almost) universally acknowledged. But housing in the UK has been in a state of crisis for decades, with too few homes built, too often of dubious quality, and costing too much to buy, rent or inhabit. It doesn't have to be like this. Bringing together a wealth of experience from a wide range of housing experts, this completely revised edition of The Housing Design Handbook provides an authoritative, comprehensive and systematic guide to be...
Passive House is a leading low energy building standard. An important tool for designing Passive House buildings is the Passive House Planning Package (PHPP). This book is an essential guide to the PHPP, and sets out clear and easy-to-follow steps for inputting and understanding a building in PHPP. Fully-revised and updated, this new edition provides essential updates on the latest version of the Planning Package - an essential read for any architects, designers and students wanting utilise the...
Nine Chains to the Moon (Bauwelt Fundamente, #165)
by Richard Buckminster Fuller
New edition of Buckminster Fuller's first work published in 1938, which was promoted by Albert Einstein. In 43 chapters the constructor, visionary, inventor, designer, creator of language, and spectacular performer rolls out the art of independent thought. Fuller lays out an enormous horizon and Nine Chains to the Moon is equivalent to a navigation across the world we live in: "What Is a House?", "Death and Life", "Longing Crosses the Sea", "Dollarability", "We Call it Earth", "Stomach Rhyth...
Warmedammverbundsystem. Ein Diskussionsbeitrag von Hild und K (DETAIL Special)
by Andreas Hild
Kontroverse Gesprache und Loesungsansatze zu einem kritisch diskutierten Baustoff Der gestiegene Anspruch an den Warmeschutz fordert vom Planer bei Altbausanierungen einen sensiblen Umgang vor allem mit der Fassade. Dabei gelten Warmedammverbundsysteme zwar als preisgunstige Energieeinsparvariante, bei ihrem Einsatz werden aber leider allzu oft die gestalterischen und denkmalpflegerischen Aspekte vernachlassigt. Diese "Praxis der asthetisch voellig unuberlegten Fassadendammung" (Andreas Hild)...
Ob klein und fein oder auffällig-großmaßstäblich - Beschriftungen am Bau und im öffentlichen Raum prägen das städtische Umfeld. Aber wie können sich Architektur und Grafik auf hohem gestalterischem Niveau begegnen? Den Kern des Handbuches bilden 26 aktuelle Archigrafien. Jedes dieser integralen Projekte steht exemplarisch für eine Strategie, wie mit grafischen Entwürfen - konstruktiv, materiell oder visuell - auf die bestehende oder geplante Architektur eingegangen werden kann. Die dargestellten...
Architect's Essentials of Negotiation (The Architect's Essentials of Professional Practice)
by Ava J. Abramowitz
"Where do you turn if you are an architect or student wanting to deepen those skill sets that will make you a more successful professional? Well, taking a look at Ava Abramowitz's new book, "The Architect's Essentials of Negotiation" will be a step in the right direction." - Robert Greenstreet , Dean, University of Wisconsin at Milwaukee School of Architecture and Urban Planning This is an essential guide for architects and their clients and consultants who need professional advice on negotiatio...
New Forms:Plans and Details for Contemporary Architects
by the Plan Ed
"Created by The Plan", one of Europe's leading architecture magazines, this new series does what most books on cutting-edge architecture do not: it reveals the details of a building's design and construction. Most architects today are savvy to the power of digital renderings and media, but few can present drawings in a manner that can be understood by those working outside the project. These drawings reveal what images and photographs cannot: how some of the world's most challenging buildings ha...
Hardly any other material unites such contradictory associations, stigmatized on the one hand, celebrated on the other: concrete is still in the spotlight. Its almost inexhaustible potential and ever new applications and possibilities make it a most valuable building material. Especially in combination with other building ware it displays an astonishing flexibility of utilization. Recent developments have inspired architects and designers to innovative and exciting solutions. The contemporary pr...
2016 New editorship Elisabeth Blum, Jesko Fezer, Gunther Fischer, Angelika Schnell Not unjustly referred to as legendary, this series of books on the history and theory of architecture and urban development was founded in 1963 by Ulrich Conrads, who was joined by Peter Neitzke as a co-editor of the series in the early 1980s. Now numbering over 150 titles, it is the most comprehensive German-language book series covering these fields. Following the deaths of the two longtime editors Ulri...
SHoP has recently come to the forefront and their work is being widely published in international journals. Contributors cover all areas of theory and practice, including real estate development, engineering, graphic ergonomics, product manufacturing, and architecture. This book includes such architects as Nader Tehrani, Rick Joy, William Massie, Ed Keller, and Material Lab.
This is the first writing reference book for designers. Whether you're an architect, landscape architect, interior designers, or an industrial designer How Architects Write shows you the interdependence of writing and design. Authors Tom Spector and Rebecca Damron present typical writing assignments and explain principles of effective writing by including examples of good form and illustrating common pitfalls. The book includes resources for how to write a designer's manifesto, statements of d...
Innovativ Konstruieren (DETAIL development)
by Stefan Behling, Christian Brensing, Andreas Fuchs, and Christoph Ingenhoven
Synergien im Bauprozess zwischen Herstellern und Planern Das Buch erlautert anhand funf reprasentativer Projekte die Arbeitsphilosophie und Herangehensweise des Unternehmens seele, das wie kaum ein anderes fur Innovation in der Konstruktion und massgeschneiderte Loesungen in den Materialbereichen Glas, Stahl, Aluminium und Membranen steht. Der Schwerpunkt liegt in der Darstellung der Prozesse in der Entwicklung und Umsetzung des Bauvorhabens. Der Dialog mit den verschiedenen Planerseiten zieht s...
In Buildings are for People: Human Ecological Design, Bill Caplan issues a clarion call for the design/build professions to expand their concept of sustainable design to be more inclusive of the social, as well as the physical, environment. Doing so, Caplan delivers what might be regarded by some as being nothing less than a manifesto for architects to take heed about doing a better job of interlinking people with ecosystems, at what he calls the "human ecological interface". Buildings, we are r...
The Owners' Guide to Starting Integrated Building Projects
by Oscia Wilson Aia
Architectural Management - International Research and Practice
Architectural Management represents the state of the art of research and practice in the field and includes contributions from leading international figures. The book looks back at over a decade of research into architectural management, considers the present challenges and opportunities, and looks to the future. You'll find a review of earlier work and developments as well as a focus on new research areas. The book is divided into six sections representing topical themes, each section contains...
Ziegel im Hochbau (Baukonstruktionen)
by Anton Pech, Hans Gangoly, Peter Holzer, and Peter Maydl
Der Sonderband der Reihe Baukonstruktionen stellt die Anwendung des Baumaterials Ziegel im Hochbau und im speziellen im Ziegelmauerwerk dar. Nach einem Abriss der Architekturgeschichte, in dem die wesentlichen historischen Ziegelbauten von der Antike bis heute dargestellt werden, bietet das Buch eine Vielfalt an Informationen in einer systematischen Struktur: eine kompakte Materialkunde, Faustformeln und Grundlagen zur Bauphysik und zur Gebäudephysik, Anwendungen im Verbund für Tragmodelle sowi...