Cigar Box Labels: Portraits of Life, Mirrors of History pays tribute to cigars and the pictorial glory of Victorian-era cigar box labels, a unique form of commercial advertising that flourished in the business place a century ago and helped drive cigars to widespread prominence in American society. Those who fancy these stunningly beautiful paper images as a hobby are in the midst of the hottest area of antique tobacco advertising collecting today. Showcased here are some of the finest and most...
27 Thoughts on Pipe Smoking (27 Thoughts on Social DIY, #3)
by Travis I Sivart
STORIE DI PIPA ovvero la pipa nella letteratura italiana (Grande Letteratura Italiana, #11)
by Duilio Chiarle
All I Care about Is Pipe Smoking and Like Maybe Three People
by Real Joy Publications
Among the least known of collectibles, tobacco tags are truly part of our American history and culture. Most of these beautiful little pieces of art are over 100 years old and come in various sizes and shapes, many very colorful. They have been collected since the 1870s, and continue to be sought after today. This reference will be welcomed by collectors, old and new. With a listing of over 6000 tin tags described and priced, 2000 illustrated tags, plus the many other illustrated and related fea...
For the nearly all of their first fifty years of existence, Camel Cigarettes sat at the top of the marketplace. But a shift in consumer tastes toward filter cigarettes, begining in the late 1950s, led to a slow erosion of Camel's market share. To stem this loss, R.J. Reynolds began one of the most clever and effective campaigns in advertising history. On its 75th anniversary in 1988 a suave, new character appeared in the Camel Advertising: Joe Camel. This began the most recent chapter in a tradi...
The start of a thrilling new series, from bestselling author Lizzie Lane set in Bristol which follows three friends through thick and thin.Bristol 1939. School leaver Maisie Miles suspects her father, a small-time crook, has an ulterior motive for insisting she gets a job at the W. D. H. O. Wills tobacco factory but keeps it to herself.She's befriended by effervescent Phyllis Mason and kind-hearted Bridget Milligan who take pity on her and take Maisie under their wing. But beneath their happy go...
No one wants a hug from Mummy when she smells like an ashtray. You know tobacco can kill, and you want her to stay well. You want her to be around when you grow up. You don't want to get ill from her smoke either. Teach Mum to chase away the nicotine nasties with this special book, and help make the world a healthier, cleaner and happier place.
A Dissertation on the Medical Properties and Injurious Effects of the Habitual Use of Tobacco
by A McAllister
Nothing will stop the Tobacco Girls not even war...BRISTOL 1940.The Tobacco Girls cling together as they realise that the clouds of war are turning dark, the world is becoming more dangerous and their lives more unpredictable. Bridget Milligan's big, happy family fragments when her siblings are evacuated to North Devon, then a letter from America further fills her with dismay.Maisie Miles' safe haven from both Eddie Bridgeman and her father is jeopardised and she is forced to move on, but where...